My encounters with aliens and UFOs

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My encounters with aliens and UFOs

Post by paigetheoracle »

When I was living with a friend in Evanton, I went for a walk along the Glen Glass road, where I was offered the chance to meet a Grey and see a scout craft but I chickened out. After this point I started a relationship with my current partner and moved out. Living inThe Highlands and travelling along through the Slochd pass, on the way to Glasgow, I saw a white flying saucer above some power lines and as it dropped below them, it disappeared (I saw the same craft in the same area, again when passing the same spot on another journey through the area).

While living in Cromarty, I witnessed several bedroom visitors, including a semi-transparent, Pumpkin Headed Grey, floating at an oblique angle at the bottom of the bedroom. Another night I woke to witness two red eyed insectoid creatures, which I mentioned on a website, leading to a UFO investigator contacting me for details and saying that I was one of several UK residents who had, had the same experience. He further mentioned that previous even to that, these creatures were mentioned in a famous Australian case centred in the Blue Mountains. One day in the kitchen, my wife saw a tall figure behind me, dressed like a monk. A few years later, after we had moved to Thurso, just as I was switching off the bedroom light, I saw the same figure up against the cupboards.

My first encounter with UFOs began as a teenager, while still at school as I was returning home with some school friends. In the clouds I saw a large, needle shaped craft, floating at an oblique angle between the clouds, over the school itself. My friends, including the form captain and a cousin in the same class as me, walked on towards the green and swings close by, where I caught up with them after staring in awe at the ship for at least ten minutes. They didn’t seem to notice it and I funnily enough didn’t draw attention to it either. Years later I bought a book by John Keel, called UFO: Operation Trojan Horse, which featured an image in the front of the book of the same vehicle, saying it had been seen worldwide.

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