In other words are you thought driven (introverted / seeking answers) or action driven (extrovert – seeking excitement)? Would you rather know than do, analyse rather than react, slow down or rush on? Like the Duracell bunny, people who die of exposure refuse to slow down and assess their situation, which in the end kills them. Now apply that to a culture that also refuses to slow down and assess the situation that they are in and we have racial suicide. ‘He travels fastest, who travels alone’ (slowing down allows us to accumulate mass, memory and possessions as abandonment of everything ensures that we own little, think less but imagine more).
This is the crushing defeat of old age versus the enthusiasm of the young, rushing excitedly onto the next adventure. This by the way applies to countries as well as individuals.
Why does this happen? Because of the dynamo effect or action generating energy, which leads to confidence at the very least or overconfidence at the worst. Action is expediency, where it is shallow of thought (refusal to slow down and think), the opposite is overthinking without action (complexity of thought / failure to act).
We rush around trying to maintain a high or accept defeat (state of not knowing), slow down and observe the world as it is, not as you assumed it was, based upon past knowledge. This is the failure point or theory of action that didn’t pan out (experience that sends you back to square one).
Action simplifies (Alexander and the Gordian Knot / conservation of energy) as thought leads to complication that is settling down in one spot and concentrating upon what is there, not what maybe to come (jettisoning material and attention versus building up resources and knowledge); slow down and look or rush on and ignore (tortoise and hare or there must be something I can do as opposed to there must be something I don’t know – the addict needing their fix or ideas waking you up, action putting you to sleep).
We move between our two worlds of inside and out. As the Hindus say, it is the universe breathing (the heart beating / the lungs breathing / the tides moving ). When we have nothing left to give from within to without, the body stills as does the mind permanently and we move on to the next lifetime as miners seek the next payload. All hail the Holy dollar!
This is where physics meets the human condition or action and thought are explained in terms of action and inaction, speed and stillness (still waters run deep, fast streams are shallow - sound disperses attention (motion / e-motion) as vision is still).