A Powerful Experience

Other Spiritually Transformative Experiences
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A Powerful Experience

Post by Giulia »

I had this experience around dawn on 24 January 2017 and filled in the NDERF questionnaire first thing in the morning, when I was still in a modified state of consciousness. However, something went wrong from a technical point of view: I did not manage to submit the questionnaire, but only managed to print it out. Days being as busy as usual, time went by and I simply lost the account for months. I found it again around August that year, when I had my computer and work-related material relocated: I was so excited to read it and made a point I should write it out... Then something distracted me, it ended up in a new pile of documents and I lost it again for months. When I found it around the end of October 2018 I placed it in my personal organizer and swore to myself I would write it out.

Here it is.

24 January 2017.

“This happened three hours ago, at dawn, just before waking up. I do not know whether the feeling will wear off, but I doubt it will [HA HA HA, says Giulia today - I had completely forgotten about it], as this experience builds onto other experiences that are all responsible for me getting to understand my life mission. In my experience, I vividly KNEW I was one of three light beings (I don’t remember being a specific gender) who had come to this earth for some reason [the three beings were my family members and me]. We were three light beings working as a team. We had always known each other. From that state of power, I could have changed our life and world with the blink of an eye. I can’t remember experiencing such an ego-free state ever before. None of the things that daily worry me could have hindered my work. I felt and feel tremendous power and determination to carry out whatever goal I am here to carry out. This ego-free feeling is nothing that could harm my notion of personal identity: it was the power I had which was real and made me realise how I might be wasting my life if I do not use it. It is like the sequel of another major spiritually transformative experience I had back in 2006 [this had to do with finding out that we had inherited from our parents, grandparents and great-grandparents specific skills, and I, in particular, an invisible room which connects this physical house to the spirit world], which I was still wondering about till yesterday. I have already had many OBEs, ADCs and a number of spiritually transformative experiences, some of which could be described as NDE-like, but this one was different. I decided to write it down before my ego could interfere with the understanding I got. All the projects I am painstakingly working on, such as comforting the bereaved about the survival of personal identity, getting some books out about the topic without going bankrupt, fighting bullies, making my family and anyone I get in touch with happy, felt and feels all at hand! That is why I am here! I need to act on this feeling and change everything! I feel blessed to be physically alive and be able to share this.”

Upon answering the questionnaire, I added that

1) from that perspective, time and space did not matter;
2) I did not fear death or other people’s reactions or judgement as I did before;
3) I felt the best part wasn’t the experience itself but the way I would be implementing my new understanding [SIGH!];
4) I felt we are all psychic (just made to believe that we are not), we all have this power and we all have a purpose;
5) in particular I realised how dreams alerting me about the impending death of loved ones or future accidents I had had over the last few years were not to turn into superstition as death did not exist in the dimension I was in.”

I am glad I get a chance to report this at last and I am glad to be able to read it and remember it today, after the unforeseeable challenges I have been dealing with over the last couple of years.
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