USE this SECRET Manifesting Prayer for the Universe - Dolores Cannon

Beliefs, Experiences and Scientific Facts about Manifestation and the Law of Attraction
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USE this SECRET Manifesting Prayer for the Universe - Dolores Cannon

Post by anthonychipoletti »

USE this SECRET Manifesting Prayer for the Universe - Dolores Cannon

484,118 views Sep 19, 2023 #wordsforlife #quotes #motivationalvideo
Use this SECRET Manifesting Prayer for the UNIVERSE will teach you how to manifest your desires and bring money into your life with the Law of Attraction and the how to use the manifest money instantly frequency.

In this video, we'll discuss how to create a clear and specific vision of your desires, and how to program your subconscious mind for success. We'll also share stories of people who have used the Law of Attraction to manifest their desires as outlined by renowned visionary Dolores Cannon.

If you're ready to start manifesting your desires, then this video is for you!

have you ever wondered why some people
seem to manifest their desires so
you might be surprised to learn that one
common stumbling block for many is the
language they use in their prayers or
Present Tense
the universe doesn't understand the
concept of a future
it's eternally grounded in the present
So when you say something like today
will be a fantastic day you're
essentially postponing your joy
the universe hears this and thinks
you're asking for a fantastic day in
some elusive future a time that never
really arrives so instead why not tell
yourself today is a fantastic day
even if your current reality is far from
declaring the present in affirmative
aligns your vibrations with your desires
your words shape your world so be
mindful of your choice of language it's
like a sacred dialogue between you and
the cosmos it's crucial to stay rooted
in the present tense
your everyday thoughts and your emotions
are like continuous prayers sending out
to the universe and when you broadcast
in the right frequency in the right
texts the universe can't help but listen
are you guilty of repeatedly checking if
Be Patient
your wishes have come true
only to feel frustrated when they
you're not alone
impatience is another stumbling block we
face when we're trying to manifest our
we've all been there asking for
something and then obsessively checking
to see if it's arrived
when it doesn't materialize
instantaneously doubt and frustration
seep in
understand this
the universe has its own perfect timing
it's not about us dictating when
something should appear in our lives
it's about Divine synchronicity
so why do some of your affirmations seem
to fall on deaf Cosmic ears
often it's because you're not only
asking in the future tense but you're
also sitting back passively waiting for
your wish to drop into your lap
that's not how the universe or God
operates understand that the moment you
conceive a desire it's already created
in the quantum realm it's there
waiting for you to align with it
our universe is a world of resonance
like attracts like
if your vibrational frequency waivers
filled with doubt or impatience then
that wish of yours finds it difficult to
to bring it into your reality
you must remain committed in your
conviction that it's already yours
you need to trust in the Divine timing
and know that what's yours will find its
way to you
Spiritual Alignment
another frequent oversight is spiritual
you see you could chant affirmations
until the cows come home or fill vision
boards with endless pictures of your
dream life
but if you're not spiritually aligned
with your desires they may never come to
fruition think of spiritual alignment as
tuning a radio to your favorite station
have you ever tried to listen to a
broadcast but the radio was set to the
wrong frequency
it's just static and noise right
spiritual alignment works in the same
often that alignment involves letting go
of lower vibrational energies fear doubt
jealousy that clutter your spiritual
only when you're resonating at a higher
frequency can you truly interact with
the universe in a meaningful way
that's when the magic happens and those
affirmations and vision boards become
potent tools not just wishful thinking
so you've created a vision board and
recited Daily Affirmations
what next
Divine Dance
well dear Souls remember that
manifestation is not a one-way Street
it's a Divine dance
when was the last time you danced solo
and called it a partnership
some assume it's like ordering from a
cosmic catalog expecting the universe to
drop their desires at the doorstep with
no further participation on their part
that's where the misunderstanding lies
you see the universe is not a vending
machine it's more like a partner in a
dance it expects reciprocity a give and
take of Energies
you put out a request
and the universe may send you an
opportunity a chance meeting or even a
challenging situation to test your medal
and prepare you for your desires your
actions decisions and yes your continued
focus and positive affirmations keep the
dance going
the universe is not interested in
one-hit wonders it seeks a long-term
relationship built on mutual respect and
energy exchange it may seem that we have
a daunting task ahead to fine-tune this
spiritual alignment and ongoing dance
Guides and teachers
