very interesting!
well, in theory we share gods love. or better; in reality. and of course we share his life.
but do you ever feel this love?
i don't.

i don't even remember the faintest bit of gods love. i can not even immagine it.
i just remember one occasion when i was on earth AND felt love. like, real love. unconditional love. for 10s.
everything else in my whole life, so far, is strain. in the best parts it is no feeling at all.
oh! last week i have been singing with a friend of mine. i felt content for an hour or so.
that was mindblowing. content for one hour!!!! hahaha
i told my friend and he asked me, if i never feel happy, when i see a sunset or so. i do. for 3s. then i'm already used to it and the feeling is back to normal.
maybe something s wrong with me...
what i can do, is, turn off the things on the outside and feel a kind of peace inside.. but no love

when i feel love its more like "ooohh, i feel so special with you"
i do remember being loved by elage. i met him somewhere near heaven. his embrace was like a shower of love that tickled through me. - inside, outside, everywhere. that was wowww.
do you remember a spiritual life?
i don't.
i do remember quite a few lifes on earth though... none of them better than this one..