How many NDE's are related to hell

Possible Explanations & Meanings
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Re: How many NDE's are related to hell

Post by LostPerson »

Giulia wrote: Mon May 29, 2023 10:48 pm Hello, Lost 💚

You a said
Hello @Gullia nice to meet you, so you think that hell was just an idea that early humans had but god is still real? Maybe honestly I hope that's the case, but then why would there be a heaven, I mean we see both heaven and hell in NDE's so who knows
My feeling is that Heaven and Hell are two labels that humans place on two different states of consciousness, with Hell being associated with feelings of guilt, fear, sense of solitude and hopelessness as in the case of the SS officer who had murdered so many people out of cruelty and had not even told his family about it, and Heaven being a state of complete bliss and sense of belonging to our Loving Source and to are true Home, along with our deceased loved ones whom we find to greet us upon reaching the other side: this sense of bliss is usually accompanied by the knowing that we are eternal and powerful spiritual beings.

Most NDErs or people having mystical experiences involving this sense of bliss and belonging find it difficult to identify human words to describe this ineffable feeling. So calling it Heaven is the one simple word that comes to mind, especially since we have learnt it during our childhood.
What do you mean SS officer?
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Re: How many NDE's are related to hell

Post by Giulia »

Hello, Lost.

The SS was Hitler's Nazi Army. This appears to be a Near-Death Experience followed by delirium caused by dehydration and reported by a former Nazi Officer to Doctor John Lerma, after being comatose for 48 hours and shortly surviving before his final death. I am posting the whole story for you to read, in the words of Doctor Lerma. I just wish to point out that NDE accounts, as well as OBEs etc. are filtered by the brain of the experiencer. So any conclusions about the Holocaust and God's role should be taken with caution.
William came from Argentina for treatment for his lung cancer at the world-renowned MD Anderson Cancer Institute in Houston, Texas. After three months of intensive treatment, he was transferred to our hospice facility, as even the experimental protocols failed to stop the spread of his aggressive malignancy. Shortly after his admission, his level of cognitive function rapidly declined, leaving him almost comatose and intermittently delirious. During this time, he frequently flailed around on the bed and often spoke in German, screaming for help, and saying, "Heil Hitler" and other German army salutations. I wiped the sweat from his brow and touched his arms soothingly. I found it strange that he spoke German, but his wife confirmed that they were both born and raised in Berlin, Germany, and fled to Argentina shortly after the beginning of World War II.

When we treated the cause of his delirium, which was dehydration, his level of consciousness improved. He began to communicate and asked a multitude of questions, including, "Where am I? Am I dead? Was I talking about the War?" I told him that he was alive and in hospice because his cancer was no longer treatable. "What about World War II and Hitler? Did I speak of that time, and was my family present during these times?" I told him, "Yes. In fact you were speaking German and saying, `Heil Hitler.' No, your family was not in the room during that time." He instantly started crying and begged me not to tell anyone one what I heard him say, especially his family. I reassured William I would keep his secrets and would never judge anything he ever did or said. I reminded him I was solely there to relieve his physical, emotional, spiritual, and interpersonal pain, and that, if at any time he wanted to discuss his life's concerns, I was there to listen.

Over the next week, William and I developed a trusting relationship, and one morning William chose to disclose that he had been an officer in the SS, Hitler's army, during World War II, and he had directly witnessed and participated in the extermination of his race. He wept as he told me this, and he seemed truly remorseful. He described how he locked Christians and Jews, both young and old, in the showers and turned his back while other trained soldiers pumped cyanide gas through the showerheads. He recalled one night when a beautiful Jewish woman stopped before entering the showers and looked him straight in the eyes. There was no fear in her face, and the look of true compassion burned into his soul. This vision haunted him for the rest of his life.

William's command of this concentration camp was short-lived, as he developed a sudden and life-threatening pulmonary disease. He poisoned himself with a small amount of cyanide, hoping this would make him ill enough to keep him permanently out of the war and away from the atrocities. Never knowing his plan, Hitler's physicians attributed his grave illness to secondary exposure of cyanide gas. Instead of being court-martialed for attempted suicide, he was awarded one of the highest awards for bravery and service to his homeland. With his lungs permanently damaged, William never returned to his command.

