Feeling "in time" and "out of time" at the same time

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Feeling "in time" and "out of time" at the same time

Post by Giulia »

Around 15 years ago, as I emerged one night from sleep, I found myself simultaneously both inside and outside of time. This extraordinary awakening (in all senses) took place at dawn on 23 May 2008.

At the time, I worked as a full-time translator for a number of translation agencies, and I often had to catch up on my work at night. That particular night, I had gone to bed knowing I had 14 pages to translate by 7 am the next morning. In ordinary waking reality, this would have meant getting up at least four or five hours before my deadline, in the early hours of the morning. But I also had numerous other things on my mind. Earlier that evening, my car engine had almost burnt out because of a leak in the radiator. With the car broken down, I was unable to pick up my 11-year-old son from the gym. It was 7 pm and all the shops and petrol stations were closing. This and a series of other difficulties meant I had to move the translation down my list of priorities that evening.

Anyway, at around 4.30 am I was still in bed and already three hours behind schedule. I was in a twilight state of consciousness, when I started experiencing a lucid awareness of being simultaneously in time and ‘out of time’. Only an hour earlier, I am sure I would have gone mad if I had tried to get into this state of consciousness. Yet, there I was, able to hold both notions in my mind at the same time, with no effort and no urge to shift from one state to the other.

Anything I wanted to do had both not happened yet and, simultaneously, had already happened. The reason I did not need to shift from one perspective to the other was that both realities were true for me at the same time.

Lingering in this amazing state of consciousness for quite a while, I concentrated my thoughts on various situations in my life and realised that whatever goal I had in mind, it would take no effort to achieve it. This was because, in the ‘bigger time’ in which I was immersed, it had already happened. Even the 14 pages I had to translate, the thought of which would normally have made me leap out of bed in a state of panic, had already been translated and in ideal circumstances.

This extraordinary state of awareness was followed by a dream brimming with positive outcomes, practical situations that I could see and examine in vivid detail. In each scenario it was clear to me that luck is merely a facet of life that occurs once we have learnt to apply the secret of ‘big time’. At the time, this concept was closely linked to what I had been studying for years regarding what is widely known today as the ‘law of attraction’.

The feelings and ideas that followed on that very challenging morning, and which are still with me now, were:

a) It is possible to have access at any time to the ‘big time’ in which our goals have already been reached.
b) I experienced a great sense of relaxation and the ability to take things easy, since no mental effort is required to achieve something that has already happened.
c) I felt a renewed wave of vital energy coming from the awareness that any goal that has already been set, no matter how farfetched, has already manifested in ‘big time’, and that the small linear time we experience only exists to give us a sense of achievement.

Needless to say, my translation work flew smoothly that morning, taking much less time than it normally would - and, happily, the agency I was working for had set my deadline well in advance of the time they actually needed it.

This was my greatest breakthrough since I had started challenging the concept of linear time.

How did I challenge it? At first, in perhaps a somewhat childish way, delaying commitments that were important or boring, but which absolutely had to be completed by a certain date or time. When I went to school, for example, although I always had good grades, I usually stopped studying a specific topic altogether, once I had been tested on it. This meant that, time and time again, I found myself having to read chapter upon chapter in one sitting the day before the next test. I even remember spending just a single night swotting up for a university exam.

After that, I began to imagine the existence of parallel or alternative lives, not necessarily taking place in physical terms, which I had the opportunity to verify through vivid dreams, lucid dreams (during which I was aware I was dreaming) and out-of-body experiences.

Lastly, I sought out concrete opportunities to stop time. In fact, a few months earlier, I had already experienced the sensation of time slowing down while I was engrossed in pleasant activities (which is practically the complete opposite of what normally happens). It is commonly said that ‘time flies when you’re having fun’. Yet, as but one example, I recall being in an art class, enjoying the process of oil painting, when time seemed to stand still, allowing me to bask in the joy of the moment.

With this direct experience, I felt I had gained a tremendously powerful tool I could use to achieve anything. I could experience personally how wonderful our creative power is. Now, whenever I have a particular goal, I only have to recall that awareness to know that it has already been achieved.

Therefore, I believe it is extremely important to set goals when we feel we are in a dynamic, creative frame of mind, and to allow our own power to guide us.

I still feel that contemplative states of mind are just as valuable, as long as we truly feel contemplative in that moment. However, goal-setting seems to be one of those key skills we learn in the ‘here and now’, in what we call ‘incarnation’.
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Re: Feeling "in time" and "out of time" at the same time

Post by Giulia »

Hello, Anthony, and welcome to the forum. 😊

Here is my idea: owing to life complications, I have had to simplify all these notions in the best way I know how. Since I understand and trust that our spirit lives out of linear time, I do not waste time trying to analyze it or getting others to believe it. I simply act on my knowing.

I now receive guidance, especially from dreams, as if they were coming from Divine Consciousness, and this usually guides me through all the decisions I make the following day. This guidance could be described as memories from out of time… I am not sure, but it definitely works!
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Re: Feeling "in time" and "out of time" at the same time

Post by Giulia »

Thanks for this interesting article, Anthony.

