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by ADMINDiane
Mon Aug 26, 2024 1:16 am
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A very warm welcome to our newest members! :)
by NDEawakening
Mon Aug 26, 2024 10:31 pm
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Hello to all

I have recently published a first-of-its-genere book, "NDEs and Awakenings; Narratives with Astrological Corroboration." Although it is structured for general readers, the book also presents a charting method and focus model for examining, understanding, and corroborating NDEs, Awakenings ...
by tundrawolf
Wed Aug 28, 2024 6:33 am
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Re: For Our Dog Lovers

Several things, In my life experience, which includes a decade spent living and working with wolves, and finding esoteric knowledge- It was once postulated, that if it were not for dogs, (Willing, domesticated wolves.) the human race on the surface of this planet may not exist at all! THAT is saying...
by ADMINDiane
Sun Sep 01, 2024 1:48 am
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Warmest welcome to this week's newest members! We are happy that you have joined us and look forward to getting to know you!
by Garry
Sun Sep 01, 2024 2:51 am
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Life is short Live it well!

"You work 8 hours to live 4. You work 6 days to enjoy 1. You work 8 hours to eat in 15 minutes. You work 8 hours of sleep 5. You work all year just to take a week or two vacation. You work all your life to retire in old age. And contemplate only your last breaths. Eventually you realize that li...
by mahdi
Sat Sep 14, 2024 10:55 pm
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Re: Remembering Giulia

She was a good and lovely woman
I learned some useful things from him
Surely, he is now with God and his loved ones in deep peace
by SK321
Fri Sep 20, 2024 5:42 am
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Re: Do we plan our life before birth?

Having read many of these NDE accounts, I can only come to the conclusion that each experience is unique and individualized for that particular person. This is my understanding as well. In my opinion NDErs who talk about pre-planned lives overgeneralize. They make their assumptions from the lesson ...
by SK321
Fri Sep 20, 2024 3:10 pm
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Re: Do we plan our life before birth?

Exactly, it used to be very problematic for me, too. I did struggle with this kind of message for a long time. But one of my favourite NDErs explained this in a very simple way and now it seems to me that pursuing joy (sometimes joy is called happiness, but these two are not exactly the same ideas) ...