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For Our Dog Lovers

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2024 2:17 am
by ADMINDiane
:romance-heart: :romance-heart: :romance-heart: :romance-heart:

Re: For Our Dog Lovers

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2024 4:37 am
by DTR1975
This was really cool, Diane. The history of dogs and human culture is a fascinating one. Dogs' relationships with humans is a very long one, and began before even human civilization. For a really quick dive into how dogs became our trusted companions, check this out:

Re: For Our Dog Lovers

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2024 6:33 am
by tundrawolf
Several things,

In my life experience, which includes a decade spent living and working with wolves, and finding esoteric knowledge-

It was once postulated, that if it were not for dogs, (Willing, domesticated wolves.) the human race on the surface of this planet may not exist at all! THAT is saying something.

Further, canines are much, much older than "we" are as present day humans- they have a vast knowledge base to draw from, in order to assist us with our evolution.

Isn't it interesting, that a terrifying predator, is instantly trusted by human children??

I have not seen such excitement, as a child, discovering a new dog.

Why is this??

Should they not, be instinctively terrified, and hide? Instead, the run to the dog.

I recall (And have pictures) of my time at the wolf sanctuary- where I let in some children and their mother, with some yearling wolves, I had never witnessed such a suddenly gentle animal, than an Arctic Wolf, who interacted with gentleness I had never seen, with human children. She instinctively knew, these are humans- be kind to them.

(It was a mistake I made early on, but one that ended beautifully.)

Canines also help us in other ways.

Last year, my Alsatian died- and as I mourned her, I began to struggle with spiritual affairs I had not felt in thirteen years (The time I "had" her.)

I inquired, into the universe- as to why these issues were now tormenting me, and it told me- my beloved German Shepherd girl, was not only protecting me physically- she was also protecting me spiritually.

How much, do our canines (And, felines, and others!) do for us, that we do not even know about, to even thank them?

The answer is vast.

I could write on this for days. And, I speak as a man whos life was saved by a wolf. I would not be here, if it were not for the heart of a Canadian Tundra Wolf =)

We owe our pups, to be good to them. Truly. When, and if humanity crosses the threshold of destiny- we will owe, in part, our existence to our beloved canines.