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by DTR1975
Sun Jun 16, 2024 3:02 am
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Re: Conjuring objects in the afterlife

Based on the book Crisis of Death, I think that I am right. It mentions that some spirits are specialize in creating certain things. I'll go back and try to find quotes, but Bozzano claims that the object creator has to know the details of the object they are creating.
by DTR1975
Sun Jun 16, 2024 3:46 pm
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Re: Conjuring objects in the afterlife

Possibly. But does "All knowledge" include all the skills, and experience that would be required to bring a non existent object into existence?
by DTR1975
Sun Jun 16, 2024 9:18 pm
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Re: Conjuring objects in the afterlife

From Crisis of Death by Ernesto Bozzano English translation. Conclusions: page 262 "They agree in affirming that, although spirits are able to create, more or less well, by the power of thought, that which they require, yet, whenever it is a question of complex or remarkable creations, the task...
by DTR1975
Mon Jun 17, 2024 12:31 am
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Names in the afterlife

I have noticed that in many of the mediumistic accounts that I have read, people reference their spirits by a name that the spirit has chosen for itself. For example William Stainton Moses often communicated with a spirit that referred to itself as "Imperator". The spirit of Charles Bradla...
by DTR1975
Mon Jun 17, 2024 12:13 pm
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Re: Names in the afterlife

It was in reported in Crisis of Death by Ernesto Bozzano.
I'll find the page number later. As a disembodied spirit, Bradlaugh didn't want to hog all the credit that his living friends were getting from their roles, so publicly he wanted to be known as the "Invisible Guide"
by DTR1975
Tue Jun 18, 2024 10:03 pm
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So I see a few different ways you could interpret this title: 1. Spider beats a woman until she has an NDE and it ends up being a transforming encounter for both of them. 2. Spider and woman are in a race to have an NDE and the spider wins. It is a transforming encounter for him. 3. Spider beats up ...
by DTR1975
Thu Jun 20, 2024 11:39 am
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Re: The big idea: can you inherit memories from your ancestors?

It's obviously possible since instinctive behavior is an easily verifiable scientific phenomenon in animals. So the real question is what memories(if any) are transferred from one generation to the next.
by DTR1975
Thu Jun 20, 2024 1:41 pm
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Re: Five steps to unlocking one's dream memories

I have an idea about why we don't remember our dreams. It's related to Aldous Huxley's concept of the brain as a filter. Most people only retain vague impressions of what they do from one day to the next in their waking life, and only remember the details if something memorable happens. In dreams, r...