A distinction between spirituality and religion

Unusual Experiences, Reincarnation, Philosophy, Religion, Science, Everyday Life
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Re: A distinction between spirituality and religion

Post by Dmartin »

anthonychipoletti wrote: Wed Oct 18, 2023 4:14 pm ACTUALITY is HOW we exist.

In my opinion, we exist as intangible, infinite, eternal silent awareness.

Dmartin: I think I follow what you mean. So, then, how is ACTUALITY existing and how did we get into its existence? We had to begin in it (as did everyone before us) before we came into the world, no one remains intangible, infinite, eternal silent awareness in the world after death. Afterward we return to existing in it (having eternal life). You agree, right?

This is my definition of spirituality.

REALITY is what we create and observe. Religion, science, history, humanity, physicality are temporal observations.
Dmartin: Ok. I'd say you know that reality is also the world, sun, moon, stars, light, darkness, time, plants, trees, animals, weather, etc. You know God really created these things in the beginning of reality and are still here. The world and everything will be destroyed in the end so it will all have been temporary also. You agree, right?
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Re: A distinction between spirituality and religion

Post by Dmartin »

anthonychipoletti wrote: Tue Oct 17, 2023 12:05 pm Dmartin, this is why I have decided to COMPLETE AND SAVE ALL of my comments on my computer in Notepad BEFORE even trying to put the comment into the forum inside of a REPLY or NEW POST :)

Dmartin: Ok thanks. I'll try to do that. I'm not that good at computers. I'm still trying to figure this format out here. Lol. The post I just replied to you was on the next page. I just looked at previous page to see if you replied to me so I almost missed that you did. Lol. I'll try to get the next post done. I might not finish the Bard reply until tomorrow. If I recall it is Bard Bible, I take it you use to study the Bible. I'm looking forward to doing the summary. Thank you.
Dmartin: Anthonychipoletti, yes there is! I'm sorry for the delay replying to you. I replied to you yesterday and submitted the post without knowing the internet was down so it didn't get posted. I'm going to try to remember what all I said and try to remember checking the internet before I sent it.
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Re: A distinction between spirituality and religion

Post by Dmartin »

anthonychipoletti wrote: Tue Oct 17, 2023 12:10 pm WOW !! This is something I would like to know more about, however, it would help if you could say a little more about what you felt and how you understand what is happening ??

Dmartin: I love God with all of my mind, heart, soul, spirit, and strength. These are my inmost/inward being just as Solomon told his son about his inmost being. He mentioned his heart, and his son's, the inmost being can be said together in one spiritual being, or individual part it is still together with the others in one spiritual being. I felt my spirit/spiritual being fill up from my heart (God and Jesus took it out of my left side and made it be upright-within my right side), into my soul, spirit, and mind, until I felt them as one spiritual being. As I was feeling this, I was also feeling within my left side the Spirit of Truth's Spirit-the Comforter filling up beside mine. I continue to understand what is happening all because of God working in me. That I have known Him even more He has known me. And I've been saying I know and understand and speak the truth in God's words. I've said earlier I've had many visions especially before Jesus sent the Comforter to me. That God has revealed Himself, and His Son, even the Spirit, and Scripture, to me. Thus, what I've told you what happened and is happening now I've been manifesting it is light and God is the Father of lights, James 1:17-18, "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. Of His own will He brought us forth by the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of His creatures."
Dmartin: First I tell you that I certainly felt the brain(mind)-heart connection listening to the video. So much so that I felt in them my spirit filling up beside the Spirit of Truth's in me.
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Re: A distinction between spirituality and religion

Post by Dmartin »

anthonychipoletti wrote: Thu Oct 19, 2023 6:44 am Dmartin, I do NOT agree with the idea that ACTUALITY had a beginning. I believe that ACTUALITY has existed forever.

Dmartin: You posted about 'your opinion of actuality and reality (I don't know why you are capping/shouting these words)' yesterday. Apparently, I got it all wrong what you mean by those words.

