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After-Death-Communication, Nearing End of Life Experiences, Death-Bed Visions
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Free ADC Training from

Post by Giulia »

Here is a link I thought might be of interest:

Free ADC Training

The Self-guided Afterlife Connections procedure is a free training program that teaches people how to connect with loved ones who have passed away. The training is divided into 7 stages, and each stage helps participants to open their minds and hearts to communication from the afterlife.

The goal of the training is for participants to be able to connect with their loved ones at any time, in any place, without the need for meditation music or guidance. By the end of the training, participants should be able to enter a state of mind in which afterlife connections can and do occur.

The training is not suitable for everyone. Participants should not go through the training if they are in counseling or psychiatric treatment for any disorders, or if they have psychoses, childhood traumas, history of abuse, or post-traumatic stress disorder that have not been resolved. Additionally, participants should not go through the training if they had a stressful, abusive, or otherwise unhealthy relationship with the person they want to connect with.

If you are considering going through the Self-guided Afterlife Connections procedure, it is important to read the entire text carefully and to talk to your doctor or therapist before starting the training.

Here are some additional key points from the text( which I recommend you read in full):

- The procedure is based on the belief that loved ones in the afterlife are always trying to communicate with us, but we often need to learn how to open ourselves up to their messages.
- The training uses a variety of techniques to help participants to relax, focus, and open their minds to the possibility of an afterlife connection.
- The training is not a one-time event. Participants are encouraged to practice the techniques regularly in order to improve their ability to connect with their loved ones.
- The training has been shown to be effective in helping people to reduce their grief and to connect with their loved ones in a meaningful way.
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Re: Free ADC Training from

Post by Giulia »

anthonychipoletti wrote: Wed Aug 09, 2023 1:44 pm From the home page of

I think this means that all the proof in the world is only available if one opens the door within one's self ??
In oneself lies the whole world and if you know how to look and learn, the door is there and the key is in your hand. Nobody on earth can give you either the key or the door to open, except yourself.

– Jiddu Krishnamurti
Hi, Tony. I like the first part of Krishnamurti’s quote. At the same time I keep learning a lot of things from other people. Your NDEs for instance are a great source of inspiration for me and, had I not known about them, I would have probably not expected that mystical experiences could also happen to me.

I don’t know about the black screen. I have not viewed the course myself. If it is not a malfunction, then I guess you might be right about your assumption.
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Re: Free ADC Training from

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I seem to remember they were members of this forum, and had difficulties finding the account by skimming through the various links you posted.
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Re: Free ADC Training from

Post by Giulia »

Thank you so much for going through the course for us, Tony. There are many things that are new to me, and which I can really benefit from.

Yesterday I practiced the Afterlife Contact session prior to getting full instructions from the course, and I read all the interesting information about how not to control the information you get.

I believe all this website require is feedback from participants, in order to keep going.

There is only one point I don't agree with and that is the idea that there might be earth-bound spirits. I was reminded of this when I read your extract from Mellen-Thomas Benedict's NDE and he refers to Private Hells:
At about 32 minutes in the Mellen-Thomas video:

I reached out emotionally for the angel.

I could see millions of souls still trapped in their private Hells.

Most of them were totally consumed by the traumas they had suffered or created in their lives.

A few, from what I could see, seemed to actually be enjoying Hell.

Some others seemed to be bored with the whole thing.

But millions of souls were begging to be saved.

I asked why these souls were unable to be free.

"They are already free," answered the angel,

"They hold themselves to negative patterns, memories, prejudices and fear.

None of these negative qualities exist where you desire to be."
I understand that Mellen is referring to Private Hells, here. I just wanted to take the opportunity to mention that, on the other hand, whenever I come across the idea that souls can hang around in the earthly plane (and I found a reference to that in the instructions for protection during afterlife connection), I instinctively reject the idea.

My idea is:

- that very earthly attributes, such as cruelty, sociopath's approaches etc. only survive on Earth because of the person's loved ones, connections and followers.
- that truly cruel people, or people who feel guilty, have an Afterlife experience of their own, out of space and time, of course, wherefrom they cannot harm humans and are not allowed to contact them: they are free to choose the Love and Light, but might feel too miserable and concerned for having discovered that, by harming others they have also harmed themselves, and may feel unworthy of the Infinite Love and Light.
- that Jesus' Parable of the wheat and the tares in Matthew 13:37-42 was never properly understood. The general understanding is that this is about the Kingdom of Heaven (true) being imperfect (untrue). Jesus explains that the Son of Man (himself) sowed a good seed (the people of the kingdom) in the field (the world). But while he was sleeping, an enemy came and sowed weeds (the children of the wicked one) among the wheat. The servants of the landowner (God) asked if they should pull up the weeds, but the landowner said no, because in doing so they might also uproot the wheat. He told them to let both grow together until the harvest, and then at harvest time the weeds would be separated from the wheat and burned, while the wheat would be gathered into the barn. MY UNDERSTANDING IS that this has nothing to do with people's souls burning in Hell or being Earth-bound, but with the NEGATIVE IDEAS that keep incarnate people away from the principles of the Kingdom of Heaven. I feel we should stay away from these negative ideas for our sanity, not because we fear hell, knowing that the negative ideas will fully flourish and eventually be destroyed and that the Kingdom of Heaven is amongst us, ready to offer guidance. I very much prefer Thomas' version of this parable, which adds no human interpretation to Jesus' words.
- OF COURSE, WE NEED THE WHITE LIGHT or similar procedures TO PROTECT US whenever we connect with the field of energy we are immersed in. The course explains very well how to do this.
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Re: Free ADC Training from

Post by Giulia »

I watched the video in which Craig Hohan talks about remote viewing and I was interested in the use he made of the phrase UNIVERSAL INTELLIGENCE. In some ways it reminded me of the so-called Akashic Records, but it sounded much more appealing to me.