What do you think about the fact that when painting, time usually flies, but sometimes it appears to stand still, giving me more time to spend painting?
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Re: Feeling "in time" and "out of time" at the same time

Post by Kaz »

Wow Guilia, what a wonderful post and what an amazing skill to have. You have given me much to think about 🤔🙂
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Re: Feeling "in time" and "out of time" at the same time

Post by Giulia »

Thank you, Kaz 💚 You are so sweet.

How about you? How are you doing?
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Re: Feeling "in time" and "out of time" at the same time

Post by Kaz »

Interesting times Giulia! Trying new things, still working on letting go of negative reaction habits - that stuff is so ingrained, I catch my self doing it in ways that I never used to be aware of. Doing better with that I think. Thank you for asking as something else happened which I've been pondering and slowly working on.

I tried a healing meditation recently, asking angels for help and had an experience that I'm not sure what to label. I was laying with my eyes closed and started to feel a powerful vibration surrounding my whole body. I could see a small dot of light in my mind's eye and thought I might be about to travel towards it. The vibration grew so strong I thought it was about to propel me towards the dot but I was very aware that I still was laying in bed with my eyes closed and this extraordinary vibration surrounding me. Then the dot of light grew larger and I thought I was going to meet the love light but I stayed in my body surrounded by the vibration, getting even stronger, and the light became a thin circle of light surrounding a picture of a blue eye, in a corner of a face, just big enough to see the eye only. I wasn't expecting that and stared at it for a few moments. As soon as I wondered why there was a large blue eye in the centre of the light, instead of a full, glowing circle of light like I'd read about, I realised that the eye was my own right eye. The second I realised that, the eye disappeared and an outline of a pink circle came out of the circle of light and drifted towards me. The pink circle contained an outline of a pink heart shape that touched the circle at it's top curves and bottom point. The circle of light disappeared as I watched the pink heart outline within the pink circle outline drift towards me in the darkness, then suddenly the vibration stopped and I opened my eyes.

The outline of a heart is something that I've seen a lot in patterns in clouds, material, shadows, soap bubbles - anything, really - I've come to think of it as a communication from higher self/angels/guides/something outside my self. It always seems to be a reminder to change my thoughts/emotions from negative to positive, to focus on love energy instead of whatever I might thinking/experiencing at the time.

This experience is new to me, though. It was much more like what I'd call a psychic vision (although not exactly, I've had several in the past) than a meditation. I didn't leave my body and I'd never experienced anything like that vibration before. In this context, I believe I was being given a message that I need to visualise my healing while focussing on love energy, that it's something I need to create for myself rather than asking for. What do you think, Giulia?
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Kaz and her special experience

Post by Giulia »

Dear Kaz 💚

I read your account twice. Thank you for asking about my thoughts.

I have never had a regular NDE experience, but at times of difficulties it has happened to me recently to spend the whole night basking in a feeling of absolute bliss throughout the night.

Let me just share what my approach had been over the previous months: I referred to a Law of Attraction psychotherapist who patiently explained to me how the Law works and how it applies to all religions and to our Divine Source.

This is what has helped me so much lately.

If you wish, please PM me.
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Special Experience

Post by Giulia »

Hello again, Kaz 💚

Before I get carried away by the Law of Attraction, let me share my thoughts here.
I tried a healing meditation recently, asking angels for help and had an experience that I'm not sure what to label. I was laying with my eyes closed and started to feel a powerful vibration surrounding my whole body. I could see a small dot of light in my mind's eye and thought I might be about to travel towards it. The vibration grew so strong I thought it was about to propel me towards the dot but I was very aware that I still was laying in bed with my eyes closed and this extraordinary vibration surrounding me.
I’d love for you to share the healing meditation in our April/May thread. This is the part of your experience which reminded me of my experience of basking in a blissful state all night long.

Are you accustomed to vibrations? These usually come to me just before astral projection, and I usually feel them in my head. This is why I understand how you could feel about to be propelled towards the dot of light. Your experience also reminds me of near-death experiences, a facsimile of which I have recently learnt can be meditation-induced.
Then the dot of light grew larger and I thought I was going to meet the love light but I stayed in my body surrounded by the vibration, getting even stronger, and the light became a thin circle of light surrounding a picture of a blue eye, in a corner of a face, just big enough to see the eye only. I wasn't expecting that and stared at it for a few moments. As soon as I wondered why there was a large blue eye in the centre of the light, instead of a full, glowing circle of light like I'd read about, I realised that the eye was my own right eye.
This part of your experience reminded me of an NDE account by one of our members Sharon Milliman in which God Himself explains to her how looking at herself in a mirror she sees God. I wonder whether, by reading this account you might consider that this could have been an even only subconscious understanding you might have had, which caused the experience to proceed and develop.
The second I realised that, the eye disappeared and an outline of a pink circle came out of the circle of light and drifted towards me. The pink circle contained an outline of a pink heart shape that touched the circle at it's top curves and bottom point. The circle of light disappeared as I watched the pink heart outline within the pink circle outline drift towards me in the darkness, then suddenly the vibration stopped and I opened my eyes.

