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The nine kingdoms.

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:34 am
by tundrawolf
As a former religious person, I only had religion to explain these experiences.

As per my other threads, I grew up in a brutal and painful household, and I nearly died there.

This trauma, was a foundation of my humanness, whereupon I was a cruel, violent, vicious, cowardly, and awful individual, though I, "Did my best".

When I was younger, I died in a hospital, then returned in what I call, a "return from death experience."

I turned to drugs for a time, where I overdosed twice, before a wolf, at a wolf sanctuary, bonded with me- and became my reason for living. (I chose to live, because of him.)

However, I remained, a fairly, adverse person.

I remember, mourning, deep within my spirit/gut area, that wolf-people did not exist, and more than that, that hot wolf-women also, did not exist, because, I desired one to be my wife, more than, just about, anything.

Well, I had a brutal spiritual experience at the wolf sanctuary, where I felt my "soul" (now I realize, it was a clone body.) get ripped apart and twisted up in horrendous agony- and I could feel it, every day since then.

Fast forward to 2021 (I am 45. Tempted to put a decimal before the 4, as my EDC is a Glock 21 haha) March, whereupon I received the first of three, life changing OBE experiences, whereupon, I met an actual, real-life, wolf girl!

And yes, she is unfathomably beautiful to me, she is so attractive, I am almost in tears over it, thinking about her.

I also became aware of a number of human-animal hybrid folk living in Antarctica, and the same consciousness transfer technology, that was left here, by the ancient of ancients. Some of it is spoken of in the Emerald Tablets of Thoth.

So, I began to inquire as to what our past life circumstances were, (She was angry with me. Hell hath no fury like a scorned wolf woman!)

I began to become aware, that I had many clone bodies, as my origin, is not human, though I have a human body. I am, "Valuable" and, "Useful" for various things, and adverse beings have decided to try to trick me and take advantage of me, or, at least, they were.

Well, I stumbled across a very disturbing video (Before the OBEs of the wolf girl.) that was, of a Korean artist, who was taken, to "hell" for religious reasons.

While I reject the religiosity of it entirely, it did get me to think (Also there were wolf people there! Do I have to go to hell to get a hot wolf wife??) about the dynamics of, who ends up there, for how long, and why.

The answers were as terrifying as they were edifying.

It turns out, that much of the religious myth, stems from these places being an actual thing.

What I understand:

"You" do not end up in hell, Your clone body does. Humans who say, "There is nothing but blackness after death" usually do not have a clone body. For them, yes, death is the end.

"Hell" is a good thing! I was shown that if it was not for these hell realms, that life here on the surface of this planet, would be, "Hell on earth" and much more adverse than it is, now.

If you watch the video, there are clearly engineered walls in some of those realms. That means, someone had to build them! Who, and why?

From what I understand, the ancients needed a prison to contain, adverse spirits (adverse consciousness connecting with vulnerable living things.) and to try to separate the darkness, from beingness.

However, at some point, the old "rulers" of those realms, either were defeated or passed on themselves, and new regime changes were made.

This has been a sort of chaotic change, however,

One of the kingdoms, early on in my awakening, asked me, if I would like to be a resident there. They showed me a list of rules I would have to agree to. I did not particularly like some of the rules, however, I do somewhat regret not taking them up on it.

One of my clones in one of the hell realms, began to be "kicked out" of there, I asked them why they are ejecting me, they told me, "Because you do not belong here."

Apparently, if you learn your lesson, you are ejected.

Some beings have been there for a long, long time- they are not getting out. They are incapable of changing. There are beings there, that will never leave, and other beings, that succumbed to the adverse treatment and have, essentially, experienced, "Permanent death"

Re: The nine kingdoms.

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:52 am
by tundrawolf
Warning!!! The following video is extremely disturbing, and portrays horrendous suffering. However, if this is a real place, it would be good to acknowledge it, and to learn about it.


Ignore the attractive wolf people and focus on the message.

So, my belief is, these humans experiencing torment, are actually clone (anchor) bodies.

From what i understand, if someone is "afraid" of hell, they likely already have a clone body there, waiting for them. Clone bodies are hardy, and nearly immortal as anchors for consciousness.

"You" go there to learn a lesson... To have adversity tortured out of you. Who deems who goes there, is likely an ancient AI system that humans try and understand through religious mythology.

Some interesting facts:

Notice that the tormentors there, (I do not use the word demon. It is offensive!) have genitals. If you are not there for rehabilitation, you are usually- born there. Imagine, being born into those circumstances- believe it or not, those beings are not, "evil!" I searched Hell, and I could not find a single impure heart, there.

If you are the ones doing the tormenting, life is actually pretty good. Or, it can be. Unlimited sex, the food can be decent-ish (usually clone bodies are food.) and if you are born into it you don't mind the smell.

There are many, many layers and levels, and various methods of torment, ranging from mundane, to horrendous- and keep in mind, if it were not for these realms, those things would be experienced up here, with us!

If you are afraid of hell, that is your warning- to determine why you are worthy of being there. If you take care of it while alive, I do not believe you will have to go there. Hell is not fun if you are being rehabilitated.

If you are a visitor, there, it can be fun, amassing a harem (I would be the guy with a bunch of hot wolf and anthro people in my group.) and finding meaning and purpose there, even power. I was shown, I have an alt there, and he is considered to be a prince and a ruler. His life is really actually great!

There are regime changes often enough that things can change pretty drastically, but usually folks stick to themselves or their jobs.

Some of the layers are run by living crystals, which can exude various energies. Crystals can also capture consciousness.

Remember, there is more surface area in the crust of this planet than there is on the surface. In fact, you could fit many "Earths" within the crust. Some expanses are immense.

There is a sort of, whirlwind that surges through some of the realms, that is a very, strong wind. If you get caught in it, traditionally you never escape. It is what the Bible calls, the "Bottomless pit".