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by Zen Tzu
Tue Jul 04, 2023 4:06 am
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Re: Why do some dead people not communicate with living people they loved

Hmm, could you give an example to communications that happen? Hi Lost :) One example would be the many vivid dream visitations I have had. Another would be "hearing" my Father's voice in my head, the first time just after he passed, to warn me of something that was about to happen. Anothe...
by Rodulf
Sun Oct 08, 2023 8:23 pm
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Liminal Dream State

I cultivate the liminal time between sleep and waking as a meditation and to do other inner work. At present, I am focusing on developing the early morning time with my own, self-made, brainwave entrainment meditations. If anyone is interested it would be great to start up a thread on this subject.
by Rodulf
Tue Oct 10, 2023 9:41 pm
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Re: Liminal Dream State

I have software to edit audio and produce entrainment. I use nature sounds to layer into an immersive soundscape then add an entrainment track. I do both day and night (sleep) meditations. The advantages of doing this yourself is that you know what you are putting into your mind and you can cultivat...
by Rodulf
Fri Oct 20, 2023 4:51 pm
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I don't believe, I KNOW...

Back in 2000 I moved to Las Vegas, after a horrible 2-year fight with a nervous breakdown at my last police job in Florida. I had been in Vegas only about a month or so, when one evening I was laying on the floor of my apartment, not asleep, just on my laptop. Out of the total blue I heard my mother...
by Garry
Mon Oct 30, 2023 8:33 pm
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Every Minute

Every Minute.jpg Every minute someone leaves this world behind. We are all in “the line” without knowing it. We never know how many people are before us. We can not move to the back of the line. We can not step out of the line. We can not avoid the line. So while we wait in line - Make moments coun...
by tommeasor
Sun Nov 12, 2023 10:44 am
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Hi everyone, I'm a 74 year old retired electronics technician living in the UK and I've been interested in NDE, reincarnation and the paranormal for over 20 years.
by Zen Tzu
Wed Nov 22, 2023 2:31 am
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Re: Hi

A warm welcome to you Tommeasor :) Nice to have you aboard :)
by Garry
Thu Dec 21, 2023 11:44 pm
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We can reject everything

by Zen Tzu
Wed Dec 27, 2023 2:31 am
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I hope everyone has been enjoying a serene holiday season. I would like to extend a very warm welcome to all of our new members. Please do introduce yourselves and share your experiences if you are comfortable doing so :)
by Michael82009
Wed Dec 27, 2023 10:58 pm
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Hi. I’m Michael. Been studying life and beyond for many years. My beloved wife passed in May resulting in 24/7 reading/thinking. So many happenings/so many messages.