USE this SECRET Manifesting Prayer for the Universe - Dolores Cannon

Beliefs, Experiences and Scientific Facts about Manifestation and the Law of Attraction
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Re: USE this SECRET Manifesting Prayer for the Universe - Dolores Cannon

Post by Giulia »

Thanks for posting this transcript, Tony.

As you know, the Law of Attraction is a topic I am researching and learning about myself.

If I were to name one single reason we attract what we want or we attract what we do NOT want, this has to do with the EMOTIONS we experience about our goals. Emotions have a huge manifestation power: if we have very strong emotions about expecting a desired outcome, then the Law of Attraction will see that this outcome manifests in our experience. If, on the other hand, we have very strong emotions about the outcome we DO NOT WANT, then we will attract the undesired outcome we fear.

The Universe always responds to the strongerst emotions we feel.

This is why AFFIRMATIONS on their own will not work, if they are coming from our conscious mind, as opposed to the subconscious beliefs we tend to visualize even without making a conscious effort.

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