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by HCStewart
Thu May 02, 2024 11:11 am
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Re: My Book

It is a pity that we grieve so much when we physically lose a loved one because grief is what most hinders communication. Yes I agree.I worked as a Bereavement Counsellor and encountered many people who couldn't move past their grief, and in some cases, it wrecked their lives. I would often 'see' (...
by DTR1975
Thu May 02, 2024 11:29 am
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Re: Soul Contract

Thank you Giulia, I'll check it out.
by Garry
Sun May 05, 2024 11:26 am
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your mind and spirit remain young.

This is so true.. One thing you never realize when you are young is that when you age, your mind and spirit remain young. You feel young inside, but your young spirit looks at the world through the eyes of an aging shell. Inside we feel the same as we always have. We have more or less the same hopes...
by DTR1975
Sun May 05, 2024 12:35 pm
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Re: your mind and spirit remain young.

This was really cool. I've also noticed that as I have gotten older, time seems to pass by quicker. When I was a kid, a year seemed like an eternity. Now the years just zip by. I can't believe 2024 is almost half over already. It seems like Christmas was just a few weeks ago.
by DTR1975
Tue May 07, 2024 7:27 pm
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Re: Soul Contract

This will probably probably take a while, and a lot of consideration. I know as a kid I always loved animals, seeing them, about them and playing with them. This has been consistent throughout my teens and my adult hood. I have also liked to build and create things. However I haven't had the fortune...
by DTR1975
Thu May 09, 2024 1:13 pm
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Re: Why do some dead people not communicate with living people they loved

Thanks Giulia,
I think I need to try doing the dream journal thing. Even if for no other reason than because I have some pretty cool dreams. Maybe I'll check out those books too.
by DTR1975
Sun May 12, 2024 5:31 pm
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Doctor meets Jesus and it changes his whole life

This NDE was great. A prominent doctor meets Jesus in his experience and it completely changes the course of his life.
by DTR1975
Sun May 12, 2024 5:46 pm
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Re: Living with Dementia

Thank you for posting this Giulia. My Grandfather died of Alzheimer's disease. It was horrible watching this proud and skilled man slowly losing every ability that he had over the years. The worst part was when he forgot that his wife died. Everytime my dad and uncles told him about her death, it hi...
by DTR1975
Mon May 13, 2024 3:41 am
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Re: The Arthur Findlay College and the SNU

Giulia, I have a few questions. How does a medium know that the spirit he or she is communicating with is who it claims to be? Is there some way for a medium to positively identify the spirit? Has there ever been an occasion when a spirit has been deceitful about its identity or anything else? What ...