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by Garry
Sun May 05, 2024 11:26 am
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your mind and spirit remain young.

This is so true.. One thing you never realize when you are young is that when you age, your mind and spirit remain young. You feel young inside, but your young spirit looks at the world through the eyes of an aging shell. Inside we feel the same as we always have. We have more or less the same hopes...
by Garry
Mon May 06, 2024 10:42 pm
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You are not authorised to read this forum.
by Garry
Wed Jun 12, 2024 11:31 am
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by Garry
Sun Jun 16, 2024 9:32 am
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Re: Do you think we are headed that way

Witches call it spells.jpg
by Garry
Sun Jun 16, 2024 9:37 am
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Re: Conjuring objects in the afterlife

I'm only asking:

So many people have reported a massive download of information of which they are now aware of all knowledge that is known.

So there fore would they not already possess the knowledge needed?
by Garry
Mon Jun 24, 2024 9:10 pm
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Welcome Jordan. I am also from Canada, Ontario to exact.

I am an old Admin from the forum who is now retired from the ( running of the ) forum but still stop in to participate.
by Garry
Thu Jul 04, 2024 12:52 am
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One day you will wake up, not in body

One day you will wake up, not in body, And know only soul. You will awaken who you really are, to your mission in this world and to the values that govern existence. When you wake up, all the situations you have experienced will make sense. There will be no more pain or sadness. Your entire past wil...
by Garry
Thu Jul 04, 2024 11:46 pm
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Re: One day you will wake up, not in body

I think about this stuff all the time. Maybe that's where my interest in NDEs comes from. I need to know after life on earth there is something better. Life is so hard. The heartbreak, the guilt, the confusion, the fear. I can't believe that it was all for nothing. Thanks for posting this. Life wou...
by Garry
Mon Jul 22, 2024 2:04 am
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Re: Our Facebook Group

First impression!
 ! Message from: Garry
Look Great
by Garry
Sat Jul 27, 2024 10:32 am
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the most famous case, that of Dorothy Eady

451985139_917144933772854_6929008991133299867_n.jpg Without mentioning the most famous case, that of Dorothy Eady who claimed to have lived in ancient Egypt, there is the case of Shanti Devi, an Indian woman born in 1926 in Delhi, India, and died in 1987. Already at the age of four, she began to sp...