When I asked him why he joined the SS, he said his work in biochemistry caught the attention of Hitler's elite army, and he was asked to help his country attain freedom from the tyrannical leaders of the world. He respectfully refused, and within hours several SS soldiers arrested his wife and children. The Nazis had records of all Jews in Germany and discovered that William, a full-blooded German, had married a Jewish woman, and so his children were part Jewish. They made it clear that all Jews were to be arrested for their acts of tyranny against Hitler's Third Reich and be sentenced to death. William explained, "I had to save my family. I could not let them die the way millions of others I heard were dying. How human beings could put me in a place where I had to choose between saving my family or saving someone else's family-this is how Hitler got people to follow his horrific orders. Everyone was choosing to save their families and close off their heart and morals. In just hours, we transformed from God-loving family men to cold-hearted killers. All I could think of was how much evil I had to commit to do good."

William was so lifeless as he recalled the most horrible event this world had ever witnessed. Given no alternative, he agreed to join the SS, contingent on allowing his family to leave Germany. The Nazi officials agreed, and freed his family in exchange for his aid in furthering research in biological warfare. As the war escalated, so did Hitler's call to improve efficiency in extermination. William, along with other colleagues, was reassigned to concentration camps, where multiple biological and genetic experiments were being conducted. Here he finally saw the scope of Hitler's evil plan and realized the mistake he had made in deciding to save his family.

Other than the use of cyanide gas for extermination of Jews and Christians, William would not discuss research that he had witnessed. I did not press him, but I could not help but wonder if it was something worse than genocide. "Dr. Lerma, I made a deal with the devil and I can't take it back. It's too late for me. There is no way I will ever see God! I know now what God meant when He said that those who save their lives will lose, and those who lose their lives will have everlasting life." He asked me to forgive him, and I told him there was nothing to forgive and that he had not hurt me. He said, "Oh, but I have. The angels told me that the whole world was devastated by those horrible events, and that everyone who was born after the Holocaust was affected."

"Okay, William. I forgive you," I replied.

He smiled and thanked me. He asked me not to let his children know that he had done these things. "Not even my wife knew the extent of my involvement. I have borne my shame and guilt in silence until now." I felt deep remorse, as he was finally able to unburden his soul to me.

He asked me how long he had been comatose, and I told him it had been about 48 hours. He looked shocked and said, "That's impossible. I know I was in hell for hundreds of years. I just know it." I assured him it had only been two days and asked what he had experienced.

"I was in a dark cave, shoulder to shoulder with many other Nazi and Roman soldiers who had been involved in mass killings. I could hear their thoughts and feel their anguish, and it mirrored my own guilt and shame. The emotional pain was deep and raw, and it was unending and seemed eternal. This was hell, Dr. Lerma."

"William, how did you finally get out?"

"You see, Dr. Lerma, there was always a bright light in the distance, and I felt drawn to it, but I was afraid, not knowing what kind of judgment awaited me. I knew it was the light of God and did not feel worthy to even be seeing it. After what seemed to be years of looking into the light, I finally had enough energy to cry out for help. At once, I noticed the formation of an opening in the distant part of the lifeless cavern. From the small opening, I saw light beings walking past the entrance, back and forth, but never uttering a single word or sound. I assumed they were the guards that kept all of them from leaving, and I cowered from them, ashamed of who I had been.

"As I intensely stared at the light beings, I was finally able to obtain eye contact with the female apparition, and astonishingly, there was something familiar about her clear, blue eyes. They were similar to the eyes of that beautiful Jewish woman I escorted into the cyanide showers. I screamed out to her, `I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."' William said that she stopped and turned her head to look into the cave. Feeling ashamed, he stepped back into the darkness and, as she stepped into the darkness, bright white light replaced it. William's soul was now exposed, but the angel's compassion and unconditional love clothed him. He explained, "She spoke in a voice that radiated love to me, `I forgave you even before you killed me.' She started to walk away again, but I called out, `Wait, don't go.' She stopped, turned to face me, and extended her arms toward me. `Come with me and I'll help free you from your guilt.' I hesitated, as I felt that I deserved all the guilt. Yet, there was something so compelling about her that I slowly moved towards her loving arms.

