Bad days

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Bad days

Post by Mishavet »

I have always believed that death is the end and once we're gone it is very much like it was before our birth, a complete lack of awareness. I was envious of people who believed there was more after this life because they seemed so much more at peace with everything. I felt small, insignificant, and like my life was completely pointless. I could never understand the idea that if there is a heaven, why people would not want to go there immediately? Why they wouldn't be pleased when others got to go there? It all felt like a fairy tale people tell themselves to make death more palatable.

I stumbled onto this site via You Tube. I listened to a number of NDE stories on there and have read some on this site. They are very convincing and have had the side effect of making me question why I remain here. I have always felt like I don't belong here. I have chronic pain, and have been having some bad days lately. When I hear people describe how amazing it feels being out of this imperfect, earthly body, I just want to go back home. I don't understand why people who are at the end stages of life fight to stay here. I would be packing my symbolic bags. What am I missing?

I suppose I will have to be dead to understand any of this. I have people keeping me here for now, but I am not sure how hard I would fight to get back if the choice presented itself to me. Am I the only one who feels this way?
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Re: Bad days

Post by Garry »

Interesting Question!
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Re: Bad days

Post by Carlos »

Hello. I am 60 years old and I have lived my entire life with all of your same doubts.
After an episode of NDE recently I understood everything. My NDE was not long, it only lasted a few seconds (I suffer from nocturnal apnea) but it was enough.
After that I began to investigate other NDEs and OBEs and compare them, so I was able to definitively corroborate that the latter do not feel incredible emotions like the ones I have experienced.
From all the NDEs that I have investigated, I draw these conclusions:
- We have a job here and you should not leave early because it is not well regarded on the other side. Although there are no punishments or trials you will simply regret having left without being called.
- Apparently there is no hell. Although I have seen cases where they are shown similar scenes, in very few cases are they "rescued" from that place.
- We all come down here to help and love each other. And I know it's hard, sometimes too hard.

Injustice and pain happen in this world, but I assure you that our creator has nothing to do with it.
Many times we question ourselves and are easy to judge others, but know strongly that sooner or later you will be rewarded amply: You will return Home.
That's all I can help you with, I hope you get better soon.
A hug.
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Re: Bad days

Post by fran »

no, you don't need to die, to understand it. if you use your life verrry wisely, you will be able to stay "over there". if you leave early you will be catapultet right into the next life. so, no point in tying to get away 🀩

the catapult part is, what is missing in the neardeath experience πŸ€”

use your life wisely: always remember it is a dream and that, for real, you make every person do, what he/she does. like jesus did: see the light in every person.
there is a book with a very good explanation for how to get out of the reincarnation thing: i've been searching that book for 40years, i knew, it MUST exist. last year it was finally given to me for free πŸ˜‰ such a big present..!!!! it makes life become lighter and lighter. πŸ˜€ πŸ˜ƒ πŸ˜€
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