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The Vision in The Sky

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2024 2:57 am
by Zen Tzu
Hello All. I had posted briefly about my experience in another thread but will elaborate in greater detail here since we feel this deserves a place of it's own. Among many other remarkable events, my father actually visited me in the form of an apparition. Around two months after his transition I was standing at the end of our driveway on a beautiful, clear, cloudless Summer day, with my doggie. Upon looking back at my father's Jeep, which I had backed into the driveway, I suddenly saw an opaque white version of my father, sitting behind the wheel of his Jeep dressed in what looked to be some sort of robe or toga. I could clearly see all of my father's features, even his expression which was somewhat amused yet in a meditative state, eyes closed. I stood there calmly just looking at him for a moment at which point my father's apparition began to dissipate. By dissipate I do not mean the apparition suddenly vanished but more as if the apparition pixelated bit by bit before completely disappearing. My doggie and I then strolled up our driveway to the house. I opened the full glass door to allow my dog in first naturally. As I followed, halfway through the door (doorways have always had a very particular significance for me), I suddenly heard a LOUD clap of thunder on this perfectly clear day, which was enough to get me to spin around and look into the sky where I saw the same apparition of my father only much larger with the same amused smirk in the same meditative state now sitting on a cloud where a sort of bridge had formed. I was quite amazed at which point I ran to a window to see if the apparition would still be there, which it was.... I then called to my mother and without any prompting whatsoever asked her to look and tell me what she saw to which she replied "Oh yes, I see your father sitting up there in the clouds". I have had MANY spiritual experiences in my life but this by far was one of the most profound with the icing on the cake being my mother validated it for me!

Re: The Vision in The Sky

Posted: Thu May 23, 2024 6:28 am
by Giulia
Hello, Diane 🌺

This is the most amazing account I have ever heard of concerning objective spirit contact while being fully awake, especially since it was validated by your mother.

I wonder whether your father was feeling proud of himself, having succeeded in appearing in full sight to your mother and you. Do you think that his meditative state might have helped him organise the apparition?

Did your doggie appear to notice something or hear the thunder?

You mention doors being especially significant for you. Can you offer some other case of ADC or other STE involving doorways?

I couldn’t avoid noticing you mentioned a bridge as well. Do you think the bridge had to do with your father moving from the garage to the sky?

Thank you for this very comforting account.