"As I stepped out of the cave, I was bathed in a light that filled me with intense love and joy. The energy was so intense that I started to faint. Falling slowly, I saw her fly towards me and catch me with her soft, feathered wings. Comfortable now, I began to converse about my life. Expressing my sorrow for everything I had done, I told her I attempted to make amends, but nothing would take the coldness from my heart. She said, “You have a choice. You can accept that you lived the life you chose to live, and forgive yourself and move on. Or, you can experience the pain you caused in order to be released."' William, looking sad, told her it should not be so easy to be forgiven. "I told her, `I caused great suffering, and I need to know that suffering in order to release it.' She shook her head sadly and said, `So be it."'

In a split second, William said he entered the minds and bodies of every single Jew and Christian he killed at the Nazi concentration camp. He felt their pain, fear, and death all at the same time. He described being in a concentration camp and being killed in a cyanide shower-and at the same time he was in his own body, turning his back on the showers and walking away. He was screaming for mercy and help even as he was ignoring the screams behind him. The people, which he had become, were crying out to him, and asking why and begging him not to do it. He remembered how he wanted to help them, but he was so afraid for his family that he just couldn't do it. The conflict within him was as painful as the deaths of those he killed. Feeling the pain of thousands of adults and children simultaneously was pure horror, William described.

At some point, the woman of light returned and asked William if he was ready to forgive himself, and he said that he was. At that point, all the people he had killed surrounded him, forgave him, and let him know how happy they were that he had been redeemed. She wrapped him in her arms of light and carried him into the greater light of God. He was bathed in unconditional love; it permeated his entire being, and a message sage filled his cells with the understanding that God had allowed lowed everything that had happened in order to teach humanity to stand up against evil. He was told that, because of free will, man was destined to experience darkness and goodness. God's plan for the independent soul was to learn to evolve away from hatred, fear, arrogance, and pride, and move towards pure love. The Holocaust was not created by God, but rather by the raw darkness within man and intensified by man. It is up to man, with the acknowledgment of God, to not fear or try to control these events, but to learn that, with only God within us, we can defeat that darkness. We cannot do it by ourselves. William said that is the biggest lesson: Learn to depend on God, and He will use your free will to make the right decisions and save humanity.

William revealed to man that we are doomed without God making our decisions. Ultimately, he had agreed to his role as a murderer to help teach this lesson to mankind. The lessons of love and compassion were huge, and hopefully humanity will never again allow this kind of atrocity. All of humanity suffered and grew from the pain of those choices-and all of heaven rejoiced when the lesson was learned and a covenant was made between God and mankind to never allow this again.

When a great drama is played out on the earth stage, the whole universe is watching, waiting, and feeling and integrating the lessons. Someone has to play the villains. But now that phase is over; learning through suffering is an old paradigm. It is time to embrace our joy and creativity, and to stop playing the old games and the old roles. It is time to forgive ourselves and let it go, just as William had to do. It is time to embrace our divinity and change our purpose from survival to co-creating a better world. The choice is ours. The time is now, William explained.

During this experience, William finally came to an understanding standing that the soul lasts forever and that the body is not that important. He really didn't understand that until he was dying. There was no right or wrong in the choices he made. Someone had to die: either his family or the Jewish people. Even if he had allowed his family to die and had given up his own life, the lesson would have continued. He could not have stopped it; it was bigger than he was. However, now that that lesson has been taught, the whole universe has the opportunity to choose love and compassion, and to give aid to those in distress. William realized that they were all one and what he did to others he did to himself. After telling me his amazing story over a two-day period, his children arrived from Argentina, and he died peacefully, fully, leaving me to contemplate man's inhumanity to man and to release my own judgments about other people's choices.

John Lerma, MD, Into the Light: Real Life Stories About Angelic Visits, Visions of the Afterlife, and Other Pre-Death Experiences
The story continues with William explaining to Dr Lerma why he had moved to Argentina refusing a job offered to him by the American government in the area of biogenetics, as he had learnt that many of the German scientists and engineers that received amnesty in America were forced to live in bunkers in the desert and continue military research. It was apparently not much different than the Nazi regime.

What transpires from this account is that loving forgiveness is always available; that Hell is a temporary state of consciousness and that William, after hiding in a cave with other evil souls for what seemed centuries to him, was offered a choice between accepting forgiveness or re-living the pain of all the people he had murdered: he chose the second option, before accepting forgiveness.
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