By Giulia

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By Giulia

Post by Giulia »

I have published two books in English:

1) The Afterlife: Hereafter and Here at Hand

Is mediumship a rare talent? Or does each of us have the potential to stay in touch with loved ones who have crossed over? In this groundbreaking book, expert astral traveller Giulia Jeary Knap presents evidence that we are all connected – and that connection doesn’t end with physical death.

Drawing on more than 25 years of in-depth research into mediumistic accounts and near-death experiences – as well as her personal meetings with deceased family members and friends, through dreams, lucid dreams and astral travel – Giulia examines the themes of transition, death, and life after death, and shares simple techniques for contacting your own dear departed on the spiritual plane.

This book is intended to be a source of comfort, not only for those who have suffered a loss, but also for anyone who has questions or doubts about a subject many find difficult to talk about.

The techniques described in this book do not require any special training; they are within everyone’s grasp. As Giulia demonstrates, our dear departed are closer to us than ever – and only too willing to reassure us, watch over us and guide us.

2) Looking Beyond the Fishbowl: A New Comforting Perspective on Reincarnation

We do not have to be reborn - at least, not in the traditional sense.

Author, astral traveller and mediumship and Afterlife researcher Giulia Jeary Knap returns with this in-depth analysis of inspiring reports from near-death experiencers and mediumistic accounts, as well as her own out-of-body experiences, to reassure us that death does not exist. The notion of multiple lives, so often misunderstood, cannot separate us. We are not all robots placed unwillingly in an overpowering and overcomplex system of life, death and rebirth that is beyond our control.

We never really lose the people dear to us, not even in our darkest moments. The spirit world is in fact our world; and we all have a mission in life, one we choose beyond space and time, which guides us every day and always, even through the circumstances and with the people that seem to cross our paths by chance.

This book is meant to be a source of comfort, not only for those who have suffered a loss but also for anyone who may feel their lives are ruled by guilt or fear of punishment.

Within this material realm, we may feel like goldfish swimming in a bowl - but when we learn to look beyond the fishbowl, we will see that the temporary and apparently restrictive experience of earthly life enables us to make a brave and selfless contribution to the great spiritual design of which we are all an integral part.
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