Beliefs, Experiences and Scientific Facts about Manifestation and the Law of Attraction
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Post by 0xchallenger »

I got a wrist injury on my right hand from pickleball recently. My left wrist and elbow started hurting because I thought I could do everything I used to do using my left hand. My goal for the next month currently is to learn self-care and patience.
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Post by Zen Tzu »

0xchallenger, most certainly you will be successful and realize your goal. Best wishes and healing vibes :)
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Post by Giulia »

0xchallenger wrote: Mon Aug 21, 2023 5:02 am I got a wrist injury on my right hand from pickleball recently. My left wrist and elbow started hurting because I thought I could do everything I used to do using my left hand. My goal for the next month currently is to learn self-care and patience.
I am sorry about your injury, Oxchallenger.

At the same time, I feel this is an excellent bite-size exercise for the Manifestation Workshop, as your goal is very precise and specific.

Could you elaborate on any manifestation techniques that have proven useful for you so far?
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Post by 0xchallenger »

I’ve mostly been visualizing myself beating an arcade game that I used to be able to beat before getting injured, winning a truckload of tickets, and giving them to random kids, making them happy. I also visualize myself at my day job healthy, strong, and protecting others. I think it’s worked in combination with resting, stretching, and some mobilization.
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Post by Giulia »

That’s excellent, Oxchallenger ✨

It sounds as though you have a natural talent here.

May I ask if this one-month process is resulting in any unforeseen resources for you, such as downtime that you could invest in other ways?
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Post by Giulia »

My umbrella goals are now:

Family and Relationships (ensuring safety, health and wellness to them and me)
Livelyhood (providing a service in the field of art, colour and intuition from my home)
Experiences (continuing to connect with Divine Consciousness)
Good morning. Here is how I have been progressing over the last 10 days:

1) A professional painter, who is a friend of mine, has offered to help me out, free of charge, with a basic drawing course I need to take in order to improve my painting. I will be working on a drawing for 30 minutes every morning and sending a copy to her. She will review it, tell me about any mistakes and give me instructions.

2) I am arranging to have some accountability partners with whom to video-chat about my artwork at regular intervals.

3) I have taken an interest in journaling as a mental decluttering system, in order to free up more time.

4) I am really making the most of my early mornings now to accomplish my goals, starting with a 4-minute visualization session.
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Post by Giulia »

I have found that journaling is an excellent tool for manifestation. I would like to copy in this thread an article posted by Tony, as a Future Self Journal can certainly help a person align with their goals. ... sp=sharing
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Re: Can We Gain Command Over Our Ability To Enter Flow States?

Post by Giulia »

Hi, Tony.

Thanks for sharing this interesting article. I agree with the author that we can gain command over our ability to enter flow states by understanding what triggers flow for us and practicing the skills of mindfulness and reflexivity. At the same time I feel that flow is not always optimal for every situation, and that it's okay to exit flow from time to time.

I would add that it's also possible to enter flow experiences at set times and for longer periods. This can be a very relaxing and empowering experience. One way I do it is to set aside specific times each day in my early mornings for focused work or creative activity (in my case painting every morning). Another way is to find a physical space where I can be undisturbed and fully immersed in my work.

Here are some additional ideas I am working on for entering flow experiences at set times and for longer periods:

- Eliminate distractions. This means turning off my phone, closing unnecessary tabs on my computer, and finding a quiet place to work.

- Set clear goals, by knowing what I want to achieve before I start working.

- If necessary, break down large tasks into smaller, more manageable steps. This will make the work seem less daunting and more achievable.

- Take breaks. Get up and move around every 20-30 minutes to avoid getting restless or bored.

- Reward myself. When I reach a milestone, I take a moment to celebrate my accomplishment and make a note in my journal.

I look forward to hearing what you think about it.
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Re: Can We Gain Command Over Our Ability To Enter Flow States?

Post by Giulia »

One of the sources which I found many years ago suggested that taking breaks BEFORE 45 minutes during any type of venture such as these can keep one's positive energy into the venture.