WE NEVER LEAVE ACTUALITY BECAUSE IT HAS EXISTED FOREVER with no beginning nor ending. ACTUALITY is God's presence.

Dmartin: God Himself even His Son's and the Holy Spirit's in Their presence are the only One actually existing eternally. We aren't the same as Him as if we are gods. I've said before that I was on a theology discussion list. Anthonychipoletti, I've heard hundreds if not thousands of opinions many even having a bit of truth in them. Yours is no different. Not one has had only God's thoughts in His words, nor could they, His thoughts and ways are above men's/everyone's. Psalm 119:100-104, "I understand more than the ancients, Because I keep Your precepts. I have restrained my feet from every evil way, That I may (only) keep Your word. I have not departed from Your judgments, For You Yourself have taught me. How sweet are Your words to my taste, Sweeter than honey to my mouth! Through (only) Your precepts I get understanding; Therefore I hate every false way."

We do NOT come into the world. We create the physical world by observing our human experience from our spirituality.

Dmartin: Of course we do come into the world. Genesis 1:27, 2:7, "So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him, male and female He created them." And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being." Everyone since the beginning of Adam's children are born into the world get the breath of life and become a living (human) being. Everyone begins with human experience first. 1 Corinthians 15:46, "However, the spiritual is not first, but the natural, and afterward the spiritual." Verse 49, "And as we have borne the image of the man of dust, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly Man."

Spirituality has no human nor physical permanance. Time, humanity, physicality are temporary observations we create.

Dmartin: You consider yourself spiritual, right? What is your spirituality in? Is it away from you? It isn't in your human body? If it isn't, are you flying around or what? Even Jesus' spirit was in His human body while He was in the world. Luke 23:46, "And when Jesus had cried out with a loud voice, He said, "Father, into Your hands I commit My spirit (His spirit was in His human permanence until He died)." Having said this, He breathed His last."

Temporary observations DO NOT ACTUALLY EXIST !! ACTUALITY is simply the presence of God in which we ALWAYS existed.

Dmartin: You said in your last statement above that temporary observations are, time, humanity, physicality. What all you are saying I've heard similar opinions before. Sorry, but it doesn't make sense. Even Jesus, and Scripture, actually/really observed time, Luke 23:7b, "and the third day rise again," Acts 2:15, "For these are not drunk, as you suppose, since it is only the their hour of the day." There's a lot of times in Scripture that time/days are told. Even Jesus, and Scripture, actually/really observed humanity physicality, Luke 24:39, "Behold My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself (physically in His human body Whom they recognized while He was in the world), Handle Me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see I have." Mark 8:2, "I have compassion on the multitude (actual/real humanity physically in the world), because they have now continued with Me three days (He actually/really observed time) and have nothing to eat."

Sorry that I CANNOT agree with returning to ACTUALITY, we CANNOT LEAVE ACTUALITY, which is God's presence and life.

God did NOT create physicality, humanity, time nor any other worldly nonsense. We are observing these by awareness.

Awareness had no beginning ?? Awareness is the presence of God. I disagree that ANY physicality was created by God.

We create physicality because we cannot accept that ACTUALITY, the presence of God, is the ONLY ACTUAL existence.

Dmartin: Sorry, but it is all confusion to me. It is not like I'm trying to agree or disagree with your terms "Actuality" and "Reality" you introduced. I've told you I only keep and do God's words through His precepts only is how I get right understanding.
Dmartin wrote: Thu Oct 19, 2023 1:51 am
Dmartin: I think I follow what you mean. So, then, how is ACTUALITY existing and how did we get into its existence? We had to begin in it (as did everyone before us) before we came into the world, no one remains intangible, infinite, eternal silent awareness in the world after death. Afterward we return to existing in it (having eternal life). You agree, right?

