STEs and... Physics!

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STEs and... Physics!

Post by Andrea »

Quantum Physics went so mainsteam, to win multiple Oscar prizes this year. Although possibly only a few of the people watching Everything, Everywhere, All at once are aware that the apparently science fiction movie is actually a science-based one. Or, better still, it is trying to describe one of the theories that theorethical physicists have come out with, in order to account for the findings of Quantum Physics.
It saddens me to think that those scientists who are capable to conceive such creative solutions, still feel compelled to stay away from the STEs world, as if they fear the stigma that still nowadays hits those researchers who dare dipping into the non-physical.
I'm no way a physics expert, let alone quantum physics. But after reading a few, relatively easy-to-read books, it hits me the fact that some important but anti-intuitive findings are paralleled by some accounts by NDEers who, considering their personal history, in no way could have been already aware of them.
Just to mention a few:
1. "Time, there, does not exist." We now know that the structure of time is in no way linear, as mankind thought for millennia, but is influenced by gravity, ie by mass. So, what happenes in an extreme situation, "there", where mass probably does not exist at all? Is it possible that the concept itself of time completely loose its meaning? Past, present, future, are they really separate?
2. "Space itself seems to be different". Time and space go hand in hand. And space too, is not absolute: a meter is not "a meter" long everywhere, but it depends, again, on the presence of masses warping it.
3. "We are all linked together". This is, I believe, the most interesting point. Physicists proved the existence of something called "entanglement". NDEers felt it deep in their souls. They felt how individuality can coexist with being all part of the same energy.
I do believe that those physicists who really want science to make a further step forward should start reading those stories. And I am sure they will get inspired from them, for the advancement of our knowledge.
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Re: STEs and... Physics!

Post by Giulia »

Thank you, Andrea. This is all very exciting news and it ties in with my interest in science fiction. I will certainly watch it.

Your post also gives me the opportunity to mention my much more limited research in this field.

I clearly remember there was a stage in my life, until I was around five or six years old, when I was always happy and never felt I really missed anything. Life was filled with bliss and magic and I felt anything was possible. Then, for no apparent reason, there was an almost overnight change and I realised that that blissful period of magic was over for good: I guess I had started growing up and sadly started being taught that I was separate and disconnected from the rest of the world.

Nonetheless, my keen curiosity about life’s great mysteries was very strong and I soon started reading all sorts of books illustrating scientific theories about the universe and the history of mankind. In particular, I found it strange that scientific research should be based on the assumption that everything is separate from everything else. I took an interest in romantic science fiction too, for the same reason. For instance, I loved the idea that it might be possible to travel into the past and make a different choice, to avoid an undesirable outcome, such as saving lives.

I remember I was around nine when I started experiencing intense episodes of déjà vu, which lasted until our son was born.

A few years ago I came across a presentation by author and speaker Gregg Braden internationally renowned as a pioneer in bridging science, spirituality, and the real world. He explained in plain terms my non-technical mind could understand how for thousands of years ancient, indigenous and spiritual traditions have simply assumed that everything is connected, whereas science and later quantum physics have been struggling for the last 300 years to come to the same conclusion, starting from the opposite assumption: that everything is separate.

The recent conclusions of a number of scientific experiments seem to be coming close to proving that some sort of intelligent field of energy (who some refer to as the quantum field, the matrix or God) actually exists. In Gregg’s words:
  • The field is the container for all things: from the perspective that science sees it now, everything exists within this field, the universe exists within the field, nothing exists out of the field. So all things that are happening are happening within this field.
  • The field is a bridge between us and the world around us, between our inner and our outer worlds. This is important, because, when we offer healing energy or a prayer to a person on the other side of the world, we are able to affect things thanks to the field.
  • The energy of this field is a mirror in the world around us for what we claim to be true in the world within us: we all have beliefs and expectations about what is true and is possible in the world – sometimes they are conscious, sometimes they are not – but, irrespective of this, the world is always telling us what our true beliefs are.
As I understand it, quantum physics is now studying how and why:
  • we are all connected;
  • we do not simply observe reality but actually create it through our emotions;
  • we can be in more than one place at once and actively travel between dimensions.
These pioneer notions really bridge the gap between my inner knowing as a child and my deeply rooted desire to obtain firsthand evidence about the possibility of doing apparently impossible things. These include visiting the Afterlife, checking on my loved ones and opening up to spiritually transformative experiences that have led to further insights about the power of positive expectation.
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Re: STEs and... Physics!

Post by Giulia »

Hello, Tony.

You wrote:
NOTHING in the physical reality needs to exist or appear to exist for our spirituality to be real.
I have heard you voice your lack of interest for physical reality a number of times. So what is the purpose of being incarnated in the physical?
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