I had a near sex experience! (reformation of the term NDE)

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I had a near sex experience! (reformation of the term NDE)

Post by tundrawolf »

I only joke with the topic.

Me, and one other individual, have expressed a dissatisfaction with the term, NDE.

When I had my NDE, and dropped dead in a hospital, I experienced death. Actually, literal, complete detachment form this physical body- which died, but only for a few moments, while I went to, and experienced a place, and spent significant time there, but was only a few moments in the hospital before I returned to my body.

It was, actually, physical, total spiritual/emotional. life force detachment from this body.

There was, nothing NEAR about it.

I am lobbying here, for a change of term.

In truth, it shoulD be called, a "Back from death experience." or, a "Return from death experience."

I have spoken to humans who, tell me, "Well if you died you would be dead!"

Not so!!! Humans, animals, and other organisms come back from body-death all of the time. Humans, tend to operate in simplistic binary thinking, however- we are evolving out of this, This process can be assisted, by pushing for these processes that help the human mind, step out of simplistic thinking.

For example, what is the litmus?

Well, if while experiencing a return from death experience- had you not of returned, what would be the condition of the body?

After an hour?

After a day?

After a week?

Would the heart still be beating? Could you have a conversation with the body? Could the body reproduce of its own volition? And, more importantly, can it crack a joke?

If the answer is no, then the experience is a death experience. Had the consciousness not of returned, the body would have decayed rapidly. As that is what happens when one dies!

So, a "Return from death experience" or, RFDE, to me at least, seems far more apropos than the typical, "NDE".

Just something to think about.

Also, something of a clarification.

When I was a child, age 9-12, (Memories obscured from trauma.) and died in the hospital, my body would have decayed had I not have returned.

During the out of body experiences that almost exactly mirror my NDE, but were sober, waking, early-morning, the three canonical experiences where I met my spirit spouse, those, my body was still functioning and alive- but my consciousness was completely, wholly, transferred to another realm, which may be, a high earth orbiting space vehicle, or, an inner earth realm. Likely, it is not related to Antarctica. Thought it could be. I am here for answers. Something to think about.
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