Feeling "in time" and "out of time" at the same time

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Re: Feeling "in time" and "out of time" at the same time

Post by Kaz »

Hi Again Giulia 🙂

One thing I think I should correct is that when I said "I just decided to ask" my guardian angel for healing, that was the end result of a lot of thinking and back & forth about the possibility of healing and asking for it. I was certainly doubting I was capable of it and finding a lot of other negative attitudes underneath my hesitation (like those you mentioned above) so it was quite a process before I finally got to the point where "I just decided" to ask.

I feel absolutely, though, that what you said here had a lot to do with how this meditation happened:
"The longer you think thoughts, the stronger they become: 17 seconds focusing on a pleasant thought are enough to start attracting other pleasant thoughts, Law of Attraction kicks in. Hold a thought for 68 seconds, and things move; manifestation has begun"
You had described this in an earlier conversation and I'd never held thoughts for that long before - was blown away by that and began practicing it soon afterwards. I really believe that practicing the holding of thoughts for over a minute about several different subjects was what opened me up to that powerful connection when I finally decided that healing was possible and I could actually ask for it. So thank you for telling me about that in my first post and making this experience possible. It's one of the most special things I've ever experienced and am deeply grateful for the wisdom and depth of your response back then, as I am again now 💚

Thank you, too, for the link to Sharon Milliman's NDE. I think I really needed to be reminded of this concept of God inside us. I first really understood this idea after watching a Mellen Thomas Benedict video, then one by a woman who said she'd been told in her NDE that there is a teeny piece of God in everyone's DNA. I'm getting so much info through the NDEs here and elsewhere that it's taking a while for me to really absorb some things. When you said this
This last part seems to suggest that, in this case, you might have been shown that the outline of a heart isn’t or no longer is simply a communication from higher self/angels/guides/something outside yourselfself but God/Higher Self merging with your earthly self, which you no longer need to ask for but can create for yourself, because when you meditate focussing on love energy you are fully aligned with your Higher Self/God. This would explain why you did not need to be propelled “towards” the light because you might have become one with the essence of the light. The light and the outline of a heart might have become something you can merge with at will.

I really needed to be reminded of this idea of God/Spirit/Light within us and to really feel that. Thank you so much for taking me further on that path as I was still intellectualising it rather than sitting deeply within it and acknowledging it. I'll be rereading Sharon Milliman's NDE and rewatching those other youtube videos. It has been quite a journey this last year or so, and the least couple of months especially.

Thank you so very much ✨💚✨ 🥰
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Re: Feeling "in time" and "out of time" at the same time

Post by Kaz »

Oh, and I'm absolutely going to be reading more deeply on the law of attraction
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Your Special Experience

Post by Giulia »

I am so glad you found this exchange helpful, Kaz.

When I first mentioned the Law of Attraction in a hurry, it was just a subconscious connection I had made. But the following morning things were clearer to me.

The most important thing people do not understand about the Law of Attraction is that it is incredibly EASY. I feel the diluted version we were given with the (second) PUBLIC version of The Secret documentary has ruined many people's understanding about it.
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