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by Giulia
Sun Oct 29, 2023 12:20 am
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Re: What Self-Actualization Looks Like and How to Achieve It

Giulia, just now I thought about what might help to actualize our true selves. My opinion is that humans are so immersed in temporal, conditional physicality that we lost our understanding of what it means to have eternal life as a free gift from our Divine Source. Eternal means forever, without be...
by Giulia
Sun Oct 29, 2023 12:29 am
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Re: The critical study of biblical literature

Giulia, to me, EVERY aspect of our ACTUAL existence is Divine Source, intangible spiritual awareness. The slightest deviation from Absolute Goodness and Pure Lovingkindness DOES NOT ACTUALLY exist. As soon as any observation becomes tangible, as atoms, molecules etc., it becomes absolute nonsense. ...
by Giulia
Sun Oct 29, 2023 12:35 am
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Re: Please DO NOT BE LIKE ME :)

Many of my human sleeping dreams do look like this as I am trying to find my way back home. So far, inside my human dreams, I have not ever found my way back home INSIDE the dream. I DO ALWAYS find my way back home by simply waking up from my desert dream :) Ok, Tony. Have you ever tried any “guide...
by Giulia
Mon Oct 30, 2023 2:46 am
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Re: Please DO NOT BE LIKE ME :)

Hello, Tony. Thanks for going into the details again. I absolutely respect your point of view. From my non-NDEr perspective, when I read words such as "illusion", "pain", "false" or "nonsense" I can't help but wonder whether we are considering all the elements...
by Giulia
Tue Oct 31, 2023 12:20 am
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Re: What Self-Actualization Looks Like and How to Achieve It

Hello, Tony. Thank you for posting this summary of world events written from the point of view of the USA. Italy was also affected by historical and political events, of course, but all I can remember from the years between I was 6 and 10 is that we were not allowed more than 30 - 60 minutes of tele...
by Giulia
Tue Oct 31, 2023 12:50 am
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Re: A distinction between spirituality and religion

Thanks for your summary, Tony. Speaking about out-of-the-body experiences, I may just add that, when I am exploring the astral version of my house, or other dimensions, such as those where I meet my deceased loved ones, there always appears to be much more space and "things", usually very ...
by Giulia
Tue Oct 31, 2023 10:24 pm
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Re: A distinction between spirituality and religion

Hi, Tony. I have the highest respect for IMAGINATION. The way I see it, IMAGINATION is a CREATIVE TOOL that incarnate and discarnate beings have in common, and, in after-death communication, for instance, is the first tool our loved ones on the other side use to communicate with us on ‘this’ side.
by Giulia
Wed Nov 01, 2023 11:15 pm
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Re: Please DO NOT BE LIKE ME :)

So my idea that a condition like Bose-Einstein is required for matter to re-enter the waveform is not even required, The normal condition of atoms and molecules, according to quantum theory, is already a waveform until an observation. Hello, Tony. I hope your health issues may be soon solved. Indee...
by Giulia
Wed Nov 01, 2023 11:29 pm
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Re: How To 'Think Positive' Without Pretending The Bad Doesn't Exist

Hello, Tony. Thanks for bringing up this topic. As a Law of Attraction researcher and practitioner, I feel that this approach is like trying to drive a car with the hand-break on . I have found that positive affirmations are completely useless and pointless if we keep focusing on bad things and scar...
by Giulia
Fri Nov 03, 2023 12:12 am
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Re: Biblical near death experiences

My opinion is that religion, science, history or any human construct are tools which were developed by humans to make sense of the physical life. Nothing can define God except God. Nothing can define anyone except the person themselves. Each person has complete freedom to define themselves and thei...