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Re: Hello from Michigan

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2023 12:55 am
by Giulia
Hello, Dmartin.
Dmartin: I think you misunderstood me here. If you mean that different perspective refutes what I said then I need to clarify: The week before my dad died the agreement I made with God "if it is in God's will, you will," this was totally my decision and I had total control of it in my life. A couple weeks after my dad died, God acted on that agreement I had with Him and it was fulfilled. At no time was God separate from me, the agreement was not His decision, nor was it in His control. Again, the agreement I made with Him was totally my decision and totally in my control. It was my desire-prayer He acted on/answered. That He acted on it/answered it that was totally His decision and was totally in His control. This should better clarify, right? Then you should also see that I have part in God's Divine Consciousness.
Thanks for clarifying the point. I am sorry I misunderstood. This is much clearer to me.

How do you feel your Dad’s willingness to come and find you from Heaven may have impacted the success of this after-death meeting?
Dmartin: So, everyone who has had an NDE has not had a peak experience at least at a conscious level? Yes, I can see that hasn't happened. What if some then everyone was to start understanding the afterlife in this physical world we would truly be alive fully understanding it together with our minds at conscience level-part of Divine Consciousness? Is your conscience that much open minded? I see Jesus could be lifted up from the earth He called Himself the Son of Man that's who I see. Would this be a good topic to start with in Christianity Cafe/other where there is NDEs?
I did not mean to say that. I simply suggested that it can be very challenging to remember all the details and knowings that come to a person who has a Near-Death Experience, for instance, because our physical brains are not equipped to retain that sort of information or even speak it in words.

Yes, it would be very nice if you could elaborate on this and start a topic in the Christianity Cafe. Looking forward to it.