My Story - Ken Leth

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My Story - Ken Leth

Post by KenLeth »

Hi Everyone,
I'm Ken Leth. My last name originates in Denmark and it's pronounced LET, but I'm from the US and I live almost in the center of Nebraska. In other words, my Great Grandparents were homesteaders from Denmark.

I've been having spiritual encounters since birth and I'm certain that this current life is an extension of my previous life that took place in North France. I remember working close to a river with family where we cut reeds or a type of grass that was used to thatch the roofs of houses. I also remember how I died in that previous life, lying on a pile of hay in a house.

Then I remember a council of Elders up in Heaven asking me many important questions to determine if I had grown spiritually enough to stay in Heaven. Needless to say they sent me back down to Earth to live this current life. It wasn't done like a punishment though. They allowed me to see my parents beforehand and I chose to be their child.
I almost died during birth because my mother was overdosed with laughing gas and I had my first NDE in this life.

I can recall angels, or bright orbs, singing to me while I cried in the crib after my brother hit me hard to wake me up. They sang so beautiful that I tried to join them.

Then at the age of 7 I fell about 6 feet off the top of a playground gym structure. It caused me to jump out of my body before hitting the ground, it was my first OBE in this life. I tried to explain what happened to my parents, but they had never heard of such a thing so I was ignored.

Then the next year, at age 8, I got sick with appendicitis after coming home from school. My parents and a Doctor assumed my sickness was just the flu and I was kept at home until I almost died. Then, during an operation, I had my most powerful NDE where I was stuck floating in the darkness by a silver cord, and I was attacked by evil demon spirits that came up out of the depths to torment me. An angel came to save me and he cut the cord. Then I floated up to Heaven where I was greeted by relatives that I didn't know.

All I have shared here is a brief and very short version of what I have experienced in my life. I decided to join this forum because I have been in contact with Andrea over the years and thought perhaps I could contribute by helping others understand what it's like to be an Experiencer. I'm open to answering any questions you may have and I'll contribute as time allows. Also, I'll be 68 this summer, but I'm still that little 8 year old boy at heart.
Ken Leth - NDE, STE, OBE and so much more.
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Re: New Members

Post by Andrea »

Ciao Ken, I'm so happy you joined this forum. You have lived incredibly deep spiritual experiences, still you have a down-to-earth (!) approach to life that I really admire. You help a lot, without showing that you are actually helping. Which I believe is a great gift. Thanks for being here!
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