Hi, I've been through an NDE... - Hola, he pasado por una ECM...

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Hi, I've been through an NDE... - Hola, he pasado por una ECM...

Post by Jdlaso »

First of all I want to clarify that I am using an online translator, sorry for any typing errors I may make.

About four years ago I lived an NDE, it's something I can't forget, I'd like to talk to someone who has experienced a similar situation... I've been reading experiences on this page for a long time and I can only thank the creators for such a beautiful space , I have read many experiences but I have only found two similar to mine, I suffer from sleep apnea, one afternoon when I was very tired I went to sleep but I died, it was not a dream and since it happened I cannot stop thinking about this... thanks again for this space, greetings to all and blessings.

Antes que nada quiero aclarar que estoy utilizando un traductor online, disculpen cualquier error de escritura que pueda cometer.

Hace ya unos cuatro años viví una ECM, es algo que no puedo olvidar, me gustaría hablar con alguien que haya vivido una situación parecida... llevo leyendo experiencias en esta página desde hace tiempo y solo puedo agradecer a los creadores por tan hermoso espacio, he leido muchas experiencias pero solo he encontrado dos similares a la mía, yo sufro apneas durante el sueño, una tarde que me encontraba muy cansado me acosté a dormir pero fallecí, no fue un sueño y desde que sucedió no puedo dejar de pensar en ello... nuevamente gracias por este espacio, saludos a todos y bendiciones.
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Re: Hi, I've been through an NDE... - Hola, he pasado por una ECM...

Post by Andrea »

Hola Jdlaso... would you tell us more about your experience? Please be reassured, near-death or out of body experiences from sleep apnea do happen; I'd like to hear more about yours, if you feel like talking about it. Thank you!

PS Let me copy here a few links to the NDERF website, I don't know whether these stories show any similarity to what you have experienced...
https://www.nderf.org/Experiences/1kayc ... e_nde.html
https://www.nderf.org/Experiences/1deed ... e_nde.html
https://www.nderf.org/Experiences/1fifi ... e_nde.html
https://www.nderf.org/Experiences/1lele ... e_nde.html
There are more in the NDERF website, and others can be find in IANDS's webpages.
Last edited by Andrea on Thu Apr 13, 2023 8:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hi, I've been through an NDE... - Hola, he pasado por una ECM...

Post by Giulia »

Bienvenido, Jdlaso (Welcome). It is a privilege to have you here.

Your online translator seems to work very well.

We would love to read the full account of your NDE, which you can post in the NDE section, "Share Your Story". The account will be locked and any people wishing to ask you questions or wishing to comment can do so, in the appropriate section.

I have found 17 accounts using the word "apnea" for my search, and most of them relate to sleep apnea.

Please follow this link Link to NDE Accounts from NDERF and click on STORIES, which is also at the top of the screen among the Quick Links.

Then use the SEARCH tool and type "apnea" or "sleep apnea". This should lead you to the accounts you are interested in.

Sleep apnea.JPG
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Re: Hi, I've been through an NDE... - Hola, he pasado por una ECM...

Post by Jdlaso »

Thank you very much for your answers, I will read the stories as indicated, I have shared my experience with the page but they have published it on another page, then I will copy the link or directly share the experience here, greetings and blessings to all.
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Re: Hi, I've been through an NDE... - Hola, he pasado por una ECM...

Post by Jdlaso »

I will tell you the main details of my experience, during the month of December a few years ago, I had a few days of vacation and we went with my children to spend a few days at a relative's house, the return trip was quite tiring, about 600 kilometers traveled and we arrived at our house around ten at night, the next day my wife went to work and I got up later than normal, I was very tired.

I fixed some things I prepared lunch and when my wife came We all had lunch together, after we finished we started to clean up the table. My wife went back to work and I told her I was going to lie down for a nap and that's how it was. I lay down and fell asleep right away, I don't know how much time passed but suddenly I was in another place.

