How many NDE's are related to hell

Possible Explanations & Meanings
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How many NDE's are related to hell

Post by LostPerson »

Hi I know this post might not be the most positive but how many people see hell when they almost die? I am scared of the idea of hell, I am scared of the cruelty, I can't even tell which god or religion is real. Someone help me please
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Re: How many NDE's are related to hell

Post by Carys »

Hi Lost 💜

Everyone has their own ideas about your questions. I began asking them decades ago, and have listened to a variety of sources, and have come to varying conclusions over the years. I've been watching youtube videos on NDEs and reading NDEs on a few sites for several months and I recommend doing the same.

What I see & hear from the most in-depth NDE experiencers is that all religions are made up by humans but God, or whatever you call the creative consciousness, is real and exists in all of us. There's no single pathway to discovering how to connect emotionally & consciously with that creative consciousness - our cultures and experiences influence us and the best parts of most religions can guide us to connectedness with the god counsciousness that is present in us. Of course the worst parts can hold us back.

I've seen a number of NDE experiencers say that who we see in our initial experiences on the other side depends on the spiritual leaders we followed or believed in during our time: Christians will see Jesus, Muslims will see Mohammed, Buddhists will see Buddha, etc; and "non believers" will see anything that strikes a powerful chord with them, such as orbs of light, angels, deceased relatives - the possibilities are endless.

Many people are scared of hell and in my life time, I've swung from believing it doesn't exist at all to believing that it's a state of consciousness that we *might* pass through & can arise from clinging to fear, anger, judgement and sorrow in this life. BIG emphasis on *might*. In the same way that the ideas we have about religion can influence who we connect to when we pass over (Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, etc - who knows, they could all actually be the same consciousness), the fears and anxieties we cling to might influence us to such a degree that we have hellish experiences on the other side.

But we're all human, right? A lot of these things are part of human experience so how do we know what to do to avoid taking that stuff with us? You might as well ask, "How long is a piece of string?" One thing I believe through my experiences with therapy, meditation & developing awareness of the mind/body connection (& from most NDEers) is that LOVE is how we connect to the god consciousness and that there is a tiny dot of light that we can connect with on earth or after death. If you die and find yourself having a negative experience, remember that you can look for this dot of light, call out to it with all your heart until it expands and reaches you. Know that you can let go of a hellish consciousness on the other side by calling out to god consciousness, which is pure love, without judgement or punishment.
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Re: How many NDE's are related to hell

Post by Giulia »

Hello again, Lost 💚

I was raised as a catholic christian but my parents and grandparents always allowed me to think with my own mind. I soon realised that all the psychological therrorism we were inflicted at Sunday-School about Hell deserved in-depth research, which is what I did throughout the years untill I was 29, when I learnt how to astral travel and started having mystical experiences about our Divine Source.

My personal experience is in line with all the NDEs in which God/Source is described as more loving than all the mothers in the universe together.

I feel that any hellish experiences are filtered by our brain and by our earthly preconceived ideas, along with our sense of guilt. I remember one case in which a former SS officer who had cruelly killed so many people, found himself after death in a cave, terrified by his own sense of guilt, but could alsays see a loving light outside the cave, encouraging him to come out. As soon as he trusted the light, he was out of the cave and out of his hellish experience.
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Re: How many NDE's are related to hell

Post by LostPerson »

Hello @Carys, so I think what you are trying to say is, that the existence of God was created by our ideas, and it's our job to picture him as a lovely being instead of somebody filled who judges people too harshly and/or sends people to hell?
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Re: How many NDE's are related to hell

Post by LostPerson »

Hello @Gullia nice to meet you, so you think that hell was just an idea that early humans had but god is still real? Maybe honestly I hope that's the case, but then why would there be a heaven, I mean we see both heaven and hell in NDE's so who knows
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Re: How many NDE's are related to hell

Post by Carys »

Hi @Lost,
"so I think what you are trying to say is, that the existence of God was created by our ideas?"
Thanks for asking for clarification 🙂 What I mean to say is that according to the information given to many NDEers, there is no true religion, all religions are made up by human ideas about God. So, to answer your question: religion isn't real. It doesn't matter which religion you follow or if you follow none at all. But the overwhelming majority of NDEers are saying that God is real, is made of light and is a creative consciousness of pure love.

