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by Giulia
Fri Dec 29, 2023 5:01 am
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Re: Hello

Welcome, Michael 💚 I am so glad you found us and hope this forum will offer you a place to socialize and spend some peaceful and relaxing time with online friends sharing similar interests. I am very sorry for the physical loss of your wife in May. I hope that, by reading and viewing posts, chatting...
by Giulia
Fri Dec 29, 2023 12:28 pm
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Welcome to Tony’s Birthday Party

Hello, Friends! Here is a welcome video created for our friend, Tony, on this special day: Happy Birthday Video And here are some guidelines on how to take part in the gathering for Tony’s party. Members may wish to imagine that they are taking part in a birthday party out of space and time, and the...
by snattydread
Fri Dec 29, 2023 2:29 pm
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Nothing Can Destroy Who You Are

I never thought about "publishing" my experience but after listening to a particular NDE on Anthony Chene's YouTube channel I felt I should. The words rang true... I'd like to state in advance that I was baptised Anglo Catholic and attended a Roman Catholic Convent high school. But I would...
by Blakeberry23
Mon Jan 01, 2024 1:35 pm
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Hello from the UK 👋

Hi I’m Blake from the UK. Had an NDE experience 12 years ago and have been interested in NDEs and spirituality ever since.
by Giulia
Mon Jan 01, 2024 5:55 pm
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Re: Hello from the UK 👋

Welcome, Blake 💚 It’s so noice to have you here. My mum is from the UK as well.

Please tell us a little more about yourself.

I also hope you will let us have an account of your NDE.

Looking forward to getting to jnow you.
by jancantyphd
Mon Jan 29, 2024 2:15 am
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Hello from the PNW

Hello everyone. It looks like I have some catching up to do here! I am interested in NDEs as they relate to after-death communications. I am a psychologist and I work exclusively with so-called "homicide survivors" (people who have lost someone to murder). Many homicide survivors talk abou...
by troutninja45
Fri Feb 23, 2024 2:26 am
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Thomas B. My NDE

I was riding my bicycle on Eldridge st. in Fort Worth Texas in my grandparents neighborhood in April 1989. A neighbor child one year older and I had built a ramp to jump our bikes toward the direction of the street. As I was coming down the sidewalk to jump the ramp, the neighbor child was waving hi...
by Giulia
Fri Feb 23, 2024 11:43 am
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Re: Thomas B. My NDE

Welcome to the forum, Thomas. 💚 What a fabulous experience. ✨ Thank you so much for sharing it with us. Your description of the love expressed by the white flame being reminds me of similar experiences shared in noticeable near-death experiences, such as “God expressing a love that is greater than t...
by troutninja45
Wed Feb 28, 2024 1:31 pm
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Re: Thomas B. My NDE

Thank you Gary for your reply. To clarify, I only felt sadness while I was held in the black space and I only felt fear when I was being held in the boundary/veil place. Once I was pulled into heaven, I felt no fear or sadness. I did not even remember my life on earth, my family, or friends at that ...
by troutninja45
Wed Feb 28, 2024 1:33 pm
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Re: Thomas B. My NDE

I forgot to add that when God looked at me as He leaned over the boundary, He was back in his flame form and I saw his flame face in detail. I will never forget it as long as I live.