The Kingdom of Heaven

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Re: The Kingdom of Heaven

Post by Dmartin »

Hi anthonychipoletti,

quote=anthonychipoletti post_id=1276 time=1694197130 user_id=143]
Dmartin, as you know, I do NOT know :) however, as soon as I saw your question, I saw this in the video !!

13:00 minutes, Jeff Olsen says:
I realized that I had to heal myself you know even Jesus said that in the Bible physician heal yourself
Dmartin: Thank you for the quote and the video. Yes, I heard him say that, then a few minutes later he says that you have to heal yourself from within not on the outside. Shortly after that she asks him about the question God asked him, I think I recall it was to what degree do you love. He answered he has since learned to love himself and others. Then he further said he is still learning about this. I could help him finish. The furthest he could go in understanding love is with his heart so when he's understanding the highest degree of love is in his heart then he will be loving God with all of his mind, heart, soul, and spirit, then Jesus should heal him.
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Re: The Kingdom of Heaven

Post by Dmartin »

Hello Giulia,
Hello, Dmartin.

Thank you for sharing your experience. I am glad to hear that you had a deep experience where God led you to the scriptures and the Holy Spirit opened them up to you. It sounds like you have a deep and personal connection to the scriptures, and I appreciate you sharing that with us.

Dmartin: You're welcome. I likewise have the same deep and personal connection with God, His Son, and the Holy Spirit. They are not separate from His Word; neither am I separate from Them-His Word.

I personally find that some people quote the scriptures as if they were a gateway for the understanding of Divine Consciousness. I guess that, in this case, scriptures can be a powerful tool for spiritual growth, just as meditation, nature, or simply being present in the moment.

On the other hand, I find that, by referring to God as a separate male entity that does everything for his glory, it might appear that one is at least temporarily ruling out the possibility that we incarnate (or not yet incarnate, or temporarily discarnate) humans are part of the Divine Source, which a number of near-death experiencers have described as Greater than the Love of All the Mothers in the Universe put together.

Dmartin: You should see I just explained above myself being incarnate in God-His Word that I'm a human representing Them-His Word in the flesh. Also, think of the Eternal Love God has for His Son, He also has Eternal Love for all of us His sons and daughters and He has given it to as many are His from the beginning of time unto the end of time.

I feel we are all connected to our Divine Source, and we are all capable of experiencing the divine within ourselves.

Dmartin: Yes, we are. And yes, we are all capable of experiencing the divine within ourselves that's what I've been doing here and continue in. Just like Paul said do not let that which is good in us be evil spoken of.

I find that this temporary separation that comes from experiencing our physical waking life through our conscious minds, enables us to freely co-create new aspects of reality “together with” our Divine Source, as long as we are not cought up in preconceived ideas fed to us by organized religions, whose authorities would rather have moltitudes act as sheep to be controlled and manipulated than as divine sparks.

Dmartin: We won't get caught up in all that. God won't mislead us.

I found this book by Bart D. Ehrman “Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible And Why” particularly interesting.

Dmartin: Ok, thank you, but I tend to think organized religions who control and manipulate God's sheep and also the world might benefit more reading it.

About Mellen, one teaching that stands out for me from his experience is that, if we become too negative about reality and life as he was, to the point of viewing everything like cancer, then we are likely develop cancer ourselves.
Dmartin: I'd say organized religions/others likeminded are at that point. I doubt we/any others can become that negative about reality and life as they are. And I doubt Mellen was as negative as they've been. Well, if any have fallen away from God, He is able to graft them in again.
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Re: The Kingdom of Heaven

Post by Dmartin »

Hi anthonychipoletti,
anthonychipoletti wrote: Sun Sep 10, 2023 12:18 pm Dmartin and Giulia, I really appreciate Bart Ehrman's work because I see many people who are obsessed with whether the Bible is God's Word ?? This is also why I love Alan Watts' work !! Alan Watts said THERE IS NOTHING THAT IS NOT GOD :)

Dmartin: Do you mean many people who don't follow a religion are obsessed with whether the Bible is God's Word? Are you pointing out that Bart Ehrman and Alan Watts know and understand the Bible is God's Word?

Alan Watts also said words are NEVER the ACTUALITY !! ACTUALITY has no words, no ideas, no books.

Dmartin: In spiritual actuality there are no physical mouths to speak words, ideas, nor physical hands to write them down in books. Actuality exists otherwise in spiritual actuality where there is our own spiritual body that has our mind, heart, and soul, we are able to use them to think and say our thoughts in our spirit we are even able to move in it as you say below in the waveform (I take it you mean it is spiritual).