Some NDEers say that when we cross over, our beliefs determine who we see first, who greets us initially. They mostly see God/Creator/Love Light (however you think of him/her/it) later on after being escorted to the presence of the Light/God consciousness. Our ideas can determine who greets us when we first arrive. Some NDEers give a really complex account of how or why this happens and others are more simplistic. There's a lot of variation in reports about what happens in the beginning of the process but NDEers are overwhelmingly consistent when it comes to what the actual god consciousness is like: a beautiful light that fills you with blissful love.
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Re: How many NDE's are related to hell

Post by Carys »

Hi again, I thought I'd give you a link to a 20 min video in which an experienced and well published (for free!) NDEer - Mellen Benedict - describes how his hellish experience happened and how he transitioned out of it after seeing the dot of light. I think he explains it all far better than I can and he explains it in the context that you're asking about.

Tl;dr: yes, we can get stuck in hellish consciousness when crossing over due to how much we hang on to our negative emotions & beliefs but no, there is no hell we go to where we get punished for misdeeds. We all have access to the light of god consciousness and can call to it for help to get us unstuck

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Re: How many NDE's are related to hell

Post by Andrea »

I totally share Carys and Giulia's words. Let me add a couple of personal views.
You said that in NDEs people see both hell and heaven. My point is that sometimes ND experiencers, when back, try to describe what they have just lived, and try to do it the best they can (despite "lack of words", as they often say). Especially, they try to come to terms with what they were taught throughout their life: but rather than accepting that all their set of values, beliefs, even dogmas, are to be drastically revisited with the new knowledge they just acquired, they prefer to use it in order to explain their experience. And that is how the place made of ineffable, infinite love becomes "heaven". The next step, unfortunately, is religions taking on and stating they know how to get there! So my suggestion would be to let go of definitions, of names. Erase your mind from everything you think you know about heaven and hell, and just listen to what your heart suggests you.
A second point: you surely have read many accounts where the NDEer had a life review. Question: have you ever come across someone who was judged by others? Like most here I have spent a lot of time reading accounts, or talking to NDEers, and no account was an exception: during our LR we not only re-experience our past life from our point of view, but also from the point of view of people who were affected by our behavior. So, we will feel our happiness, our sorrow, our gratitude, our hate... and also their happiness, sorrow, gratitude, hate. We will deeply regret the pain we have caused, or even the love we missed to show when we had an opportunity. Other souls will be around us: not to judge us, but to confort us during that hard moment. There will be understanding of how difficult the task was (experiencing the human condition is apparently considered a very, very brave task up there!), and determination of doing better next time.
Yes, because the question is: what is all of this for? Is really everything planned so that someone's name could be written of the "goods" side of the board, and others on the "bads" side? To me, it makes a lot of sense to think this is like going to the gym, where we get our muscles stronger. It's our soul's gym: and if we lift a light weight but then we fail to lift the heavy one, well, we will have another opportunity. Our soul will come out strenghtened from the experience in any case, and if we feel we need another try, everything will be planned so that the "other try" could be arranged. This is my very personal view, which I share not just with many NDEers, but expecially with people who have pre-birth memories. So my (second!) suggestion is: expand your interests to other STEs, all of them add a piece of the puzzle. And when you feel that those pieces fit together well, you will realise you have no fear any more.
Last edited by Andrea on Tue May 30, 2023 12:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How many NDE's are related to hell

Post by LostPerson »

Thank you for the posts above I gained some useful knowledge and food for my brain
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Re: How many NDE's are related to hell

Post by Giulia »

Hello, Lost 💚

You a said
Hello @Gullia nice to meet you, so you think that hell was just an idea that early humans had but god is still real? Maybe honestly I hope that's the case, but then why would there be a heaven, I mean we see both heaven and hell in NDE's so who knows
My feeling is that Heaven and Hell are two labels that humans place on two different states of consciousness, with Hell being associated with feelings of guilt, fear, sense of solitude and hopelessness as in the case of the SS officer who had murdered so many people out of cruelty and had not even told his family about it, and Heaven being a state of complete bliss and sense of belonging to our Loving Source and to are true Home, along with our deceased loved ones whom we find to greet us upon reaching the other side: this sense of bliss is usually accompanied by the knowing that we are eternal and powerful spiritual beings.

Most NDErs or people having mystical experiences involving this sense of bliss and belonging find it difficult to identify human words to describe this ineffable feeling. So calling it Heaven is the one simple word that comes to mind, especially since we have learnt it during our childhood.
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