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Jesus-Related Experiences

Posted: Sat May 27, 2023 8:44 am
by Giulia
A Second Coming 17 December, 2005 (Full Moon)

I had a mystical dream which, by the time I woke up, had almost entirely gone from my memory. It had to do with Jesus, it seemed like the second coming. For a little while everything was clear and known to me but when I woke up it was almost all gone. How can I relate it? There was no plot: I cannot say Jesus came to Novara and spoke to me... no. It was a more universal/cosmic thing, which also included Jesus being here, Jesus being back. As with most of these things, I did not spend enough time in appreciating the crucial understanding, but immediately started trying to rehearse that understanding according to my limited abilities and share it with others. I remember something about His coming entailing a change in the individual who was touched by it, a change in perspective. I am sure that a lot of trivial things that seem so important lost their importance. I knew I had to do things, act upon the knowing, but the original mystical understanding was gone when I woke up. The short dream that followed had to do with people entrusting their golden engagement and wedding readings to me and me losing them all over the place, though I knew they were precious. The other thing that followed which I have clearly in mind and which I was desperately trying to do upon waking up, was planning a trip from my address to heaven knows where through a satellite navigator by either train or bus, and having difficulties doing it.

7 May, 2006

On the morning of 7 May, 2006, around 6.30, I had this dream just after briefly waking up and remembering how distressed I was about our difficulties (family health problems and having to look for a new house in just a few months and moving too!) and I directly addressed God asking Him/Her why He/She didn't help us out.

I then was in a dream, with our son, standing on the side of the road in a setting which reminded me of a Mystery Play about the Way to the Cross. I remember we saw three different versions or stages of it, but the one I recall most clearly is the last one. The people leading the procession displayed colourful and magnificent garments, but I noticed that only the physical aspect of what was to be represented could be seen. In particular any statues or spiritual signs appeared to be absent, as if they had been mutilated. One could for instance see a metal handle where something was supposed to be attached, but there was nothing. In my dream I was lucid and realised that this was an exact representation of the fact that the spiritual side of things, at that time, was invisible to us.

After these first three stages or versions of the mystery play, Jesus - and I was expecting the REAL Jesus, not just a person playing His role - was yet to appear.

The last stretch of the road, which I presume led to the Calvary, wasn't very nice. The road was made of grey stones, the sky was grey and everything was rather greyish in fact. Also the facilities available to us, the people standing on the sides of the roads (who were now much fewer than in the pompous part of the ceremony) were run down. As I was patiently waiting there with our son, two firemen seemed to be in charge of public order (again, I thought this was a sign of limited facilities and services) and, since the crush barriers that had been placed on the sides of the road were falling apart, some people were asked to sit on the foot of some of these to keep them stable. I was one of them and the senior fireman thanked me for helping them out. The junior fireman also spoke to me, complaining that he had to study at university (he was preparing to take his graduation exam) and was to work as a bricklayer at the same time.

Then the reason for the firemen being there suddenly became apparent. Somebody or something set on fire a large soft-toy bunny that was there on the road and the firemen quickly put the fire out and I remember the tiny drops of water spraying all over the place and over us too.

After this, a woman passed by with a little girl (she could have been four of five): she had just bought a real rabbit for her - and I knew she must have a garden at home which allowed for many animals to stay out of captivity. Right now, she had to carry the rabbit in a cage, though I thought how lucky this little girl must be. Right next to the bunny, were some vases of beautiful flowers. The flowers were colourful and absolutely magnificent, and each of them had a life of their own. They all moved and even danced in completely individual ways and seemed to actually communicate. I was reminded of a similitude about cult leaders who capture vulnerable people's attention by saying some very true things and then use the power they gain over such people in tyrannical ways. This similitude was about these people recalling beautiful carnivorous plants who attract and then eat their prey. All this was lucidly in my mind, when I asked the woman who had just bought her lucky daughter a real bunny whether these flowers were carnivorous. She replied that only some of them actually had "teeth".

A moment later (not sure HOW this happened) I was in a completely different state of consciousness. Jesus was there in the flesh, the shift in consciousness had been so gentle I do not recall a blackout between the last part of the dream in which I was patiently waiting for His arrival and Him actually being there. I need to mention I (and the whole family, in fact, including our son) had watched Mel Gibson's The Passion over Easter, which is almost as bloody as the REAL Way to the Cross must have been. But when I met Jesus he was as he appeared AFTER the resurrection, no blood, save for one little detail which I will come to now. This was all so real it did not seem a dream at all, and it also took me some time to realise I was back in my room after the event. He was physically there, radiating love and some kind of complicity, if I may use this word. He told me he could not STAY right now, but would be back. One strange thing happened, that left me wonder, and this involves the blood detail. It seemed to me as if he had pricked his finger to just let a few drops of blood out, and at the same time it seemed as if that was my blood too, and we were sort of secretly sealing some kind of blood-agreement, which came across as an amazing blessing and privilege for me.

