Saved by the Bell

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Saved by the Bell

Post by Garry »

Lilyana Živković

Today, in most countries only a doctor can proclaim someone legally dead. I would have thought the same was the case in the US(?)
That $10,000 fine is a joke.

Also, there has to be a 6 minute window during which there’s been an irreversible cessation of heartbeat and irreversible cessation of functions of the brain (determined by lack of pupil constriction in response to bright light).
The reason for the 6 minutes is that a longer deprivation of oxygen is understood to cause permanent brain damage.

An interesting tidbit on this theme:

Once upon a time, strings would be attached to the hands, feet and head of a deceased which were connected to an outside bell. The idea was that if you were (unintentionally) buried alive, you were supposed to feel around the coffin for a string. The ringing would alert the grave keeper that you were alive.

Hence the expression “saved by the bell.”

A large number of the so called “security coffin” were patented during the 18th and 19th centuries. Variations on the idea are still available today.

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