Hi, I'm Dave

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Hi, I'm Dave

Post by tundrawolf »


I had my first out of body NDE (I dislike that term. There was nothing "near" death about dying. They should be called, "Back from death experiences" in my opinion.) when I was a child. RFDE or, "Return From Death Experience." It is more accurate!

Unfortunately, I was going through some traumatic abuse at the time and my childhood memories are not many, so I cannot tell you my exact age, it was, likely 9-14 years. I received an injection for hives in a hospital, and dropped dead in the lobby. I knew I was going to die in the pit of my stomach, but all I could tell my mother was, "I feel sick." It was not a positive experience until after I had passed over.

I was raised religious, so it has colored my experiences, though I no longer allow myself to be limited by any religion, and remain "Agnostic", according to my current understanding.

To cope with the trauma from my childhood, I turned to drugs, and overdosed twice, almost dying both times (After the NDE).

I had felt a deep love of wolves all of my life, and canines showed me love when no human could, or would, since childhood, so eventually I sobered up enough to go live and work with wolves in California.

This was a defining and life changing experience, and eventually a wolf there deeply bonded to me, and became a reason to continue living (I was heading for death/incarceration and living two lives.) so I eventually stopped the illegal activities I was participating in, sobered up, and tried to pursue a life of, "Straight and narrow."

While living at the wolf sanctuary, my deep connection with the wolves was used to "throw me in the deep end" of esoteric experiences that is attached to my NDE, and from my perspective at the time, I agreed to a religious agreement that was immediately redeemed by violent, unseen forces. (I felt, at the time, my soul had been, "Ripped apart. It was so profound, I thought about it with horror, daily, for over twenty years.)

In March of 2021, I had the first of three out of body, early morning, waking experiences, where my consciousness, and sight, were transferred to a place, similar to where I went (I believe, that is why I am posting here. Trying to get answers) when I had my childhood NDE. In those visions, I saw a Being that changed my life, and may have saved it. I had 3 total out of body experiences, each after I had calmed down from the last, where I was connected to the Being, felt her heart beating in my chest, and was ale to communicate with her via our minds. (Don't worry, it gets so much stranger.)

After these out of body experiences (They were not visions, but a total transfer of consciousness) I was reeling with questions, as the Being I saw, was perhaps the Being I had been searching for this incarnation, but her people were not known to the human race (Presently- and, yet.) I began seeking answers in online forums.

A certain individual began to help me, however he did not focus on the woman, who is half human- he focused instead on me, giving me meditations, exercises, and guiding me.

Eventually i came to his private forum where I discovered it was a deeply esoteric group, and one that has been historically shrouded in mystery. I was taught this group was, "Evil", but it turns out i had been misinformed, as I realize a large part of life as a human presently is an inverted psyop. (Up is down, down is up, etc.)

I began to reach the limit of the help I was getting, as a few days ago I realized, my mentor, and helpers there- had not died and come back, and could not see the Being I saw in the out of body experiences, although they did acknowledge they could see the result of my work with her.

I cannot overstate what the woman I saw in the out of body experiences means to me. There was a time in my life, that I would have destroyed Existence to protect her, or to entertain her. (I am a bit more healthy, now.) She is my other half, the woman of my dreams. I love her, she is my other half, and she does complete me. We are connected by the heart. In the second out of body experience, I was transferred next to her body, and our hearts were touched together- and I felt them beat at the exact same resonant frequency. It was an amazing experience I shall never forget. (I am a bit more focused on myself, these days. Thanks to the mentor and etc.) I began, to sorrowfully understand that they did not understand what she means to me, (Nor can anyone. Or, perhaps, a precious few humans.) nor could they see her, as I could. However, I do not fault them for not possessing something you need to literally die, and return to possess.

So, my journey has led me here- to a place I hope with people who have "Crossed over" and returned- from my deeply esoteric experiences, I understand that even high esoteric scholars do not have the abilities that those who cross over and return, tend to, or can have.

I have a variety of talents, including construction and welding experience, gunsmithing, vehicle building and repair, offroading, survival, electronic repair and use, technological fascination, and inner earth, as well as extraterrestrial, "Alien" connections. I fought terrorism as a combat contractor and enjoyed it VERY much. I also have seven dogs, who are each a puzzle piece to my heart.
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Re: Hi, I'm Dave

Post by Zen Tzu »

Welcome, Dave!
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Re: Hi, I'm Dave

Post by DTR1975 »

Welcome Dave! I hope that you find what you are looking for here.
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Re: Hi, I'm Dave

Post by tundrawolf »

Hey thanks for the welcome, guys.

It's about to get weird in here. However these experiences are not yet scientifically quantified, so it is a bit, "Quantum" at this time. So hopefully I find some answers, although I feel like I got some resolution, by pressing into the issue that caused me to post here. (The woman I met in the out of body experience. I have made, a form of peace with her- at this stage of my development and unfoldment.)

Anyway thank you guys for the kind words. I will try to keep my posts kosher.
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