The outline of a heart is something that I've seen a lot in patterns in clouds, material, shadows, soap bubbles - anything, really - I've come to think of it as a communication from higher self/angels/guides/something outside my self. It always seems to be a reminder to change my thoughts/emotions from negative to positive, to focus on love energy instead of whatever I might thinking/experiencing at the time.

This experience is new to me, though. It was much more like what I'd call a psychic vision (although not exactly, I've had several in the past) than a meditation. I didn't leave my body and I'd never experienced anything like that vibration before. In this context, I believe I was being given a message that I need to visualise my healing while focussing on love energy, that it's something I need to create for myself rather than asking for.
This last part seems to suggest that, in this case, you might have been shown that the outline of a heart isn’t or no longer is simply a communication from higher self/angels/guides/something outside yourselfself but God/Higher Self merging with your earthly self, which you no longer need to ask for but can create for yourself, because when you meditate focussing on love energy you are fully aligned with your Higher Self/God. This would explain why you did not need to be propelled “towards” the light because you might have become one with the essence of the light. The light and the outline of a heart might have become something you can merge with at will.

This is a basic teaching of the Law of Attraction. When we are aligned we are capable of attracting healing, joy, well-being and all sorts of pleasant experiences. It is as if we were blowing a balloon with our love/positive expectation energy, and any other balloon we might have filled with unpleasant expectations will instantly deflate. Meditation is one of the key techniques to reach alignment if you master it as you do.

Other key teachings about the Law of Attraction are that:

- Before your birth, the only relationship you experienced was your relationship with your Source; but since you were, at that time, Non-Physical, and therefore nonresistant, you experienced no discernible separation, and therefore no discernible “relationship,” between you and Source. You were Source.
- Our Higher Self lives fully in the now and is propelled towards the future. Past memories are still worthwhile focusing on if they are pleasant.
- We are all worthy and loved, and the sense of guilt is something one should never be focussed on.
- Old stories about us being unworthy, sick, etc. should never be focussed on.
- You get what you think about whether you want it or not, hence the importance to control your thoughts.
- The longer you think thoughts, the stronger they become: 17 seconds focusing on a pleasant thought are enough to start attracting other pleasant thoughts, Law of Attraction kicks in. Hold a thought for 68 seconds, and things move; manifestation has begun.
- You instantly understand whether you are aligned with your Higher Self because of the pleasant emotions alignment brings to you.

I guess you are now in a position to use your meditation to instantly create this state of alignment and work with it to visualize the perfect circumstances to heal and carry on with your lightwork.

I will send you the titles of a couple of books that have helped me with this process.
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Re: Feeling "in time" and "out of time" at the same time

Post by Kaz »

Thank you so much Giulia for such a detailed response, I appreciate the time and thought you've put into it 💚

I used the phrase 'healing meditation' very loosely as I was trying to be concise - it wasn't a structured meditation as such, it was just me slipping into a meditative state with the intention of directly addressing my guardian angel & asking for help with healing a number of specific health issues. Oddly, the illness I have makes it easier in general to just slip into a meditative state as I have very little energy at certain points in the day, which equates to low brain energy and a quiet mind. So there was no specific meditation as such. I've just been reading & listening to so many NDEs & similar experiences, and a number of the people who had them say that our guardian angels will help us with pretty much anything but we have to clearly ask. So I just decided to ask! I'd had some success with self directed psycotherapy by asking what I call my 'unconscious self' why I did certain things or where some reactions or internal rules come from then sitting back and waiting for a response, then attempting to reprogram my thinking. Sometimes nothing came immediately but usually there was an answer of some sort in the following 24 hours. So I just expanded on that but with the intention of being in a meditative state & asking guardian angels for help.

The vibration is hard to describe without sounding like I'm exaggerating. I'm used to feeling vibrations in various parts of my body, often in meditation, sometimes as a communication, usually fairly briefly. Nothing I've ever experienced before even approached the power of this vibration. At no point was it inside my body (as everything I'd experienced before had been) but I could feel it just the same, like waves bouncing off me; almost like an earthquake but surrounding my body in a cocoon of energy. I was thinking about it afterwards and the image of a NASA rocket ship came to mind, sitting on the launching pad with the engines rumbling louder and louder before take off. That restrained but escalating power was what made me think I was about to be suddenly propelled out of my body, like an explosion. But I stayed in my body surrounded by this extraordinary, vibrating energy that stopped abruptly when the vision finished. I lay there for a while afterwards, wondering about what had happened and what it meant but otherwise was my normal self. Obviously, the vibration wasn't actually as strong as rocket ship engines but the sense of pent up, potentially explosive power was absolutely there. I think it was way too powerful for my body to be able to cope with if it had actually entered my body.

I have to post this now as I've had a couple of hours worth of unexpected interruptions but will come back to respond to the rest of your reply.

Thank you again Giulia ✨💛
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Re: Feeling "in time" and "out of time" at the same time

Post by Giulia »

Thank you, Kaz 🤗

I look forward to hearing more!
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