It was something like opening your eyes and being somewhere else. I woke up in the deepest darkness that you can imagine, in front of me there was a black wall of cement blocks, around there was nothing, only emptiness, I was aware that behind me and to the sides there was only infinite emptiness. I can't explain it well, since all the thoughts were at once, but I'll try.

The first thing I knew is that it was "Me". "It's me", that was my first thought, I knew it was me, but it was a very big "I", much more than what I feel in this life when I say "I", from that thought many thoughts followed one another. the time I will try to enumerate.

"I'm already dead" I thought, "I'm here again" I had no body, but I looked at the wall and I knew that when I wanted to advance I would advance and I also knew that I could go through it. I felt peace and tranquility, I kept thinking "It's all over, it's all over, I'm here again" I was overflowing with happiness.

I felt an unusual joy in me. I wanted to go through that wall, I felt that if I went through that wall I would see my body, I wanted to see my body, it was like a way of making sure that everything was over, so I started thinking about moving forward and I moved forward, I cannot describe in words the experience of breaking through that wall, but it felt wonderful to have been able to do it.

From this moment the experience changed. I found myself inside a room with another black wall in front, the same as the previous one, I looked to the sides but my body was not there, I felt cheated, suddenly I realized that I was continuing to move forward and it was not by my will, a force I was absorbing and I knew that in a few moments I would begin to advance at great speed and I would cross that second wall.

That caused me a lot of fear, that second wall was like a border, like a warning, suddenly I felt that behind that wall there would be presences waiting for me, I think I had I felt three presences, I had the feeling that it was not something good and I got scared, so I began to fight to resist that force that was dragging me to cross that second wall, I began to resist with all my might, here the relationship does not seem to correspond space-time, because the wall was very close, and I continued advancing despite resisting and did not quite reach the wall, suddenly I felt a long creak like that of a door and I opened my eyes and woke up in the bed of my bedroom.

I felt a very intense cold, as if I were frozen and I began to breathe as if I were drowning. I began to think about what had happened to me and I couldn't believe it.

I have to tell you that at the time of living the experience I was already a happily married person with three children who are the most important thing in my life and at no time did I remember anyone during the experience, this is something that made me feel guilty.

For a long time, I never thought about them. A couple of years after this experience my life changed for the worse, I have had severe depressions and I have to admit that I have thought about suicide several times, I have never discussed it with anyone, but different economic and family problems have led me to drinking and starting to smoke again.

Nobody knows, I don't know if anyone notices, I continue with my family and my life as always, but in solitude I find myself lost, I feel that I should die, that I will never be able to go out again forward by myself, and I remember that experience with joy but also with some panic because of what I felt in front of that second wall.

I hope I have not affected you negatively with this experience and with my comments about wishing to die.

Thank you for this space and blessings to all
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Re: Hi, I've been through an NDE... - Hola, he pasado por una ECM...

Post by Giulia »

Hello, Jdlaso.

Thank you so much for sharing your experience. I have saved a copy in the NDE - SHARE YOUR STORY section.

Would you mind looking at this short questionnaire and working out what your overall rating is? This might help you understand how profound the experience was.
It is the Greyson NDE Scale, which is helpful in quantifying the phenomenon, with or without life-threatening conditions. This is a link to IANDS - International Association for Near-Death Studies, Inc, which explains that "Professor & Psychiatrist Bruce Greyson developed this scale to measure the depth of an individual’s near-death experience. The following is a copy of the scale as presented in an article entitled "Altered States" by Lee Graves in the Summer 2007 edition of the University of Virginia Magazine": GREYSON NDE SCALE.

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I also meant to ask you: do you have any idea why you thought, more than once "I'm here again"?

You said:
I felt a very intense cold, as if I were frozen and I began to breathe as if I were drowning. I began to think about what had happened to me and I couldn't believe it.
This might have to do with an intense episode of sleep apnea that generated the NDE.

