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The nine kingdoms a thesis

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2024 3:18 am
by tundrawolf
Apparently, my experiences make people uncomfortable.

I wanted to add a reply to my nine kingdoms thesis.

I went through deconversion maybe five years ago, away from Christianity. Previously, I put my life on the line fighting terrorism, one of the groups who was pledging violence, followed a holy book, that advocates for slavery, and what amounts to the rape of women. I was so opposed to that- until I found the exact same verses in the Bible. I could no longer, in good conscience, follow such a wicked, and cruel god, so I moved away from it. I told God, if you are this cruel, then send me to hell. I refuse to be with such a wicked entity. In fact the Bible was dripping with horrendous things that I could no longer adhere to, or pretend were moral, when I knew they were not.

Well, the journey has been rough, especially with my out of body experiences, and return from death experience.

I wanted to add some comfort to the people- if they can stomach it, there are some verses in the Bible that, "Sets you free" from its chains, the most important is, "The truth will set you free." Because the brand of Christianity I was sold, is one of chains, and shackles.

The other is, there is no love in fear.

I was looking for videos to watch, when I found one called, "Become the person you are afraid to become."

Well, I was raised to be terrified of, dark things- up until my incident at the wolf sanctuary, where I was forced to be terrified of them.

However, I am realizing more and more, to connect with the darkness, actually sets me free from it. Otherwise you are a slave to it. The Bible also says, cowards (fearful people)will not inherit the kingdom of heaven.

As far as I am concerned, there is nothing braver, than leaving your religion, that says you will burn for an eternity if you do.

A Christian scholar once asked me, after I had the out of body experience, if "God is saving the demons" I said no, "He is giving them a choice."

Because, if god is a god of love- he loves all of his children.

No exceptions.

Well, apparently I am too much of an oddity for this group. I admit, I have endured things that would kill a human, which triggers a human response of fear and revulsion- which I get. I was just hoping, people would have an open mind, and some bravery. Still trying to find my place in this realm.

Re: The nine kingdoms a thesis

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2024 7:42 am
by frankcavaliere