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by learnerjordan
Thu Jul 18, 2024 5:22 pm
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Re: Lucid dreaming mask

I feel like there’s little truth to this. Maybe it’s only the external stimuli that’ll help you lucid dream, but I’ve also heard that having lights flash at your closed eyes could help you lucid dream. I’ll have to research more
into it, because maybe it’s only the flashing lights that help?
by learnerjordan
Thu Jul 18, 2024 5:23 pm
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Re: Lucid dreaming mask

I believe it’s called Strobe-induced lucid dreaming. I believe it’s suppose to make you aware of external stimuli without being too overbearing
by learnerjordan
Mon Jul 22, 2024 1:44 am
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Re: Jennanne's First NDE/OBE

Thank you so much for posting this here! I’ve read a lot of NDE’s but have never been able to thank them personally for their stories, they do mean a lot to me. :Cheers :Cheers
by learnerjordan
Tue Jul 23, 2024 2:28 pm
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Re: Prophetic NDEs

I’ve learned, through reading NDE’s and my own thoughts, that free will still exists, and future isn’t written in stone. we have almost 8 billion people on earth, and we all affect each other daily. I believe that a utopian society will exist - but only after a huge apocalyptic fallout of our own so...
by learnerjordan
Thu Jul 25, 2024 4:08 pm
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Re: What happens right after we die?

I have a similar question, but it’s more like, If we’re here for growth, ascension, to learn and to experience, what is the end goal? for the higher being to learn from our experiences? there must be an end goal for all souls and living things. what if that’s happening right niw? Sandi T’s NDE says ...
by learnerjordan
Sun Jul 28, 2024 4:48 pm
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Re: Vehicles or boats in Heaven?

Just found this NDE i thought you might find interesting. Again, suddenly, a hole opened up at the top of the gray void and red light poured through as a menacing vehicle like thing came through. It looked like a train that flew and it was pull...
by learnerjordan
Mon Jul 29, 2024 3:45 pm
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Re: the most famous case, that of Dorothy Eady

I’ve been meaning to search more into her since i seen this post but I’ve been busy. This is actually really interesting! I wonder if she remembers the in between
by learnerjordan
Fri Aug 02, 2024 7:11 pm
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Re: Derek's Lucid Dream Project


That’s exciting to hear
by learnerjordan
Fri Aug 16, 2024 8:17 pm
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Re: Hi! I am writing a PhD thesis on near-death experiences and consciousness

The BICS Essay Contest comes to mind. Also EDIT: I haven’t researched much into it, but The Munroe Instiute must have some stuff ...
by learnerjordan
Tue Aug 20, 2024 6:20 pm
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Re: Divination systems + Symbols

I have been an astrologer for some 52 years, have formed and led study groups and state-level associations. My recently published book, "NDEs and Awakenings; Narratives with Astrological Corroboration," is probably the first major book that examines NDEs, Awakenings, OOBs and STEs with as...