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Re: Creating fear using near-death experiences!

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2024 11:21 am
by mahdi
Jennanne wrote: Thu Jul 18, 2024 12:29 am Sharing my awakening to the idea of fear… that’s really all it is. An idea. We must acknowledge everyone on this Planet is a product of being trained by other humans. The idea of Fear has been used as a tactic to either teach one to be cautious or to control behavior. Kings and religions have used it for eons. Our parents taught us what they knew, their parents taught them what they knew, and so on, back throughout history.
Spiritually speaking, fear or any ‘emotion’ is not an emotion until we apply a suffering idea to it. It’s simply a chemical sensation of our biological design. Chemicals and sensations are a divine language… typically, designed to notify us that an energy or situation is not an alignment with our soul being and/or purpose. I know it’s hard to understand and forego the attachments of emotions as being ‘real’ so I always refer to the baby state… a newborn baby has no understanding of fear, harm, negativity, or any emotion. I it lives in our and curious of everything in its surroundings. That is, until, adults begin to teach the baby”their ways.”
Thankfully, through near death, out of body experiences, Spirit teaches us the will and the ways to ascend the harmful perceptions we have been taught.
It’s a lifelong challenge to release the ties that bind us to the seeds of damaging thought. But it can be done. Spirit is always present to help us understand.
The invisible/Spirit is the first and final ‘real’ teachers.
Our child self came into this world free of ‘human defined ideas’… At the moment of crossover, we are set free from ‘human defined ideas’ - Why make the middle any different?
Yes, Jennanne, exactly. Since the past, they have scared us of some things to control us... Although you said that fear is a result of biology and does not exist in the soul, I agree and it was interesting.

Unfortunately, many religious people limit themselves to negative near-death experiences and consider positive experiences to be illusions

Re: Creating fear using near-death experiences!

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2024 12:59 pm
by Jennanne
Yes. but we, who have actually experienced the other side, know truth and can no longer dwell in
Hypocrisy and falseness. Woohoo!

I have found through years of consulting, many are afraid to experience mysterious, challenging, or unpleasant experiences, because they attribute challenging experiences to be ‘dished out’ by the devil, evil, Satan Etc., and they have been trained to believe Satan is trying to steal souls from God.

They’re not denying the experiencer. They are conforming to their fear of an Angelic Being who actually ‘sends people straight to God.’

Think about it. Whether religious or atheist, just about every person does one thing when challenging experiences envelop them… They start praying, calling out for God to come help them.
So no matter the situation we experience, it all leads us to divine union and Creator god!

Fear based perceptions are merely a ‘covert operation’ intended to disregard the miraculous Infinite power of Creator/God. However, experiencers have been awakened to divine truth.

So when faced with false judgment and persecution, I find peace knowing, It’s ALL GOoD! No one escapes this planet, unawakened. They, too, one day, will know the divine. Their time has just not happened yet.

So, come hell, or High water, be grateful for your awakenings and share, regardless of what others ‘perceive.”
After all, isn’t that why we returned, reawakened, strengthened, and ’different’?…

Re: Creating fear using near-death experiences!

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2024 4:54 pm
by mahdi
Jennanne wrote: Sun Jul 21, 2024 12:59 pm Yes. but we, who have actually experienced the other side, know truth and can no longer dwell in
Hypocrisy and falseness. Woohoo!

I have found through years of consulting, many are afraid to experience mysterious, challenging, or unpleasant experiences, because they attribute challenging experiences to be ‘dished out’ by the devil, evil, Satan Etc., and they have been trained to believe Satan is trying to steal souls from God.

They’re not denying the experiencer. They are conforming to their fear of an Angelic Being who actually ‘sends people straight to God.’

Think about it. Whether religious or atheist, just about every person does one thing when challenging experiences envelop them… They start praying, calling out for God to come help them.
So no matter the situation we experience, it all leads us to divine union and Creator god!

Fear based perceptions are merely a ‘covert operation’ intended to disregard the miraculous Infinite power of Creator/God. However, experiencers have been awakened to divine truth.

So when faced with false judgment and persecution, I find peace knowing, It’s ALL GOoD! No one escapes this planet, unawakened. They, too, one day, will know the divine. Their time has just not happened yet.

So, come hell, or High water, be grateful for your awakenings and share, regardless of what others ‘perceive.”
After all, isn’t that why we returned, reawakened, strengthened, and ’different’?…
That's right.

Honestly, I too am a little afraid of mysterious and negative experiences.

Exactly, at some point, we all get tired, feel broken, and ultimately pray to God.

Indeed, unfortunately, fear separates us from God, but this separation is also an illusion. Am I right?

Eventually, all souls find peace. Yes, we came to earth to experience being both creator and creation, and to experience the opposite of love.

Re: Creating fear using near-death experiences!

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2024 9:34 pm
by Jennanne
Hi, LJ

I was a little scared of the mysterious experiences to in the beginning. But you can find comfort in knowing once you experience, a few, the nervousness starts to fade away!
It’s all part of the process of the divine, re-teaching us the power of the mind.
For me, I don’t think fear separates us from God, Because all things are ‘of’ creator/god. But, conforming ourselves to fear divides us from being with creator/god. I’ve learned Illusion is a shapeshifting, temporary idea, which time and experience always alters.

You are correct, “Eventually, all souls find peace.”

Everyone has a spiritual mission encoded within their cells, exquisitely designed to bring the awe of heaven to earth beings in some creative way.
In that alone, I sense there is no opposite to love. We may perceive there is, but our soul knows better than to rely on perception. :grin:

Re: Creating fear using near-death experiences!

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2024 10:33 pm
by mahdi
How can I experience them?

Your words were wise; you are right.

Re: Creating fear using near-death experiences!

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2024 11:37 pm
by Jennanne
Hahah Experiences are ethereally sent. They come to you via divine timing, and when you are truly ready to accept and receive them.
You could, of course, Ask to receive. However, a heads up needs to be acknowledged. :grin: The spirit world does not think in our way, so you need to be open and accepting to whatever is bestowed upon you!

Re: Creating fear using near-death experiences!

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2024 11:43 pm
by Jennanne
PS, a good example to that last statement can be viewed via my first NDE experience, which I shared under the NDE personal experiences link… Jennanne

Re: Creating fear using near-death experiences!

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2024 12:21 am
by mahdi
Jennanne wrote: Sun Jul 21, 2024 11:43 pm PS, a good example to that last statement can be viewed via my first NDE experience, which I shared under the NDE personal experiences link… Jennanne
I have read about spiritual and near-death experiences, especially the positive and beautiful ones, which are quite encouraging. In fact, since I became familiar with these experiences two years ago, my intense fear has diminished, and my relationship with God has greatly improved. However, the negative experiences make me a bit sad—actually, more than a bit. They cause fear and confusion for me.

Re: Creating fear using near-death experiences!

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2024 7:43 pm
by Jennanne
I try to remember one thing, no negative experience lasts forever and the light will always shine in the end. It's been proven with nearly all experiences. The thing that lasts and does the most harm are the thoughts we allow ourselves to hold onto. In that, we can choose wisely what nourishes our mind. I will post an OBE I experienced in the personal experiences section to expand on this. Title; "Hell hath no fury like a Spirit scorned."

Re: Creating fear using near-death experiences!

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2024 9:11 pm
by mahdi
I agree, Jennanne.
I shouldn’t give importance to negative things either.

You are encouraging!