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by paigetheoracle
Tue Aug 06, 2024 5:12 am
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Been here before

I was here once before and here I am again (no, not reincarnation, just rejoining the pack). Hopefully I won't repeat material I posted in the past but who knows. The material I shall submit here has already been posted to The Society Of Psychical Research in the UK.
by paigetheoracle
Wed Aug 07, 2024 1:40 pm
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Unknown Dreams

Several years ago I had a series of nightmares, involving the subject of the unknown. In one I was pursued by a Greyhound bus and scrambled down an embankment, to have the vehicle charge down the slope, with its headlights beaming (I am into flying saucers in a big way and saw this as a UFO abductio...
by paigetheoracle
Wed Aug 07, 2024 1:42 pm
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Inner /outer world continuum

We were coming back after a long trip away recently and I kept nodding off to sleep (my wife was driving). Twice I woke up seeing representations of the dream content - once was the snow covered roads perspective, disappearing into the distance in reality and it was the same landscape I caught in th...
by paigetheoracle
Wed Aug 07, 2024 1:43 pm
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Recurrent dream meanings

I am not an academic but I do have a recurrent dream theme in being at university (I lived in Cambridge for a while and had a friend at Fitzwilliam college from the same town). This is I believe because I am always in pursuit of knowledge. Another regular theme is waking up needing to use the toilet...
by paigetheoracle
Thu Aug 08, 2024 11:41 am
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Re: Do Our Pets Go to Heaven?

One night I awoke to see our dog floating in spirit form near the ceiling (At a later date I also witnessed one of our other dogs, hiding in the back of the car, when physically it was with its original owner, previous to our taking possession of it and after we moved up north to Thurso, where it di...
by paigetheoracle
Thu Aug 08, 2024 11:43 am
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Re: Been here before

I intend to. Quite a lot has accumulated as you've seen since my last time
by paigetheoracle
Thu Aug 08, 2024 11:44 am
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Re: Inner /outer world continuum

Yes, this includes my dreams of the unknown too in that category
by paigetheoracle
Thu Aug 08, 2024 11:50 am
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Re: Unknown Dreams

I'd heard that about him too. I haven't read the book but I do know of him and use a lot of his terminology on another site I belong to as it helps understand the mind in relation to the spirit (see Accumulation / Discharge Cycle material, when I get round to posting it and also the work of Lindsay ...
by paigetheoracle
Thu Aug 08, 2024 11:56 am
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My encounters with aliens and UFOs

When I was living with a friend in Evanton, I went for a walk along the Glen Glass road, where I was offered the chance to meet a Grey and see a scout craft but I chickened out. After this point I started a relationship with my current partner and moved out. Living inThe Highlands and travelling alo...
by paigetheoracle
Thu Aug 08, 2024 11:58 am
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Strange encounters and abilities

More years ago than I care to remember, I was in Bucht Park, Inverness before it became an athletics track. Looking across to Tomnahurich graveyard, about half way up, I saw a large square area of light. At the time I dismissed it as possibly a glaziers van, with sloping side for holding sheets of g...