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by Giulia
Thu Oct 26, 2023 10:21 pm
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What Self-Actualization Looks Like and How to Achieve It Thank you for posting this very interesting article, Tony 💚 Here is a summary along with the outcome of some brainstorming: Summary Self-actualized people are those who are living to their fullest potential. They are...
by Giulia
Sat Mar 30, 2024 6:43 pm
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Re: Creating fear using near-death experiences!

Hello, mahdi, and welcome to the forum.

I believe that there is nothing to fear and that whoever suggests that near-death experiences are fearful is either lying or the victim of a misunderstanding.
by Zen Tzu
Sun Mar 31, 2024 1:28 am
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Re: Creating fear using near-death experiences!

A very warm welcome to you Mahdi!
by DTR1975
Mon Apr 08, 2024 12:24 am
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Heaven Awaits

This is one of my favorite NDE narration channels. A lot of experiences he narrates come from NDERF.
by HCStewart
Fri Apr 19, 2024 11:25 am
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Hello newbie here

Hello, my name is Chris. I'm 67, and I'm here because I have a lifelong interest in Near-death Experiences after having one when I was 11 when I was hit by a car. I'm really interested in Afterlife Communication too. I live in Cambridgeshire, UK, with three cats and a rescue dog. Nice to meet you all.
by HCStewart
Fri Apr 19, 2024 12:01 pm
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Re: Hello newbie here

Welcome Chris! Glad to have you here! Feel free to discuss your experience if that is something that you would like to do. If not, welcome anyway! Thanks for the welcome. :) Basically, I was 11 and stepped off a pavement into the path of an oncoming car. I was thrown across the road and hit the ker...
by HCStewart
Fri Apr 19, 2024 2:14 pm
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Re: Hello newbie here

Chris, Who or what do you think the light being was? I really don't know. She wasn't anyone I recognised. She was just a very loving, benign entity. She appeared to be about 30 years old, with blonde hair, that's all I can say. I felt love and compassion from her. I've wondered if she was some sort...
by Zen Tzu
Sat Apr 20, 2024 7:22 pm
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Re: Arthur M

Derek, I am very sorry for the loss of your dear Mother in such a tragic way. Please know that your Mom is in fact with you, not at all far, does see what is going on in your Earth life and is most definitely smiling down on you and your family. I know this for a fact. Thank you for all of the inter...
by DTR1975
Thu Apr 25, 2024 1:32 am
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Re: Have I had a spiritual experience?

Even if it was a neighbor's lamp, it still could have been a sign from God. He doesn't always work through supernatural stuff. In fact most of the time he does not and works through other people. But He gives you what you need when you need it.
by Giulia
Fri Apr 26, 2024 2:44 pm
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Re: Have I had a spiritual experience?

Hello, Mahdi, and thanks for sharing this touching experience 🤗 Here is what I can say on the subject: in my experience, I have seen things that were not physically there and I have heard voices and sounds that did not have a physical source, so I see no reason why this light could not have had a pu...