I have found a kindle collection of some of Craig Hogan’s books that analyses the subject thoroughly. It is Answers to Life's Enduring Questions: From Science Discoveries and Afterlife Revelations. Here is the abstract by Amazon:
This book summarizes the explanations in three full-length books: Your Eternal Self: Science Discovers the Afterlife; There Is Nothing but Mind and Experiences; and Reasons for What Happens to You in Your Life & Your Afterlife. The three books explain what we know today about the nature of reality, our purpose in this life, and what happens when we leave this life.

There Is Nothing but Mind and Experiences

This book explains that Our Universal Intelligence is the basis of reality, and we are individual manifestations of it. It explains why we know this is true and what it means for our life in Earth School.

Your Eternal Self: Science Discovers the Afterlife

This book was developed and updated from the book Your Eternal Self. This book contains the evidence that our Minds are not in our brains, our Minds don't need the brain, and we continue to live after the brain dies.

Reasons for What Happens to You in Your Life & Your Afterlife.

The third book, Reasons for What Happens to You in Your Life & Your Afterlife: From Speakers in the Afterlife, explains what happens to us through the major stages of life: deciding to enter Earth School; planning the Earth School experience; learning to succeed in Earth School; growing in love, compassion, and understanding; graduating; and living in the life after this Earth School life.

Answers to Life's Enduring Questions contain explanations of these important truths:

- Your Mind is not produced by or contained in your brain. Your Mind has body experiences and brain experiences but lives perfectly well without either.
- There is nothing but Mind and experiences. We experience the world, but the world does not exist outside of our Minds and experiences.
- Our Minds are individual manifestations of Our Universal Intelligence that all people are part of-we are all one Mind.
- Our one Universal Intelligence creates the world we live in based on humanity's history and our expectations for the scenery, such as mountains, oceans, a moon, and animals.
- Because we are Our Universal Intelligence, our individual Minds continue to live after the temporary Earth School body ceases to function.
- We have purposes for being in Earth School and can live in love, joy, and peace while we fulfill our purposes.
- We planned our lives in Earth School and play out the plan, although our free will can adjust and deviate from the plan at will.
- The reason for the death of the body is so we can end our Earth School experience and graduate to the next life.
What I personally like about Craig Hogan’s ideas is that he brings up the topic that
Reincarnation is misunderstood. It doesn’t mean someone keeps coming back to Earth School to learn lessons. We remain the individuals we are in the next life and the continuation of our lives after that, but the framework or life essence we have can become the framework for a new life. We are told consistently by sources in the next life that we as individuals retain our individuality when we graduate from Earth School. All our experiences are part of the Higher Self’s evolution, and we continue to grow in wisdom, love, and compassion after our graduation from Earth School. Other individuals of our Higher Selves attune to Earth School instead. We and the Higher Self learn from the experiences of these other people.
Based on my own understanding after reading several NDE accounts, not only do we reatain our personal identity when we die; if we experience the impact of reincarnation, this does not happen in a linear time sequence, but simultaneously, and we keep benefiting from these incarnation experiences coming from the past, present and future also as we live our lives in the here and now.
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Re: Free ADC Training from

Post by Giulia »

This caused me to think of time-space as an infinite memory cloud which we always have access to, however, is infinite and always grows in volume and clarity, sort of a type of AKASHIC RECORD except it adapts CONSTANTLY and INSTANTLY to include as much of the infinite spiritual wisdom and wellness which we have always had available in intangible awareness ??
Yes, Tony ✨ I admire the simplicity with which Craig Hogan explains things. In the first Afterlife session I took on 10 August, which I had listened to in part in the Remote Viewing video, the instructions simply said that, since there was no time or space involved, whatever we were going to experience would be happening right in front of us: no need to imagine travelling or whatever.

The only reason I find Universal Intelligence more appealing than Akashik Records, is because the phrase UNIVERSAL INTELLIGENCE retains HUMAN connotations: it is not as though we were the products of a robot-like system, but of a Power that exceeds and is Infinitely Greater than Man, who at the same time exists in this Power’s “image and likeliness” and is always part of it and connected to it.
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Re: Free ADC Training from

Post by Giulia »

These are all very fascinating and thought-provoking ideas, Tony 💚✨

We are forced to describe our unsights with words contained in our vocabularies. Who knows what we would be able to verbalize if we had a broader set of words?

All I can add is that the reason the phrase “Akashik Records” isn’t appealing to me is because it reminds me of something cold and technical, a recorder, rather than the warm principles of Unconditional Love which can apply to Humans. So whenever our Source is described as something based on mathematics, geometry, music, mandals… I instinctively stay away.

Here is what I feel I can add after looking into the Akashik records again:

I agree that we are limited by our vocabularies when trying to describe the unseen. It can be frustrating to not have the words to fully express our experiences.

I guess I understand why the phrase "Akashic Records" might not be appealing to me. It does sound a bit cold and technical. But I think it's important to remember that the Akashic Records are not just a collection of facts. They are also a record of our thoughts, feelings, and experiences. They are a repository of our soul's journey.

The mathematics, geometry, music, and mandalas that are often associated with the Akashic Records are not cold and technical. They are symbols of the underlying order and beauty of the universe. They are a reminder that we are all connected to something much larger than ourselves.

Maybe I should approach the Akashic Records with a sense of wonder and openness. They can be a powerful tool for self-discovery and healing. But they can also be overwhelming if we come to them with expectations.

Ultimately, the Akashic Records are a mystery. We may never fully understand them. But that doesn't mean we can't benefit from them. If you are open to the possibility, the Akashic Records can offer you guidance, healing, and transformation.
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