Persisting beyond 45 minutes when one has a free choice can result in a turnaround toward negativity for some reason
I absolutely agree, Tony ✨

Also in the case of our Manifestation Workshop, where I am using 4-minute positive visualization sessions to connect with my goals, I have watched a number of videos by experts who make it very clear that the session IS TO END the moment you no longer feel in the flow of the process.
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Re: How to stop procrastinating | SOLVING THE PROCRASTINATION PUZZLE by Timothy Pychyl | Core Message

Post by Giulia »

Thank you, Tony, for raising this important topic. ✨

Procrastination is a common problem that can have a negative impact on our mental and physical well-being. I would like to post a copy in our Manifestation Workshop thread.

The article you shared provides some helpful insights into why we procrastinate and how we can overcome it. Here is a summary of what I was able to grasp:

Procrastination takes a toll on our mental and physical well-being. It can erode self-esteem, lower life satisfaction, and lead to stress, anxiety, and depression.

There are two main reasons why we procrastinate: the future self forecasting fallacy and the mood enhancement effect.

The future self forecasting fallacy is the tendency to assume that our future selves will be more motivated and capable than our current selves. This can lead us to put off tasks until later, when we may not have the time or energy to complete them.

The mood enhancement effect is the tendency to procrastinate on tasks that we find unpleasant or difficult in order to improve our current mood. This can be a short-term solution, but it can lead to problems in the long run if we never get around to completing the task.

Here are some additional insights from the article:

The urge to avoid a task starts in an area of the brain called the amygdala. The amygdala is responsible for our fight-or-flight response, so when we feel the urge to procrastinate, it's because our brains are perceiving the task as a threat.We can learn to calm down the amygdala and reduce the urge to procrastinate by using the L.E.A.R.N. technique:

- Label: Identify the emotion that is leading to procrastination.
- Exhale: Breathe out slowly and deeply.
- Accept: Accept whatever you are feeling without judgment.
- Release: Release any muscle tension that you are holding.
- Notice: Notice where the urge to procrastinate is coming from in your body.

We can also set anti-procrastination intentions, which are specific "when-then" statements that we make about how we will respond to procrastination triggers. For example, we might say "When I feel the urge to procrastinate on writing my paper, I will take a 5-minute break to walk around and clear my head.”

Finally, we can use the W.O.O.P. method to increase our motivation to complete tasks that we have been putting off. The W.O.O.P. method stands for

- Wish,
- Outcome,
- Obstacle,
- and Plan.

To use the W.O.O.P. method, we first write down what we want to achieve (the Wish). Then, we write down how we will feel when we achieve our Wish (the Outcome). Next, we identify the obstacles that might prevent us from achieving our Wish (the Obstacles). Finally, we write down a plan for how we will overcome these obstacles (the Plan).

Here are some questions that one to mind and that we can ask ourselves to help us overcome procrastination:

- What are the specific tasks that I am procrastinating on?
- What are the reasons why I am procrastinating on these tasks?
- What are the consequences of my procrastination?
- What are some specific strategies that I can use to overcome my procrastination?
- What is my motivation for wanting to overcome my procrastination?

This article appears to provide a comprehensive overview of the causes and consequences of procrastination, as well as some helpful strategies for overcoming it.The L.E.A.R.N. technique is a simple and effective way to calm down the amygdala and reduce the urge to procrastinate.The W.O.O.P. method is a great way to increase our motivation to complete tasks that we have been putting off.

Again, I would like to post a copy in our Manifestation Workshop.

For example, I have noticed that, in my effort to make time for drawing and painting in my early morning hours, I have displayed procrastination attitudes about new habits which I intuitively and consciously felt extremely helpful in order to achieve my goal:

- Journaling for a brief period every morning
- A 30 minute painting session every morning

I have found that the reason for procrastination was in fact a fear of success:

1) What would happen if I actually succeed in my artwork goals without having attended an official Art School? People will think I am a fraud.

2) What would happen if I accidentally start selling my artwork? I might be criticized by other artists for being so bold as to charge a price for my work.

Once I realized that THIS was stopping me, I made a conscious effort to dismiss these thoughts and started pursuing my new path.

Thank you again, Tony, for raising this topic.
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