Theme of the Year 2023

On this page, we suggest themes towards which to direct your meditations, prayers or positive thoughts: such as a great theme for the year (love, peace, etc.) and a monthly theme (such as environmental events, etc.).

Readers can ask for healing/positive thoughts to be directed to themselves or to somebody else.
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Theme of the Year 2023

Post by Giulia »

This year we suggest that our meditations, prayers, intentions and positive thoughts be directed toward world peace and healing.

Your ideas and suggestions are welcome.

We ask that, when you post an individual request for meditation, prayer or healing, if this is not for yourself but for a third party, you leave out any personal details in order to fully protect the privacy of the person concerned.
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Simple, Spontaneous Meditation.

Post by Kaz »

A theme I keep seeing in NDE recollections, both here and on youtube is a mesage from angels for us to connect to all humanity with love, and that the love of humanity is the key to evolving in peace with one another, from individuals to nations. I've often found it difficult to think about situations of conflict & war without feeling at least one emotion that directs me away from love energy. These are mostly anxiety, hopelessness, sorrow, anger & self righteousness. I have found that negative energies feed on these things - even sadness, which was a surprise to me - so avoiding them when contemplating a situation of conflict seems to be of importance.

Bearing these things in mind, I suggest a way of using spontaneous moments of love connection with our shared humanity, to pause when we feel it and direct some of that energy - the feeling itself - to a place on the map that's experiencing war. It's like the idea of "passing it forward" but with feelings instead of actions. I feel that even love connections we feel with animals or peace connections we feel in from nature can be passed on to countries in conflict. Nothing more to add, just notice the feeling, and pass it on through to somewhere like Ukraine and Russia, like hand balling it. No judgement of the situation, just passing it on to a place, to people in that place.

Some examples of where love connection energy and peace connection energy can come from:
- reading a story about kindness shown by a stranger. There are facebook groups and pages where such stories come up ('The Kindness Pandemic' comes to mind but there are many more).
- feeling cheered by the sound of children laughing.
- feeling warmed by expressions of love between yourself and a pet.
- seeing an animal that reminds you of a beloved pet.
- the feel-good awe that can come by looking at artworks, or geometric patterns
- the peace that can come from being in a garden or forest
- the warm feeling that can come from seeing beautiful pictures of animals, plants or landscapes.

These types of feelings can't be manufactured, they either blossom in your chest or diaphragm or they don't. Some days we don't have those experiences some days we do. Just have the intent of noticing then when we do (the spontaneous part) and passing them on (the simple part).

I've taken a screen shot of Ukraine and Western Russia, familiarised myself with how it looks on the map, so that I have a picture in my mind of where I want to pass the energy on to. I hope this is helpful to others 💛✨☀️
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Re: Theme of the Year 2023

Post by Kaz »

Meditation for Peace with 'Lanterns'

A way of connecting with others in a meditation for peace using intent.

(As always, avoiding anxiety, sadness, anger, stress and worry can be difficult sometimes. For this purpose, I use a piece of music called 'Weightless' by Marconi Union (available on iTunes). It's designed especially to switch our nervous system into parasympathetic mode. It's the only recording I've ever been able to meditate successfully to. Sometimes I play it all the way through, other times just for a couple of minutes. If it doesn't relax me, then I know it's not a good time for me to meditate).

This meditation needs only intention and a measure of calm, it doesn't have to be a deep meditation. It can be as short or as long as you like, with whatever meditation sounds you like or none at all. I like to begin by listening to the chorus of the song 'Lanterns' by Birds of Tokyo and sing or visualise the words to the chorus then switch to meditation music.

"On we march with a midnight song
We will light our way with our lanterns on,
On we march 'til we meet the dawn
We will light our way with our lanterns on."

Visualise yourself in a white, hooded, ankle length robe with gold trim, then visualise a long rod in your hand with an unlit lantern at the end of it. Hold up the rod and ask your higher self or guardian Angel to light the lantern with Love Light, with the intention of taking that lantern on a journey to a place of conflict, then driving it into the ground for people in the area to draw upon, regardless of whether they fight or not, and regardless of whose side their on. The Love Light is there for all, whether they feel it or not.

