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by DTR1975
Sat Jul 06, 2024 9:37 am
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Re: No limits

Maybe the universe wasn't created. Maybe it is still in the process of being created. If God is truly unlimited, then maybe the universe he is building is also unlimited.
by DTR1975
Thu Jul 11, 2024 6:44 pm
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Time and NDEs

I am curious as to how time is perceived in NDES. Many experiencers have stated that during their NDE it felt like time stopped. Or that there is no time where they are. This would seem to contradict with the experiences of others who have met with deceased relatives who have told them "It's no...
by Giulia
Fri Jul 12, 2024 12:23 am
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Re: Time and NDEs

Yes, Derek. Time is a really fascinating topic, as far as near-death experiences are concerned. I have personally experienced linear time losing its meaning during spiritually-transformative experiences and also during unusual hypnopompic experiences upon waking up in my early morning. Here is one: ...
by DTR1975
Sun Jul 14, 2024 12:33 am
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Re: Time and NDEs

Those are all great examples, Jordan. So if there is no linear measurement of time in the spirit world, then what measure of time do they refer to when they tell the experiencer "It's not your time yet"? Are they still able to measure time in our world, but not their own?
by Jennanne
Wed Jul 17, 2024 11:48 pm
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Re: Time and NDEs

From my NDE and out of body experiences, I understood the divine and receiving spirits know we are unable to grasp the afterlife existence, so they speak using “our terms” so we can understand the message. The afterlife spaces are timeless in regard to the way we perceive time, it’s more of an inter...
by Jennanne
Thu Jul 18, 2024 12:29 am
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Re: Creating fear using near-death experiences!

Sharing my awakening to the idea of fear… that’s really all it is. An idea. We must acknowledge everyone on this Planet is a product of being trained by other humans. The idea of Fear has been used as a tactic to either teach one to be cautious or to control behavior. Kings and religions have used i...
by Jennanne
Thu Jul 18, 2024 1:09 am
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Re: Time and NDEs

Thank you darling for the warm welcome! It’s a pleasure to meet you! I just connected with the site today, so not really sure how things go. I submitted my first experience and I think it needs to be approved before being posted in archives. In any case, I’ve had so many experiences I had to write t...
by DTR1975
Thu Jul 18, 2024 5:46 pm
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Re: Lucid dreaming mask

I feel like there’s little truth to this. Maybe it’s only the external stimuli that’ll help you lucid dream, but I’ve also heard that having lights flash at your closed eyes could help you lucid dream. I’ll have to research more into it, because maybe it’s only the flashing lights that help? Let me...
by DTR1975
Fri Jul 19, 2024 11:42 pm
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Derek's Lucid Dream Project

Here I will place my posts pertaining to my attempts to have lucid dreams. My ultimate goal is to make contact with the spirit world and communicate with my subconscious. Hopefully this ability will be a powerful tool to improve myself and grow in knowledge.