let's not forget that we have numerous
guides and teachers both in the physical
and non-physical Realms always at the
ready to assist us
yes indeed we are never alone on this
our Spirit guides angels and even past
life experiences offer a wealth of
wisdom and perspective
these loving energies support us in
subtle ways providing synchronicities
and coincidences that serve as signposts
on our path
remember each step you take isn't just
to move forward it's a statement of
intent that you are willing to grow
willing to change and willing to embrace
the boundless possibilities of your
in embracing these truths do take note
that the road to manifestation and
spiritual alignment isn't always linear
there are twists turns and detours that
could confound even the most devoted
Seeker sometimes problems aren't really
problems they're just wake up calls
they make us stop think and maybe change
our ways a bit
don't see them as mistakes think of them
as special detours that teach us
something important they help us get
better at making our lives the way we
want them to be
your tough times aren't punishments
they're really just secret lessons
Prayer to Manifest Anything
let me share a prayer and meditation
technique that has not only comforted me
but has also enhanced my spiritual
first sit comfortably in a quiet space
where you won't be disturbed close your
eyes relax your shoulders and take three
deep breaths
inhale through your nose and exhale
through your mouth feeling your belly
rise and fall with each breath
with each exhalation imagine any tension
in your body or mind just melting away
you might be wondering what's the
significance of these deep breaths
well think of them as the keys that
unlock your spiritual doors
once you feel your body is relaxed and
your mind is calm begin to visualize
your desires as though they're already
part of your reality
see yourself living the life you wish to
whether it's experiencing love Financial
abundance health or any other blessings
feel the happiness joy and gratitude
radiating through your being
as you delve deeper into this
visualization start incorporating
positive affirmations silently tell
yourself I am deserving
I am open to all the good and abundance
the universe has to offer
today is a magnificent day and all is
well in my world
the more Vivid the affirmations the more
you're in alignment with your true
desires finally let's Infuse this
meditation with a prayer whisper softly
to yourself or in your mind thank you
Universe for making this or something
better happen in my life
feel your words becoming energy a
luminous frequency as you release this
prayer into the cosmo
open your eyes gently and carry within
your heart the Serene assurance that
you've engaged in a sacred conversation
with the universe
know that this isn't just a momentary
practice but a continuous dialogue one
that you can always return to whenever
you need spiritual sustenance think of
living right now in this very moment
like a simple but deep secret that wise
people have known forever when you
really focus on what's Happening Now
it's like you're hugging the whole
let's not forget saying thank you being
thankful is like having a special tool
that sets your soul to the same Rhythm
as the universe when you wrap yourself
up in real thankfulness it's like you're
shouting to the heavens I'm ready for
good stuff and I'm ready to share it too
each thank you is like a magic word that
Echoes forever and comes back to you as
even more good stuff and chances to be
you see we're all made of the same stuff
as stars
the Earth the sky the trees and you
we're all connected like a big family
just remember what you do affects
everyone and everything around you
you're not just watching the world go by
you're helping make it what it is
remember that your thoughts words and
feelings are like a conversation with
the universe when you're positive and
clear about what you want the universe
Last edited by anthonychipoletti on Thu Nov 09, 2023 7:17 am, edited 2 times in total.
We are free, freedom meaning we can identify ourselves in any way we imagine.

Imagination empowers our own existence, the freedom to define our experiences.

To me, there is no preconceived meaning or causation, we are free to define life.
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Re: USE this SECRET Manifesting Prayer for the Universe - Dolores Cannon

Post by Giulia »

Thanks for posting this transcript, Tony.

As you know, the Law of Attraction is a topic I am researching and learning about myself.

If I were to name one single reason we attract what we want or we attract what we do NOT want, this has to do with the EMOTIONS we experience about our goals. Emotions have a huge manifestation power: if we have very strong emotions about expecting a desired outcome, then the Law of Attraction will see that this outcome manifests in our experience. If, on the other hand, we have very strong emotions about the outcome we DO NOT WANT, then we will attract the undesired outcome we fear.

The Universe always responds to the strongerst emotions we feel.

This is why AFFIRMATIONS on their own will not work, if they are coming from our conscious mind, as opposed to the subconscious beliefs we tend to visualize even without making a conscious effort.
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