There was nothing morbid about this, it seemed a sign of special friendship and alliance for me, especially considering that this was the only blood I saw and that Jesus bore no scars of any sort.

As I was gradually becoming aware of my bedroom environment, it took me some time to realise I was in a different place from where I had been earlier, after which I simply could not believe I had been blessed to physically meet Jesus in 3D after waiting for Him for so long. It was REAL. In fact it took me time to realise that my bedroom was just as real.

Whereas in the 17 December 2005 experience of Jesus being back I had a much deeper form of awareness expansion, which made me aware of the URGE to share the new knowings with everyone, but allowed for very little of the knowings to be retained by me at a conscious level, a lot of what happened in the dream preceding this dream was symbolic, yet I was lucid enough to analyse it.

Full-Moon OBE in Mid-July, 2006

When I was at the seaside, during the first two weeks of July, I had my first holiday in years, and I had reached such a high level of stress just before leaving that when we left for the seaside I was having severe short memory problems, which I had never had before.

I had a very relaxing two weeks there, but could not remember any dreams or dream life whatsoever when I woke up in morning for almost the entire period. However, on the second last day, I suddenly had a very long OBE. I now realise this must have happened around the full moon, and I remember the full moon being orange and absolutely huge for two nights in a row. It was a size I had never seen before.

In the OBE I was very lucid, I was hoping to see a friend who had died 2 years earlier but I was not aware that he had died and did not think of looking for him. Rather, I started wandering around looking for another friend who died in April 2002, and with whom I have had AMAZING contacts ever since about one week following his death. In fact, he is the most amazing contact I have on the Other Side. However, during this OBE I did not really have the urge or determination to accomplish my task. So I did not find him. I then went into a church, where I found a woman dressed in white robes and looking like a priestess (her name was Raffaella). She was standing near the altar. I told the priestess that I wanted to see Jesus. "I want to see Jesus", I told her. She led me to the tabernacle and showed me the Hosts, which all bore beautiful heavenly pictures on them, and were in fact kept in what looked like a white square-shaped photo album. But I was not satisfied with that, and asked her: "But have you never seen Jesus?". She admitted she hadn't. (Regarding the name Raffaella, I need to add that my husband lost a 33-year-old brother, called Raffaele, several years ago, and he was a priest. Our Catholic priests are only male and they are all dressed in black).

So I wandered out of the church and found myself in a place where my husband was sitting next to our 9-year old son. I was no longer that lucid and thought that they were there awake, and only I was out-of-body. I asked our son if he could see me, and looked at my astral self in a mirror (as I often do, when I am OB, because I have never had the nerve to look at my physical body in bed, and this is the bravest thing I can do, instead), and he was also there with me in the mirror. I realised that, even though he did not seem to want to admit he could, our son could actually see me. But at that point my husband spoke and told me: "Don't you realise that we are also asleep in bed?" At that stage I found myself back in the body and fully awake. That was my first experience in two weeks of no dreams. My husband was right: they were both in bed asleep, in the hotel room with me.

I then briefly fell asleep again and, in the dream that followed, which I could remember very well upon awakening, I was in a church (again!!!) and talking with a priest about those periods I have come to call "dry spells", when I do not get to hear from my loved ones or maybe just cannot remember dreams. As I was talking to the priest, I had just realised that these "dry spells" have a meaning and purpose, but have nothing to do with our departed loved ones NOT communicating with us. In the dream, the priest assured me that our loved ones NEVER stop communicating with us, that this idea is simply nonsense, and the idea I then tried to convey (which we seemed to share on a telepathic level) was that dry spells (such as my absence of dreams for instance) are like taking milk enzymes on an empty stomach before a meal (???). I have not processed this idea and am not quite sure what it means, but the priest and I seemed to be on a telepathic conversation and we agreed about this concept.

I guess that in this case I was shown that most members of the Christian Church have no real understanding or first-hand experience of Jesus.

January 2009

During an out-of-body experience in January 2009 (two years prior to the therapy that made my hair fall out), I asked to meet Jesus, for whom I have always had a special fondness, particularly for his love of children. I remember two angels helped me to reach my destination. I found myself in a colourful, beautifully scented pine grove, but at the same time— and this was particularly odd— I could see a starry sky, as if it were night time. Jesus was teaching in some kind of institute, but two heavy men dressed in black, who reminded me of funeral directors, did not let me in. However, Jesus came outside specially to meet me. He had his traditional beard and long hair, but wore modern casual clothes: jeans and a shirt with the sleeves turned up at the cuffs. As he looked into my eyes, we telepathically transmitted to each other a thought that came from Scripture, which would later turn out to be extremely significant: the thought was “I know the number of hairs you have on your head!”

