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by Giulia
Fri May 17, 2024 5:20 am
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Re: Sphere model of the afterlife

So do most people upon their deaths go to the 2nd Sphere(The bad place) or do most go to one of the higher spheres? I'm still confused as to how once in the second sphere, they get out. Is it a set time period that they have to spend there or do they have to do something to get out? Hello, Derek. T...
by Giulia
Fri May 17, 2024 7:28 am
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Re: If you want to see what happens next month before it happens, try this experiment

Thanks for your explanation, Tony 🤗

I had to edit my last post, because the time elapsing between 2 May and 19 June is around 50 days, not 40.

However, there was no time elapsing between my mediumistic experiment on 2 May and our friend’s terminal cancer diagnosis on the same day.
by Giulia
Fri May 17, 2024 7:39 am
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Re: How To Self Administer EMDR Therapy

Thank you, Tony.

The only difference for me was that my therapist had me place my hands on my arms just below my shoulders and pat the area.
by Giulia
Fri May 17, 2024 8:00 am
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A Visit from the Future

This experience happened to me around 1997. I was at home asleep when I sensed the presence of someone in my hall. I realised I was awake but in my astral body. I got out of bed to see what was happening in the hall. To my great surprise, there before me was a relative of mine who, for the sake of t...
by Giulia
Fri May 17, 2024 8:06 am
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Re: If you want to see what happens next month before it happens, try this experiment

Thank you, Tony.

I have just posted this experience from 1997: A Visit from the Future.

I wonder what you think about it.
by Giulia
Sat May 18, 2024 5:45 am
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Re: A Visit from the Future

A question I have is: since that future never happened, what happened to that future version of Lucy? Does she no longer exist? Or did she change into a different future version who had no reason to contact you? And why did that future version of Lucy exist at all since that future never came to fr...
by Giulia
Sat May 18, 2024 2:22 pm
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Re: My ADC

This is extremely comforting news, Hannah. 🌺

Many people have difficulties sharing these experiences, but I feel it is very important to do so.

I see your book has all five-star reviews. There is a great thirst to know that life continues after death.
by Giulia
Sat May 18, 2024 2:34 pm
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Re: Can pets see spirits?

I agree, Derek. Cats in particular are known to see spirits and astral travellers.
by Giulia
Sun May 19, 2024 5:17 am
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Re: Can pets see spirits?

I agree, Derek. Cats in particular are known to see spirits and astral travellers. How about a test, Giulia? Next time you astral travel, find someone that has a cat :cat and see if you can get it's attention. Report back results, per favore. Hello, Derek. I had a friend who had a cat and was an as...
by Giulia
Sun May 19, 2024 6:55 pm
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Anita Moorjani - Online Event on 21 May 2024

Dear friend, Would you be more at ease with the concept of death if you knew that loved ones, angels, ascended masters, and other spiritual beings will greet you, guide you, and lead the way when you cross over? New York Times bestselling author of Dying to Be Me Anita Moorjani has been at the apex...