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Re: Doctor Uncovers the TRUTH About Near Death Experiences | Dr. Raymond Moody

Posted: Mon May 20, 2024 10:27 am
by Giulia
Hello, Tony ✨

SHARED-DEATH EXPERIENCES, as Dr. R. Moody calls them, are an extremely interesting topic, since the people co-experiencing the dying process and the life review are not suffering from oxygen deprivation.

Dr. Raymond Moody, a pioneer in near-death experience (NDE) research, introduced the concept of shared-death experiences (SDEs) as another piece of evidence for survival after death. Here's a breakdown of his idea:

Shared-Death Experiences (SDEs):

These occur when someone (usually a bystander) perceives elements of an NDE while the actual NDE is happening to another person nearby.

SDEs can involve seeing a bright light, feeling out-of-body, or encountering deceased loved ones – experiences commonly reported in NDEs.

Importantly, the person with the SDE is not clinically dead themselves.

Moody's Argument:

Traditional explanations for NDEs, like brain malfunction during near-death states, wouldn't explain SDEs.
If a dying person's brain is creating hallucinations, it wouldn't cause the same hallucinations in a healthy bystander.

SDEs suggest there might be a separate realm of consciousness that can be accessed during death or near-death experiences, which a bystander might be able to tap into under certain conditions.

Criticisms and Considerations about SDEs include the following points:

SDEs are less common than NDEs, making it harder to study them scientifically.

Skeptics argue that SDEs could be due to emotional contagion or picking up on subtle cues from the dying person's environment.

There could be psychological explanations for SDEs that haven't been fully explored.


SDEs offer an intriguing perspective on NDEs, potentially challenging purely materialistic explanations.

More research is needed to understand the validity and causes of SDEs.

Skeptics argue that SDEs don't definitively prove life after death but offer another layer of evidence for further exploration.

Skeptics also say that there are alternative explanations for both NDEs and SDEs.

I wonder what kind of research could help us understand SDEs better.

I have personally had what I deem an SDE a few years ago. I will be happy to share the experience here as soon as I find my notes about the date on which this happened to me.

Re: Doctor Uncovers the TRUTH About Near Death Experiences | Dr. Raymond Moody

Posted: Mon May 20, 2024 12:11 pm
by DTR1975
Giulia, I would very much like to read your account of your experience.

A Shared Death Experiennce

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2024 7:25 am
by Giulia
DTR1975 wrote: Mon May 20, 2024 12:11 pm Giulia, I would very much like to read your account of your experience.
Good morning. I would like to share this really unique experience I had the night after the death (due to pancreatic cancer) of a dear English friend of ours. Her husband and her had been friends for many years and would regularly check on my grandmother’s house in Market Harborough when we were in Italy, even though they lived a few miles away.

A little while before being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, our friend’s husband died from a heart attack in his sleep. Joy had already got up and been in the garden, and posted her good morning to her friends on Facebook, when she realized that Jim had died. It was a big shock for her when she went to wake him up and found that he was dead.

Jim had a very friendly personality. He liked to amuse people with his jokes and had had his first serious heart attack back in 2002 when he was visiting Italy with his wife for my sister’s wedding. He was in hospital, on the wedding day, but his doctor had allowed him to wear his wedding suit and meet my sister and her husband in one of the hospital waiting rooms.

When my mother first went to England after my father’s death ten years ago, Jim and Joy met her at the airport and Jim arranged to have a video conference with me the next morning, to let me know that she was coping well.

After Jim died, as stange as it appeared to me, I didn’t dream of him.

However, when a number of months later Joy died from pancreatic cancer on Christmas Eve, I had a very long dream. My whole family was there with us, including my deceased father and my living mother, as well as Jim and Joy. Joy was ”relocating” to a new place, and she appeared very emotional about it. She had her luggage, and we were all following her along a very long path. The only person who was not visible to Joy from the very beginning, because she was so emotional about her “relocation”, was Jim, who winked at me and told me that a chat with my (living) mother would have certainly helped her calm down.

Now, this is not the first time I see living people (incarnate spirits) together with the dead on the Other Side. When I left my deceased father at the end of my OBE of 12 March 2015, he was sitting at a table with my (living) mother, who was asleep in the physical at 6:25 am.

It is nice to know that, when one of us passes on to Spirit, he/she is not really alone, but in the company of all the people who mattered to them in this physical life. It is also nice to know that one does not need to know how to astral travel in order to spend quality time with their loved ones on the Other Side.

It is interesting to note how a person showing little interest for spirit contact appears to play a very practical role in spirit contact.

Re: Doctor Uncovers the TRUTH About Near Death Experiences | Dr. Raymond Moody

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2024 9:58 pm
by DTR1975
Giulia it's amazing to me that you can recall all those details from your dreams. I usually forget all the details of my dreams within 3 minutes of waking up. Lately I have been trying to make it a practice to recall as many details from my dreams as possible. It seems to help cement the memories a little bit. Thanks for telling us what happened.