ACTUALITY is what actually exists. In my opinion, the waveform actually exists, it is everywhere, all the time, and never pauses nor repeats anything EVER. The waveform is the LIGHT, the LOVE and the way we actually have existed forever. The waveform is what I believe is being experienced in an NDE, ADC, STE or any REAL experience.

Dmartin: So, you mean actuality and the waveform spiritually each exist, right? If so, I'm understanding what you are saying. Actuality and the waveform aren't just for us. God, Jesus, and the Spirit, use it to come to us in all of our experiences with Him/either of Them. This one experience I had comes to mind here, the Spirit carried me into the Kingdom of Heaven where I was born again of Him and of (living) water (I was breathing in it). FLOW and the infinite waveform

“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,
there is a field. I’ll meet you there.

When the soul lies down in that grass,
the world is too full to talk about.

Ideas, language, even the phrase “each other”
doesn’t make any sense.

The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.
Don’t go back to sleep.

You must ask for what you really want.
Don’t go back to sleep.

People are going back and forth across the doorsill
where the two worlds touch.

The door is round and open.
Don’t go back to sleep.”

Dmartin: Thanks for posting this quote too. I love this. This speaks to Jesus being the door of the sheep in the Kingdom of Heaven (yes, it is where it and this world touch:) John 10:9, " I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture." I have seen it (it is rounded at the top), but I keep going back to sleep it is so easy to do night after night. It is hard sometimes to stay awake asking to get what you really want. However, I look forward to someday soon my time will come (I knew when I seen it, I seen it ahead of time) that I'll stay awake and go to Him-the door will be open.

-Rumi ... -all-read/
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Re: The Kingdom of Heaven

Post by Dmartin »

anthonychipoletti wrote: Sun Sep 10, 2023 8:43 pm
Dmartin: Do you mean many people who don't follow a religion are obsessed with whether the Bible is God's Word? Are you pointing out that Bart Ehrman and Alan Watts know and understand the Bible is God's Word?
Dmartin, people who doubt whether ANYTHING in existence is God's Presence are missing the point of existence: EVERYTHING IS GOD'S PRESENCE !! God's Presence is a spiritual action NOT a physical THING.

Our human concepts are completely grounded in physical nonsense, we are NOT things, we are actions.

Dmartin: Yes, exactly. They know God is in Heaven. So, why do they try to put Him-His presence and existence to also be of this world and also be in things of this world?

The best definition of waveform, I recently learned from a woman who was told in her NDE that the LIGHT, which many NDErs see, and which I call the waveform, is what HAPPENS when God breathes, an ACTION !!

There is destruction in the physical reality because physical THINGS can be destroyed. Physical THINGS do NOT ACTUALLY exist in the waveform, there is nothing physical in ANY spiritual presence nor in ACTUALITY.

Dmartin: Do you realize that our physical bodies cannot exist in the waveform (I understand what you mean by it, I think you are defining it well)? That is why during NDEs/other experiences they stay in the world. It is just as it says in Scripture that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God. We will have a new body and be conformed to Christ's image.

The ACTUAL waveform can be OBSERVED by a simple scientific experiment, the ACT of observation creates physicality, atoms, molecules etc. which can be COMPLETELY reversed, physicality returns to the waveform.

That is HOW physicality exists :)

Dmartin: I'm not sure I get what you mean. I'm not a scientist. I'll try to get it. Do you mean how physicality exists in the waveform is our new bodies?

As far as WHY physicality exists, you will have to ask Giulia :) I HAVE NO IDEA WHY PHYSICALITY EXISTS :)
Dmartin: I will let Giulia explain to see if I can follow what you mean here. :)
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Re: The Kingdom of Heaven

Post by Dmartin »

anthonychipoletti wrote: Mon Sep 11, 2023 1:07 am
Dmartin: So, you mean actuality and the waveform spiritually each exist, right? If so, I'm understanding what you are saying. Actuality and the waveform aren't just for us. God, Jesus, and the Spirit, use it to come to us in all of our experiences with Him/either of Them. This one experience I had comes to mind here, the Spirit carried me into the Kingdom of Heaven where I was born again of Him and of (living) water (I was breathing in it).
Dmartin, I agree with you and Giulia that the physical human experience can be an opportunity to identify one's human self and define one's human experiences.

What I believe the human experience consists of is a spiritual dream similar to our human dreams. In our human dreams we NEED to wait until our dream is done with yesterdays memories so we can plan our human activity for the next day when we wake up.

