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by DTR1975
Mon May 13, 2024 11:35 pm
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Re: The Arthur Findlay College and the SNU

Thank you for answering my questions.
by DTR1975
Tue May 14, 2024 11:08 am
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Re: Brain Stimulation Unlocks Our Telepathy and Clairvoyance Powers

This is really wild. So we all might be innately telepathic? So that begs the question why would the brain suppress it? I mean wouldn't it be beneficial to the survival of the organism. Or maybe as Aldous Huxley believed, the brain was created to limit and contain the mind. Perhaps the human brain w...
by DTR1975
Wed May 15, 2024 1:21 am
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Relationships in the Afterlife

I was curious about if relationships we have on earth continue into the afterlife and if we can make new relationships there. This article addresses some of the questions that I had. [] One question I had that I c...
by DTR1975
Wed May 15, 2024 1:58 pm
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Re: Relationships in the Afterlife

That's really encouraging.
by DTR1975
Wed May 15, 2024 4:06 pm
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Re: Brain Stimulation Unlocks Our Telepathy and Clairvoyance Powers

Thanks for quoting Doors of Perception. I remember doing some research on it years ago when I was writing a paper on consciousness and I Ioved the Mind-at-Large concept.
by mahdi
Wed May 15, 2024 4:27 pm
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Re: Relationships in the Afterlife

One question I had that I couldn't find a satisfactory answer to was "Do romantic relationships continue into the afterlife and can you find new ones?" For many people in this life, romance simply isn't possible for a variety of reasons. Will these people get to try again in the afterlife...
by DTR1975
Thu May 16, 2024 1:33 am
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Sphere model of the afterlife

I found this model of afterlife logistics that I have never heard of before. It posits that spirit life post-earth occurs in different realms called spheres. [] Can anyone tell me where it comes from or who developed it, and how it...
by mahdi
Thu May 16, 2024 11:58 am
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Re: Relationships in the Afterlife

Hi Giulia Do you think that even if we had no emotional relationship with anyone in this life? I haven't had any good relationships so I've come to believe that no one loves me or I know I'm going to be single for the rest of my life! Absolutely, Mahdi. I agree with Derek that everyone deserves to ...
by DTR1975
Thu May 16, 2024 12:26 pm
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Re: Sphere model of the afterlife

Thank you Giulia. That is really fascinating. I had no idea that all this information was out there.
by DTR1975
Thu May 16, 2024 3:10 pm
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Re: Sphere model of the afterlife

So do most people upon their deaths go to the 2nd Sphere(The bad place) or do most go to one of the higher spheres? I'm still confused as to how once in the second sphere, they get out. Is it a set time period that they have to spend there or do they have to do something to get out?