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Re: A distinction between spirituality and religion

Post by Dmartin »

Dmartin: That's not right either :) I think in another reply I posted I said when I was on the theology discussion list for many years that I've heard many opinions had some/a bit of truth in them. Thank you for your time. Ok. I'll stop posting now.
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Re: A distinction between spirituality and religion

Post by Dmartin »

anthonychipoletti wrote: Fri Oct 20, 2023 6:27 am Dmartin, this is NOT about anything you said. ALL my opinions are wrong because I cannot define the truth. I believe that God is truth and I cannot define God. ONLY God can define God ??

Dmartin: I've talked about how yours/others opinions or doctrines have some/a bit of truth in them. Yes, they cannot be totally right. Now you are speaking on the other hand which is better toward God. Yes, you cannot define the truth in yours/others opinions. Yes, you cannot define God in yours/others opinions. Truth defines itself in Scripture-God defines Himself in truth-His words in Scripture. Romans 3:4b, "Indeed, let God be true but every man a liar." Verses 10-12, "As it is written: "There is none righteous, no, not one; There is none who understands; There is none who seeks after God. They have all turned aside; They have together become unprofitable; There is no on who does good, no not one." Romans 6:16-17, "Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one's slaves whom you obey, whether of sin leading to death, or of obedience leading to righteousness? But God be thanked that though you were slaves of sin, yet you obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which you were delivered (it alone defines God even truth in it)."

Dmartin: Thus, it is in that form of doctrine alone (has no man's opinions/doctrines whatsoever in it) wherein truth-God is defined. Just as it says it is delivered from God. Yes, God defines God, anyone also can who has ever before or now obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which they/I were delivered.

Dmartin wrote: Thu Oct 19, 2023 9:53 pm Dmartin: That's not right either :) I think in another reply I posted I said when I was on the theology discussion list for many years that I've heard many opinions had some/a bit of truth in them. Thank you for your time. Ok. I'll stop posting now.
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Re: A distinction between spirituality and religion

Post by Dmartin »

Dmartin: So, you are a 'freethinker?' IOW, like it says below, you are an atheist/agnostic? If so, I know you are an admin., but what are you doing on this website and format? You don't believe in God and His Son and His words? You believe you are not Christ's that you do not belong to Him that instead you and those like you are your own? You don't believe that God created you/freethinkers or the world and the things of it (like the ground, day or night, time, etc.). I don't see anything good about those beliefs. What about most people here who have had NDE's they have seen Jesus, angels, loved ones or others in the light/heaven. Surely, many are believers or have become one. Really, sorry, what are doing here? How can you help them to find any answers to what you don't believe? Yeah, other religions aren't like your beliefs they differ from one another's. At least they are believers no matter how many errors are in their doctrines (btw, they can be corrected).

Dmartin: I see in this topic there has been over eight hundred views. Can they not reply to our comments? Sorry, anthonychipoletti, but I would like to talk with any of them. Thanks.
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Re: A distinction between spirituality and religion

Post by Dmartin »

anthonychipoletti wrote: Fri Oct 20, 2023 10:44 pm
My [wrong] opinion:

Dmartin: I thought you told me you don't believe in time? You referenced it below in years, months, and days, throughout. Oops, ok, you said here to begin with its your wrong opinion :) So, none of it happened I guess.

For as LONG as I can remember [about 1945] I managed my sleeping dreams after learning that I should be able to do that AS SOON AS my sleeping dream FREED me inside the dream !!

[In my dream I might imagine I cannot move about during the first part of the dream which seemed to have me paralyzed inside the dream ??]

This [freedom to move about in the dream] was described as the point in my sleeping dream when my brain was finished REMEMBERING AND STORING the last day’s memories since I had slept AND MY BRAIN was now ready [inside my sleeping dream] TO PLAN my human experience FOR TOMORROW as soon as I wake up !!

I LEARNED in the mid 1990s that ALL of my daily experiences were delayed about 30 earth days AFTER my spirit [or ?? some aspect of my physical self] HAD ALREADY experienced the so-called present day, so this is a natural condition.

Just a few months ago I realized that ALL of my human physicality is VERY MUCH LIKE my sleeping dreams !!

