Hi, this is Fran with the Plan 😉

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Re: Hi this is fran with the plan 😉

Post by fran »

ADMINDiane wrote: Sat Mar 15, 2025 2:54 am OK, the two of you have gotten me quite curious about all of this.... ;)
yess!!! 😀 very good. 😉
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Re: Hi, this is Fran with the Plan 😉

Post by DTR1975 »

I don't think that I understand the concept of dualism vs. Non-dualism. Care to explain, Fran?
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Re: Hi, this is Fran with the Plan 😉

Post by fran »

Oh, chapter 2 ;)
I'll have a go at it. Just give me some time. It's only a week since i understood.. 😀 🤔
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Re: Hi, this is Fran with the Plan 😉

Post by fran »

wow, i just wrote 2p text and now it's gone..
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Re: Hi, this is Fran with the Plan 😉

Post by fran »

From my humble point of view:


Dualism is what we know from this world:
Hot - cold
Bright - dark
Good – bad

To be able to percieve anything, there need to be differences. There will be a subject (me) who percieves an object (everything else). So I can see you or the mountains in front of the window. If there are no differences, like everything is dark or bright, it’s not possible, to percieve anything.

On the level of religion, God is seen as good AND evil.

Non – dualism

This is, when we immagine/feel, that everything is connected. We are one with stones and stars, with humans and animals. Non–dualim can not be percieved in this world - due to the lack of differences between things.
There is a me that expands through everything else and so eventually everything ist the same as me.

On the level of religion, God doesn’t exist. (We are Godlike)


In the book there are two more types of dualism:


Semidualism is between dualism and non-dualism. That’s when the idea grows that God is only love. However; evil can still be percieved. On this point arises the dilemma which can not be solved on this level; why is there evil, when God is only love?

On the level of religion you believe, that God loves you, but sometimes he still (seemingly) hates you.

Absolute non-dualism

That’s when you are aware, that there literally is nothing you could be one with except for God, because there is nothing but God. (Everything else is but a dream.)

On the level of religion, God is the only existing thing. We are a part of it and godlike.

If you like, you can try to feel what is living inside you. You might feel like everyting that bothers you in your everyday life goes away. You might feel great peace and a space inside you, that starts to dilate…

I was told, that this is what it is like to be «connected to God» I don’t know, wether it’s true, but i take this to work with. (Clearly God is also light ant love and so on... 😊)

I hope, this was somewhat helpful..
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Re: Hi, this is Fran with the Plan 😉

Post by DTR1975 »

Ok. So the paradigm that the 2 spirits are promoting is absolute non-dualism? That everyone and everything is God(or part of God)?
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Re: Hi, this is Fran with the Plan 😉

Post by fran »

Yes, exactly.
they are quite persitent about it. 😉
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Re: Hi, this is Fran with the Plan 😉

Post by fran »

i really like the bit where gary writes about near death experiences. it's in his third book.
he sais, that near death is a life between lifes. and that the next life can be 1000 years later or 500 before the life you just lived.
he then describes, how he goes up into the sky, passes by some stars and nebulas that look just like the nasa pictures. with time he starts to realize, that some galaxys are scared of one another and even hurt each other. he eventually mooves on into a white room in which he can sense healing vibes and he feels even better than before and he thinks, he is ready to stay in heaven.
he then is explained, that what he will see next, is what makes the difference between a near death and a death experience.

after that he goes from feeling really really good to somehow feeling uneasy and then he realizes, that he must go somewhere else to put things right.... and that's when he goes down to where he is about to be born again.........

he is explained, that he needs to go back to earth, to learn the lessons, he has not yet learned. They explain him how to successfully go through his life; meaning, how to learn the lessons.

i'm very eager on doing a good job in learning my lessons 😉
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Re: Hi, this is Fran with the Plan 😉

Post by DTR1975 »

What lessons do you think you have learned? Do you think we all need to learn the same lessons? Or does it vary from person to person?
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Re: Hi, this is Fran with the Plan 😉

Post by fran »

my assumption, that absolute nondualsim is the truth, requires that there is only ONE God and ONE son - and NOTHING else.

Of course there IS our dream of the world and our EGO. There can be only ONE dream and ONE EGO, if everything really IS connected.. (in 9billion facets). and therefore it would also be only ONE lesson to be learned (in 9 billion facets).

The task is, to learn, that my EGO and all other EGOs (the one EGO) is only an illusion:
Fear and ego are illusions, but love and God are true, and therefore eternal, whereas ego and fear are temporary, like time and space...

...I do understand and beliefe that this is true, but i can not yet feel it.

The lessons consist of the daily challenges like the car in front that drives to slow, the kids who didn't do what they should have, the boss who doesn't knowledge my work, the stench of the garbage, my headache.. everything can be a lesson.
and the lesson is learned, when you go through it with a smile on your face, knowing and accepting, it is just a lesson and it can not ever harm you.

there comes in handy "true forgiveness":

conventional forgivenes says: you have done very bad, but look at me: i'm such a do-gooder, i forgive you! (see my bright EGO?!!!)

True forgivenes says: the world i but a dream, i've invented you and what you do to me, so i can learn that there is nothing that could harm me. i vorgive you, what you have never done. you are the light as am i. nothing has happend. we are still ONE son.

sometimes i can forgive the situation, when it happens. that's quite rare, but it does feels great when... it lifts off heavy weight off my shoulders.

most of the time i still forget 😞 or i do it before i go to bed...
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