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New Members

Post by Garry »

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How to use BBCode

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Hello from Italy

Post by Giulia »

Hello, Dear Friends, and thanks for creating this cozy community!

My name is Giulia, I live in Italy, but my mom is English and her dad was Czech. I am married to a wonderful man who has spent his life working as a physician and psychotherapist and has only actually retired following the Covid lockdown. We have a 25-year old son. I met my husband because he happens to specialise in studying apparently unexplainable phenomena, in his free time, in his capacity as a neurophysiologist, and since age nine I have always sort of “suffered” from unexplainable phenomena, such as déjà vus and sleep paralysis. In those days, these experiences were either dismissed as fantasy or regarded as some kind of illness. It was only when I started reading about out-of-the-body experiences in my late 20s that I realised that what happened to me may be a sign that there is actually more than this physical world to experience.

I need to add that, in my early years, since I was born until I was 5/6 years old, I never experienced unhappiness. I lived in a state of magical bliss and felt everything was possible. It was only when I was sent to school that, almost overnight, this bliss ended, and I started to experience separation and unhappiness. However, I kept looking for evidence of miracles in my life and continued to be attracted by the idea that, even in our everyday life, we may experience more than what is technically “physical”, which is why I started reading the Italian translation of Dr. Moody’s book Life after Life in my teens, as soon as Readers’ Digest started making chapters available in Italian.

As soon as I came across Bob Monroe’s book on his own OBEs, which had started in his 50s, I realised that my disturbing sleep paralyses may not be an illness but an opportunity to obtain personal evidence that we are spiritual beings. What I discovered was that my mind could wake up while my body was asleep, and that this could release my awareness from the strictly physical environment I had been taught I belonged to and travel across different dimensions, such as where the granddad I had never met (because he had died from cancer four years before my birth) could meet me.

Even though I never played around with what I now realised might be a gift, my earliest experiences were not all what you would call enjoyable. With my mind wide awake, and my critical/logical filters in place, it took some time before I could rid myself of my taboos. I will never forget the time when, having learnt how to willingly have out-of-the-body experiences, I was about to take off from my body which was lying asleep in bed, when I “heard” IT moaning something like «Please don’t go. Please stay and cry with me!» What a spooky experience!!! I thought I had gone crazy and might have a split personality. But my willpower got the better of my fears, and after a whole week spent sleeping with my bedroom light on, I realised what must have happened. I was a rather lonely young woman in those days, living 40 km away from my job and 800 km away from my family: a part of me was sad and depressed, and did not see a purpose in this physical life unless I could prove that a bigger dimension existed. I realised that, despite the “gift”, my body was equipped to “pretend” that I belonged to IT, and my standard education certainly did not help, even though I had never really been what you could call narrow-minded.

To make a long story short, even though those first astral-travel attempts were unsettling, I was blessed with a somewhat inner knowing that enabled me to recognise self-sabotaging experience and move on. In those days I was single and could devote my weekends to practicing and keeping a diary, despite the drawback of not having the Internet or a way of sharing my experiences with other people without sounding crazy.

Over these last 30 years, I have come to the conclusion that this physical life is a temporary dream, a temporary illusion that we are separate from each other and that physical death is the end. I also feel that our spirit must have at some point made the decision to accept the illusion, but I am not sure I will ever understand the mystery of pain and grief until I finally re-awaken from this dream, which is nonetheless filled with joyful memories of Christmas and other happy events. I might just add that the “dream” became a real nightmare when my dad died on 5 June 2014, but the joy of being able to meet with him in his new HOME 9 months later enabled me to start a new chapter in my life.

I now look forward to reading about other people’s experiences in what I used to regard as some sort of No-Man’s-Land. Maybe No-Man’s-Land is the place where we pretend to be in order to find out that we are all in this together (I now realise it was no coincidence I wrote my bachelor degree thesis on English IWW poetry). Maybe the unofficial story about the British and German soldiers crossing the Western Front around Christmas 1914 to exchange Christmas greetings is just a story, but even in that case, I feel the story is telling us that we do not truly hate each other, and that No-Man’s-Land is the place where we remember who we really are.

Looking forward to getting to know you all.

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Re: New Members

Post by Andrea »

ciao, I'm writing from Milano, Italy. I have been reading about NDEs and other STEs for a while now. I'll post about the books I enjoyed the most in the Books section, but it is the stories that go almost untold, shyly whispered to restricted number of people for the fear of not been believed, the fear of been laughted at, that convinced me of the importance, of the deep truth of those across-the-veil-experiences. I am grateful to all those experiencers who find the strenght to come out and tell their stories. And thank you to the admins here for creating a safe space to do that! Love to everyone.
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Welcome, Andrea

Post by Giulia »

Welcome, Andrea. We are very happy to have you here. You are right: very often one really needs to be brave to disclose a Near-Death Experience or any other spiritually-transformative experience to their loved ones, friends and society as a whole. We hope this will prove a safe place for all those who wish to share their stories and thoughts on the matter. Thank you so much for joining.
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Re: New Members

Post by Zen Tzu »

Hello everyone e ciao a tutti! It is a pleasure to once again be a part of this lovely community. Thank you cara Giulia for letting me know that the Forum is once again up and running. I was a member of the original Forum - I had joined in December 2014 and this is how I connected with Giulia who has since become a good friend. I have had an interesting variety of experiences in my life: Astral Projection, Deathbed Visions, Shared Death Experience, Dream Visitations and much more. I feel, sense, smell, hear and see departed Souls. Spirits have actually manifested to me and I can attest that there is indeed an Afterlife as I have personally had a few glimpses of it myself :)
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Re: New Members

Post by Aircast »

I am not a newbie but re-newed!

I've been here for so long. Thank you for keeping this forum running again. I deeply appreciate it.

And I am so glad to be back after all those years of talking on the forum. :)
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Re: New Members

Post by Giulia »

Welcome, Zen Tsu and Aircast. It is lovely to have you both back!

If either of you wishes to retrieve any of your old posts, I can try and do that, as I believe I have a full backup of the forum as it used to be in May 2019.

Looking forward to an enjoyable time together.
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Re: New Members

Post by Kaz »

Hi I'm Kaz & I'm from Australia. Thank you for accepting me into your forum :)
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Re: New Members

Post by Zen Tzu »

A warm welcome to you Kaz! :)
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