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Life as a journey

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2024 9:46 am
by paigetheoracle
Looking at a tree recently that had been damaged in a storm and noticing branches before that had come off trees in gales but still seemed alive, it made me realise that like Edmond O'Brien in the film “DOA,” they had been dead inside for ages but what had survived up to that point was making its way to the surface: Like lava in in a volcano that cools to create layers of history, cells in the body or tree rings. Likewise orgasm as waves of energy moving through the body, leaving it as a discharged empty shell after the experience or Man as a civilization, evolving to shoot off into space - are we not waves of particles, moving across space and through time, and are ghosts not remnants, shadows of that effort as spirit is that free energy travelling into the future, onwards, ever upwards and outwards? Is ageing not caused by that movement, wearing down the shell, the container of life and emptying it of existence as the dying tree does, until it has no more to give and peters out?Herein lies the connection to quantum physics and us as life forms as waves of such free energy, with us as active pursuers of that life, that mystery (“The Elusive Butterfly of Love” Bob Lind).

Nothing is permanent. Everything in existence is just passing through on its journey somewhere else, including the food we eat, the liquid we drink, the babies we give birth to, the thoughts in our head (Life doesn't so much change as exchange or a we go through the universe, the universe goes through us). Even the Earth changes but on a larger scale to us mere humans. Even emotion is just a passing fancy. Without motion there can be no change and where there is no movement stagnation occurs (The constipated universe). Like the Tao says, life is a journey – either inwards towards thought (eternity) or outwards into action (infinity and beyond). Even in society there is is an old upper crust and a young, vibrant layer of new tissue, just like a volcano or in the case of a tree, a dead inner core. Who is at the top and who is at the bottom may change but there are always these two basic levels of latent potential (undifferentiated energy – spirituality, the future, levity) and fixed matter or life set in stone (defined reality – materialism, the past, gravity): “The loser now will later win” (Bob Dylan) / “The first shall be last and the last first” (Jesus Christ) / The Slinky toy moving downstairs.