I now believe that my human experience is SCARY NONSENSE just like my sleeping dreams when I was young and [my human sleeping dreams] STILL are SCARY NONSENSE 🙂

So I now believe that I will wake up EVERY DAY from my human experience just as I have woken up from my normal sleeping dreams AND I will have PLANNED my intangible spiritual experience which I believe HAS ALWAYS existed exactly as it is now AND my spiritual life will benefit from my human experience EVERY TIME that I realize my human life is just a dream ??

There is NO NEED to go ANYWHERE or die or [anything ELSE] for me to experience my intangible spiritual life because it is ALWAYS available and I have LIVED in ABSOLUTE GOODNESS and PURE LOVINGKINDNESS forever, just as I do NOW !
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Re: A distinction between spirituality and religion

Post by Dmartin »

anthonychipoletti wrote: Sat Oct 21, 2023 8:25 am Dmartin, you probably will not believe this, however, I will try to explain :)

Dmartin: You did explain.

Up to now, after your latest comments here in this topic, I thought you were a friend of mine who was just joking !!

Seriously, my friend and I had talked about similar topics on social media [not in this forum] and he is 60 years old.

So when you said you are a sixty year old woman, I REALLY thought that you were my friend from another social media !

Now that you have explained your beliefs and continued to express your beliefs with sincere integrity, I must apologize.

Until now, I was ACTUALLY expecting my friend [who I thought you were] to say something like: HA HA FOOLED YOU :)

Dmartin: That's ok. You don't have to apologize. I'm definitely not that friend you thought I was. I take it they are a freethinker. I've never been a freethinker nor will be.

Now that I believe you are serious about your beliefs, I feel that I NEED to say I DO NOT UNDERSTAND YOUR BELIEFS ??

I cannot imagine how any written documents could define and describe God, Jesus or ANY such complicated ideas ??

Dmartin: You cannot imagine that, huh? Then you should not ever write and say 'God' and 'Jesus.' That you did write 'God' and 'Jesus' you actually said 'God' and 'Jesus.' Thus, you described each of Them as such. It's not complicated to believe in God and His Son. He's written about in The Holy Bible (and other ancient books/writings) and been believed on since He created the world and man and woman. He's had many witnesses in the OT and in the NT even now again.

I am not an atheist because that would mean I KNOW that there is no god of any kind :) that is not possible to know ??

Dmartin: There is no god (small case 'g') of any kind. God is the only true living God. There is no other kind of god beside/with Him. That is possible to know there is no god like/as God. They wouldn't survive anyway God is a jealous God He would destroy them.

I am not an agnostic because that would mean that there is nothing I believe about my actual spiritual experiences ??

Dmartin: You've made it clear that your actual spiritual experiences aren't being done with God working in you. The only other conclusion is they are of your own/freethinkers making being done in a magic ball reality. Don't know what else to call it you don't believe the world or anything of it (day, night, time, the ground, trees, etc.) is in reality.

I am not a believer in any religious dogma because that would mean, to me at least, that people have no freedom ??

Dmartin: I've been in a couple different religious denominations before. I had freedom, I still do, they all have freedom too.

Finally, I do not believe that my opinions are anything to be believed as if they were true, or even slightly correct :)
Dmartin: Yes, your opinions are not true or correct. I thought about the one post when we agreed for a bit and I said something about you being in my house that you were correct in that. I see now that you weren't and your not in it. I know now you were messing with me because you thought I was your friend messing with you.
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Re: A distinction between spirituality and religion

Post by Dmartin »

Dmartin: Ok, thanks for letting me know :)
anthonychipoletti wrote: Sat Oct 21, 2023 8:55 am Dmartin, to be clear, I AM NOT AN ADMIN here in the forum, I have a few admin processes available to edit my own posts.


I am here because Andrea invited me back to this new forum, on the OLD FORUM I was admin and DELETED ALL MY POSTS !!

If i was an admin in this new forum, BELIEVE ME, I would delete ALL of my posts here and now to avoid confusing anyone :)
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