According to
"An egregore (pronounced egg ’ gree gore) is a group thought-form. It can be created either intentionally or unintentionally, and becomes an autonomous entity with the power to influence. A group with a common purpose like a family, a club, a political party, a church, or a country can create an egregore, for better or worse depending upon the type of thought that created it.
In the spirit world where presumably everything is created by thought, egregores also exist as well."
This is a similar concept to a Tulpa [] which is a thought form given existance.
I came to this conclusion after reading The Crisis of Death.
The following passage was quoted by Ernesto Bozzano in his book the Crisis of Death. It documents a mediumistic communication from the recently deceased renowned actor Rudolfo Valentino to his female companion Natacha.
"This, dear Natacha, was the beginning of my communication with you. I owe it to my generous guide. Since the excerpts quoted are already very long, I will only add a few more paragraphs containing observations to be contrasted with other similar observations quoted in previous cases. I note that on the subject of the "creative potentiality of thought", there are highly suggestive observations in these messages about the way in which this potentiality is expressed in the earthly environment. According to these observations, the characters created by novelists and brilliant playwrights sometimes take on the appearance of real personalities existing temporarily in the astral environment; personalities endowed with a certain intelligence and activity, although automatically limited to the part assigned to them by the novelist, since in such personalities there could be no reminiscences of a non-existent past; just as happens with the similar creations of "somnambulistic personifications" in experiences of hypnotic suggestion, personifications which are themselves intelligent and active, but only within the limits assigned to them by the suggestifier. In any case, the ephemeral characters created by novelists with the force of their thought would sometimes manage to remain in existence for as long as the interest they arouse in an ever-renewing multitude of readers remains lively; an interest which, by maintaining intact the vibratory tonality from which they originated, would help to preserve them. Hence the possibility of pseudo-medical manifestations of novel characters, a possibility which it would be out of place to discuss here, but which is theoretically possible, and practically demonstrable."
To put this in more easily digestible language, the collective thoughts of novelists, movie makers, and their legions of fans give physical form to fictional characters.
So in the afterlife, you could hang out with Batman, Indiana Jones, Sherlock Holmes or your favorite movie/literature characters. I intend to be buddies with Buckaroo Bonzai, who was my hero growing up.
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