You also wrote:
I have to tell you that at the time of living the experience I was already a happily married person with three children who are the most important thing in my life and at no time did I remember anyone during the experience, this is something that made me feel guilty.
Please don't feel guilty. I have personally interviewed people who have had the same experience during an NDE, and they told me that they didn't mind about their family in the physical world because there, in that place and at that time, they knew that in no time they would be reunited with them on the other side. Maybe, your experience was shorter and you did not get a chance to contemplate this aspect.

I understand that depression is often one of the consequences of NDEs. We are here to assist you in the best way we know how.

Personally, I would like to share a book with you. Betty Eady had an intense NDE at the age of 31, and wrote a book about her experience called "Embraced by the Light". However, Betty also wrote a second book, in which, as a mother of six and having had this NDE, she had to face the depression following the experience and find a way out of it. Here is the book: The Awakening Heart: My Continuing Journey to Love . I am going to look into this more accurately to see if there is a version in Spanish.
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Re: Hi, I've been through an NDE... - Hola, he pasado por una ECM...

Post by Zen Tzu »

Welcome Jdlaso! So nice to have you here with us! :)
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Re: Hi, I've been through an NDE... - Hola, he pasado por una ECM...

Post by Zen Tzu »

Jdlaso, a couple of quick thoughts. What you experienced may not have been an actual NDE but possibly Astral Projection. When I first experienced this decades ago I too thought it was some type of NDE or OBE. I started researching and came across AP (which I had never even heard of) and realized that this was precisely what I had experienced. As far as you saying "I'm here again", my thought is that this may have happened to you before and perhaps you simply do not recall, or that your Soul recognized that it was "home". I hope this makes some sort of sense. Please know that we are here for you anytime :)
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Re: Hi, I've been through an NDE... - Hola, he pasado por una ECM...

Post by Giulia »

Hello, Jdlaso.

You wrote
Nobody knows, I don't know if anyone notices, I continue with my family and my life as always, but in solitude I find myself lost, I feel that I should die, that I will never be able to go out again forward by myself, and I remember that experience with joy but also with some panic because of what I felt in front of that second wall.
When you describe the darkness and the emptiness, you remind me of what many experiencers describe as the VOID. Some view it as a calming and even exciting experience, as you did, others are a bit afraid of it.

Other typical signs of an NDE are things happening all at once and you feeling this is your BIG I, not your earthly I.

What you felt after that, the idea of being cheated and not being able to cross the next wall, the BORDER, is also typical of NDEs, and if you take the Greyson Scale questionnaire, you will find a question that addresses that specific BORDER. It is a critical point, because a part of you wanted to go forward, and you sensed the presence of beings waiting for you, but a Higher Power (or even part of your Big I) is sending you back, because you have things to do, and it is not the right time do die.

Maybe this was required because of your physical condition (sleep apnea) which would not have allowed you to survive if you continued.

Unfortunately, I have not found a Spanish version of Betty Eadie's second book. However, for anyone who might experience fear of death, and for your panic because of what you felt in front of that second wall, here is a link to one of my favourite books, written by the great Italian researcher Ernesto Bozzano and available in Spanish:

https://www.amazon.es/CRISIS-MUERTE-DES ... 9874668121
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Re: Hi, I've been through an NDE... - Hola, he pasado por una ECM...

Post by Jdlaso »

Hello again, thanks for your messages, I have started to fill out the questionnaire, there are several pages, I have not finished yet, but the page is very interesting, thanks for the link, regarding the experience, when I thought "everything is over , I'm here again!!" I felt that I had returned to a natural state and that I was going to a place that I already knew, I think that I had experienced some other reincarnation, the feeling was of liberation and happiness, I remember thinking several times with euphoria, "everything is over, already It's all over, I'm here again!" but the sudden change and the feeling of negativity before that second wall is what makes me always return to the experience and try to understand it, greetings and thanks again.
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