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by Giulia
Fri Apr 26, 2024 2:44 pm
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Re: Have I had a spiritual experience?

Hello, Mahdi, and thanks for sharing this touching experience 🤗 Here is what I can say on the subject: in my experience, I have seen things that were not physically there and I have heard voices and sounds that did not have a physical source, so I see no reason why this light could not have had a pu...
by Giulia
Fri Apr 26, 2024 2:55 pm
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Re: Soul Contract

Thanks for the link, Derek. While it is true that we can develop unhealthy relationships in our physical life, it is indeed difficult for me to believe that something “negative” could ever be at the root of an agreement made at a soul level. I feel our souls live in a realm of love and abundance and...
by DTR1975
Fri Apr 26, 2024 3:30 pm
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Re: Soul Contract

The cynical part of me leans to it being a money making scheme by trying to introduce a "spiritual therapy" system. Introduce a problem and a solution to the problem along with it. For a price, of course.
by mahdi
Fri Apr 26, 2024 4:34 pm
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Re: Have I had a spiritual experience?

Hello, Mahdi, and thanks for sharing this touching experience 🤗 Here is what I can say on the subject: in my experience, I have seen things that were not physically there and I have heard voices and sounds that did not have a physical source, so I see no reason why this light could not have had a p...
by HCStewart
Sat Apr 27, 2024 4:41 pm
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Re: Soul Contract

If we have made a soul contract with the creator, then that is the answer to the question "Why are we here?" Unfortunately, none of us is born knowing what the terms of the contract say. Nor do we know what the payoff is for fulfilling it. Most of the NDEs I have heard that mention a soul...
by Giulia
Sun Apr 28, 2024 6:40 am
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Re: Soul Contract

I think we are here to learn stuff we can't learn anywhere else. I think this is a good point. When we are pure spirit immersed in the Spirit World filled with love, harmony and peace, we do not appreciate a number of things that the physical plane involves, such as courage, determination, uncondit...
by Giulia
Sun Apr 28, 2024 7:28 am
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Re: Deathbed Visions

In my father's deathbed vision, he told me that his father was waiting for him so they could cross the bridge together. This must have been a very comforting thing to know, Tony. To know that our loved ones are never alone when they pass but have beloved family members to meet them and be with them.
by Giulia
Mon Apr 29, 2024 7:13 am
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Re: Deathbed Visions

Thanks for sharing your ADC about your grandfather’s death, Tony. I am quite sure that we are all connected and that our loved ones are always in touch, especially at critical times such as when crossing over.
by DTR1975
Mon Apr 29, 2024 12:05 pm
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Re: Soul Contract

If the concept of the Soul Contract is in fact a reality, is there any way that we could logically deduce some of the terms of it in THIS life? Or could we figure out what motivates our higher self based on the things that motivate us now? I don't know.
by HCStewart
Wed May 01, 2024 10:02 am
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My Book

Happy to announce my book A Violet Feather by Hannah C. Stewart was launched today. Perhaps the greatest lie ever told is that death is the total destruction of life and the end of our existence. While being a significant occurrence, evidence strongly suggests death is not the end but rather the beg...