Dmartin: I was awake in this experience. I was awake in most of my experiences. I was always aware if I was awake or dreaming (and I continue to). One dream I had I called out loud for the Father in an instant I seen Him coming to me sitting on His throne He delivered me from evil trying to take me. Then I woke up startled yet very relieved He helped me.

I believe we are ALWAYS in our eternal spiritual life, it had no start and has no end. Our spirit is dreaming about being human, which for me is DEFINITELY a nightmare :) I think we have to wait for our human dream to finish whatever our spirit needs to know.
Dmartin: Yes, it is true that we are always in our eternal spiritual life, it had no start and has no end. Sin interrupted it so we had to awaken it and put it on that is to say the inward man/that which is good in us.
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Re: The Kingdom of Heaven

Post by Dmartin »

anthonychipoletti wrote: Mon Sep 11, 2023 6:51 am
Dmartin: I'm not sure I get what you mean. I'm not a scientist. I'll try to get it. Do you mean how physicality exists in the waveform is our new bodies?
My opinion is that the waveform is not physical.

I guess it depends on how we define physical.

To me, physical means atoms and molecules in the tangible world.

I feel that my spiritual life is not physical which means to me not human.

My definition of humanity is the physical reality, but that may be confusing.

If a person defines their spiritual life as humanity then my definition is wrong.

My opinion of what it means to be human is probably too limited to physicality ??
Dmartin: Having spiritual life is in with being spiritually minded these are heavenly things. I think you are trying to define the differences between we who are spiritual and those who are of the world are carnally minding the physical/earthly things in it. John 3:19, "And this is the condemnation, that the light (God) has come into the world (within the spiritually minded), and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil." This is what the spiritually minded will do, vs 21, "But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God." This is what the carnally minded will do, vs 20, "For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed." The spiritually minded would be the one/s exposing his evil deeds. I pointed this out to you to show being human doesn't have to remain with physicality. That they can also come to the light and be with God.
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Re: The Kingdom of Heaven

Post by Dmartin »

anthonychipoletti wrote: Mon Sep 11, 2023 7:13 am Dmartin :) You have helped me to see that the word HUMAN can be defined differently than physical !!

I will try to use the word physical for atoms and molecules :) and stop thinking that human=physical ??
Dmartin: What I described is spiritual having no human form like the scriptures have as in being a ghost. There is two human physical forms (a heavenly or an earthly) a spirit can be in either one. Just like after Jesus', heavenly: Matt 17:2, "and He was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became as white as the light." And earthly, "When they had lifted up their eyes, they saw no one but Jesus only (He was back in the human form they had been seeing Him)."
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Re: The Kingdom of Heaven

Post by Dmartin »

anthonychipoletti wrote: Mon Sep 11, 2023 7:22 am
Dmartin: In spiritual actuality there are no physical mouths to speak words, ideas, nor physical hands to write them down in books. Actuality exists otherwise in spiritual actuality where there is our own spiritual body that has our mind, heart, and soul, we are able to use them to think and say our thoughts in our spirit we are even able to move in it as you say below in the waveform (I take it you mean it is spiritual).
YES :) this is much better than my description :)
Dmartin: Alright :)
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Re: The Kingdom of Heaven

Post by Dmartin »

anthonychipoletti wrote: Mon Sep 11, 2023 8:45 am Dmartin, Giulia and I have been talking about how we can experience the waveform in everyday life.

That is the link to FLOW and the infinite waveform
The flow state is a way to remember being the waveform. When we are in flow, we are fully immersed in the present moment and there is no separation between ourselves and the universe. We are one with the waveform, and we can experience the infinite.
Now I just found a great lady's idea of microflow

I believe this FLOW is actually experiencing our spiritual wellness which I believe is our true reality.
Dmartin: Thanks, I first want to be clear about if the waveform is described as like something in Scripture. Such as the narrow gate. Matt 7:13-14, "Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way (verses 7-8) which leads to life, and there are few who find it."
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Re: The Kingdom of Heaven

Post by Dmartin »

anthonychipoletti wrote: Mon Sep 11, 2023 3:46 pm My brain needs simple ideas :)

My simple idea of the waveform is an infinite set of experiences which NEVER pause nor repeat ANYTHING !!

The true reality is NOT a THING, it is experiences which are ALWAYS available and what we are always doing.

Our spirit dreaming that it is having a human experience is just one of an infinite set of ways that we live ??
Dmartin: Is the waveform a good tree? Is an infinite set of experiences/ways that we live founded on the rock? Hearing and doing Jesus' sayings is always available to experience. "Matt 7:24-25, "Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on the house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock."
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