Begin your journey wherever you like. Visualise other people in their white robes and lanterns of Love Light, appearing silently nearby as you travel, going to the same place as you are. Visualise yourself and the others from above, seeing more and more people joining you - dozens, then hundreds, thousands, hundreds of thousands, even millions if you like - all the Love Lights converging from all directions around the conflict zone. Go back to the ground and see the Love Lights all around you, above you on mountains, on boats along rivers, stretching to the horizon. When you get close to the conflict zone some people will stop and plant their Love Light lanterns there, others with continue on to the borders and then plant their lanterns, while some will go further and further into the conflict zone to plant their lanterns. Some will go to the seats of power - parliaments, palaces, government houses - and plant their Love Light Lanterns there. Choose whatever place feels comfortable for you. Rise up above the scene and watch the dots of Love Light spreading across the country/countries. Give thanks for being one of the masses of humanity bringing lanterns of Love Light to this place. Then teleport back home 💛✨
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Re: Theme of the Year 2023

Post by Giulia »

Thank you, Kaz.

You said:
I have found that negative energies feed on these things - even sadness, which was a surprise to me - so avoiding them when contemplating a situation of conflict seems to be of importance.
This is quite true. I have learnt a lot, not only from NDEs, but also from the principles of the Law of Attraction, which I have been coached about over the last few months, because of a very challenging situation I was facing.

The good news is that snapping out of these negative feelings is fairly easy, once you understand the principle. If you feel sadness, or anger, or fear, for instance, it is as if you were blowing that energy like air into a balloon; you are not aligned with your Inner Self and are opening up to the manifestation of circumstances that reflect your feelings.

Meditation (such as counting one's breaths) is a great way of stopping to do it. You can then start to contemplate the opposite feelings: trust in our Loving Divine Source, peacefulness, calm, joy, and positive expectations, in order to blow that positive energy like air into another balloon, and the first one (the negative one) will go flat.

The easiest time to do this is first thing in the morning, when we are usually more aligned with our Inner Selves.
With only a few seconds of focusing your attention on a subject, you activate the vibration of that subject within you, and immediately the Law of Attraction begins to respond to that activation. The longer you keep your attention focused on something, the easier it becomes for you to continue to focus upon it because you are attracting, through the Law of Attraction, Attraction, other thoughts or vibrations that are the essence of the thought you began with.

Within 17 seconds of focusing on something, a matching vibration becomes activated. And now, as that focus becomes stronger and the vibration becomes clearer, the Law of Attraction will bring to you more thoughts that match. At this point, the vibration will not have much attraction power, but if you maintain your focus longer, the power of the vibration will become further-reaching. And if you manage to stay purely focused upon any thought for as little as 68 seconds, the vibration is powerful enough that its manifestation begins.

When you repeatedly return to a pure thought, maintaining it for at least 68 seconds, in a short period of time (hours in some cases or a few days in others), that thought becomes a dominant thought. And once you achieve a dominant thought, you will experience matching manifestations until you change it.

Remember that:
• The thoughts you think equal your point of attraction.
• You get what you think about, whether you want it or not.
• Your thoughts equal vibration, and that vibration is then answered by the Law of Attraction.
• As your vibration expands and becomes more powerful, it eventually becomes powerful enough for manifestation to occur.
• In other words, what you think (and therefore feel), and what manifests in your experience, is always a vibrational match.
Quoted from: Hicks, Esther; Hicks, Jerry. Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires, Hay House.
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Re: Theme of the Year 2023

Post by Kaz »

Thank you so much, Giulia, this is really helpful to me. I've been working on changing my thoughts and emotions with mixed results - sometimes it works so well and that encourages me to keep practicing. Other times I keep stumbling over & over. I really appreciate the quote from the Hicks' book, especially the info about the time needed to change vibrations, which I hadn't realised and will be sure to remember from now on 💚🙂
Marcia Mar
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World Wide Peace

Post by Marcia Mar »

Dear NDE loving fellow human beings,

Can we work together towards World Wide Peace?

I would love to experience and contribute towards all life balanced sustainability and human World Wide Peace, including total disarmament and new ways of collaborating for the common wellbeing of life and the Planet.

We can envisage together, perhaps via the arts: in an anthology poetry book; music collaboration; unscripted film documentary series what is to cherish life with the infinite love and collective intelligence we all share.

In my humble opinion, we are all similarly unique, aware of our multiple interpretations and experiences in complementarity. Each one and All mirrors of eternal love.

Can we work together towards World Wide Peace, please?


Lots of Love

Marcia Mar
We are together on this
Infinite Love

NDE of 2014 testimony by Marcia Mar
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Re: World Wide Peace

Post by Giulia »

Hello, Marcia 💚

Thank you for your loving suggestion. This is also our Theme for the Year 2023

I am going to copy your post in the Theme of the Year thread.

Can you suggest some meditations for us to work on?

As for me, I could suggest a meditation that have worked for me. Everyone here is welcome to join in with suggestions!
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