How Manifesting REALLY WORKS! (Achieve Anything You Want) | Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.

Beliefs, Experiences and Scientific Facts about Manifestation and the Law of Attraction
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Re: How Manifesting REALLY WORKS! (Achieve Anything You Want) | Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.

Post by Giulia »

Hi, Tony đź’š As you might know, MANIFESTING what we wish is one of my favourite topics. I have gone as far as changing the past by journeying into the future. In my quest I have found that creative imagination is the strongest tool we have to use our creative power and, even though we can only use it in the present moment, it can mold our entire existence: past, present and future.

I have found that creative imagination actually creates things and situations in the spirit world, so that their MANIFESTATION can take place on the physical plane or simply stay in the spirit world if we so desire.

I have found that, by controlling our thoughts and making sure they are laser focused on manifesting our desires, without being distracted by anything that makes us feel uneasy, we have the power to bring heaven on earth.

I would love it if we could create some kind of laboratory here on the forum, in the section “Things that we can do together” and partner together on one specific topic at a time and see for ourselves MANIFESTATION in action.

As with your post about seeing the future, I am very interested in doing something together.

If you have any thoughts about how to organize this laboratory please let me know.
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Re: How Manifesting REALLY WORKS! (Achieve Anything You Want) | Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.

Post by Giulia »

Good morning!

Thanks for your thoughts, Tony.

Yesterday I mentioned the idea of the Manifestation Laboratory to Zen Tzu and she came up with some ideas as well. I suggested something simple for my goal: manifesting some time and drawing skills to start watercolour urban sketching.

Tonight I had a lovely dream about the Laboratory. We were a group of people working together away from our physical homes, somewhere in the Spirit World, and we had both times when we worked on practical creative projects and times when we went on short trips.

My creative assignment was to make a chain of 3D pink hearts, by knitting and placing the hearts together. I was very happy with my accomplishment and with that of the other participants.

After that we went on an educational trip and one of the places we visited was the spirit version of my hometown. I stopped to look at myself in a shop window (which is something I often do during my astral travels), take a selfie to send to my family (so they could see for themselves that there was a sprit version of the place where they live) and walk into the bank my deceased father used to work at. I found him looking healthy and young and stopped to say hello.
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