I gathered from this episode that Jesus teaches to different people on different levels, and in my case we seemed to be on the same level.

14 October 2022 - A Second Coming?

I dreamt that Jesus was about to come among us. We were in a place that looked like my Italian grandmother’s terrace, in the beautiful town of Amalfi, where she had lived for 60 years. That is where I often see my deceased family members, because we all loved the house. However, there was not much space available: I was reminded of the tiny Sant’Antonio church which is very close to my grandmother’s house. I realised this was too small for all the people that were there awaiting Jesus, also because they were all distanced in compliance with the Covid regulations. Then Jesus REALLY arrived: this time he wore his traditional clothes, and not jeans and a shirt as I saw him in my OBE. It seemed to be a very important event, but I have no memory of what he said or did.

23 April 2023

I had recently made a new friend whom was very happy to be directed by me to watch THE CHOSEN TV Series, which is about the life of Jesus and reflects a lot of interesting facts that appear genuine and not corrupted by the Church, especially His personal friendship with each and all of us. The most amazing thing that comes across is his performance of miracles, His reminder that we can make even greater miracles if just we have a seed of faith that we can perform them. This ties in with my new understanding of the Law of Attraction.

She described to me about 5 experiences in which she had met Jesus (one in particular involving her three-year old son, who was also involved in the dream, and the next morning told her about it) and a special one in which they were sitting facing each other and pure white light was exchanged between them.

So I had looked for my own experiences and shared them with her. She was particularly interested in the one in which I said:
«It seemed to me as if he had pricked his finger to just let a few drops of blood out, and at the same time it seemed as if that was my blood too, and we were sort of secretly sealing some kind of blood-agreement, which came across as an amazing blessing and privilege for me.»
On April 23, 2023, I was preparing lasagna, and had all these stories on my mind, when I accidentally pricked my right-hand thumb with the top of the tomato container. This resulted in a rather bloody experience, with blood also dripping on the floor, while I was looking for a plaster. So I sent to my friend a picture of my thumb. We both felt this was the completion of the blood-agreement I was first shown on 7 May 2006.

My right-hand thumb was in plaster for a week or so. The night after the accident I dreamt I was with my family in some kind of teaching laboratory. We were able to visit a number of different classes to attend the courses we were interested in, along with a lot of other people. Since we were away from home, I was carrying with me one of those test-tubes that are usually employed for bloodwork. Inside the tube were two goldfish, which were red in colour: one was the usual one we had in the bowl at home in 2006; the other one appeared to have just been born, and I was aware it needed a different type of nourishment, compared to the other one, which I knew I had to get hold of.

Weeks later I realised I was becoming very intolerant of any type of argument, and, as a result, I received several warnings by moderators of the Italian forum I was contributing to. I was also reminded of Jesus' advice:

- What I say to you in the darkness, speak in the light; what you hear whispered, proclaim on the housetops.
- No prophet is accepted in his hometown.
- Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces.

Regarding the goldfish symbolism, I was reminded of the symbol Christians used (here is a picture) and also about one of my books with a fishbowl on the cover.

Since the 23 May 2023 blood-related episode, I have started getting goosebumps, not only when something stirs my emotions deeply, but also whenever I realise something is right or true, or when I get the feeling that something is about to happen whatever the chances of it happening are.

Until now, and ever since I was a child, this feeling had come from the solar plexus and had often caused me to make bad decisions. This ties in with advice I received from my deceased father during an OBE on 12 March 2015 (Meeting with my Dad in Heaven)

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Immagine WhatsApp 2023-04-24 ore 07.01.59.jpg (7.64 KiB) Viewed 1350 times

7 June 2023 - A Second Coming?

I dreamt that Jesus was physically among us and devoted time to each person individually. This was a long dream, because I tagged behind him throughout the dream, to check and see what he did, but above all because I never seemed to have enough of him. He reassured me and advised me, he held my hand. It was a really beautiful dream. Regarding his clothes, this is the most interesting thing I discovered by tagging along with him. When he first arrived in our living room, he was wearing his traditional clothes: so, for me and others around me, that’s what he looked like. He appeared to know the house very well and knew exactly where things could be found. However, for other people, he would change his clothes depending on their expectations, and I even caught him changing into a woman’s clothes. I would never discuss this part of the dream in Italy, because people would instantly think this is a trick of the devil. On the other hand, since I felt huge trust in Him throughout the dream, I think this means Jesus is much more than the Christian tradition reveals, especially considering the poor role that women play in the church.